The Hillary Speech

I didn’t watch Hillary’s speech as I didn’t really see why it would interest me, but all the other bloggers are talking about it and I feel like I’d be doing a disservice to you if I didn’t comment on it and try to come up with a unique opinion that doesn’t just parrot what all the other pundits are saying.
Here I go…
I think it’s quite obvious that Hillary’s speech last night was a suicide note. Having lost her dream to the upstart Obama, she made it quite clear she intends to end her life. I think that’s why we saw genuine emotion from Bill Clinton who was in the audience. He may have treated her poorly, but he still cares for her and its heartbreaking for him to know her end is coming.
While all the other asshole bloggers are busy analyzing whether Hillary showed enough support or not for Obama’s candidacy, I guess I’ll be the only one courageous enough to say: Don’t do it Hillary. It’s not worth it. You have things to live for. People love you. Not me… and probably not anyone at this blog… but other people. And Jesus. You’re still a Senator from New York, and that’s pretty big. Keep on living. You’re worth it.

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  1. It was announced this morning that Bill Clinton would not attend the Obama speech on Thursday evening. It was also learned that strangely the Secret Service detail that has been guarding Barack Obama has been replaced in recent days with a contingent of Arkansas State Troopers. No reason for this change has been given by the campaign…

  2. Well, I thought she had lost weight. It’s obvious that all our jokes have paid off for her. Her thighs are smaller, her rear end is less obtrusive, her face was soft… And the makeup was perfect (thick, but perfect). I didn’t see one wrinkle on it. I mean, does this woman age well, or what? She’s older than McCain, right? Wow. And that outfit! Holy socks that was perfect for the occasion. I really think Obama blew it – he should’ve picked her for VP. I mean, they make a great couple.

  3. I am from New York and still live here, she can borrow a gun anytime, if she has a permit. I also have several lengths of good stout rope, also available for her to borrow, although I would not expect to get it back. Not that I wish anything to happen to her, here is a link to the Hemlock Society –
    Lets not have Lazio run again – please.

  4. “Don’t do it Hillary. It’s not worth it. You have things to live for. People love you. Not me… and probably not anyone at this blog… but other people. And Jesus. You’re still a Senator from New York, and that’s pretty big. Keep on living. You’re worth it.”
    it is not nice to lie.

  5. But I live on an island, ussjc, and interventions are not possible here and the women are liberals driving Prius’s to the store to buy all things organic. Plus, don’t you think she looked good? I mean G O O D. I don’t remember much of what she said (in fact, nothing of what she said), but she was lovely, and that’s what counts now. I’m thinking about her future, ussjc, especially in light of Frank’s theory about her, which I think is correct. I’m kind of worried about it. I mean, we’ve come down pretty hard on her, we Ronin. Granted, she deserved much of it, but she is, after all, a beautiful Clinton. And she has a beautiful daughter (sort of) and her husband still is admired by many women and he was, after all, President. It’s all about the future, ussjc. I feel for her. I really do.

  6. OK, the craziest thing on the planet is I went from despising Hillary at the beggining of the primary season to almost finding her tolerable. (I did say almost). I’m not talking policy….that’s obvious.
    She did a good job softening her image. Visually, Botox and make up has done her well. I watched her interview on OReily a few months back and she came off likable..Hillary! couldn’t believe it. She’s not half a shrill as she once was.
    Don’t get me wrong…I don’t trust the woman, would never vote for her, but I think she did a great job changing her image.
    And Bill has done quite the job calling out Obama on so many issues…..lets hope that continues well into the next 70 days!
    Me, with nice comments about the Clintons…what is the world coming too????

  7. Orange is the color of prison jumpsuits…
    Its her call for help as she is imprisoned in the world of Obamamania.
    She is expressing solidarity with those in Guantanamo.
    It is her own Orange revolution against the tyrany of Obama.
    Very symbolic …. and appropriate.
    I always wanted to see her in an orange jumpsuit.

  8. Well, she’s an unattractive, aging, woman with a large butt and thick ankles, who wears pantsuits everyday. Her husband is an unregistered sex offender, who nails everything that can’t struggle from his horny grasp. On a daily basis she deals with folks like Chuck Schumer and Charles Rangel. Her best friends are folks like Lanny Davis and James Carville.
    Frank, I gotta tell ya, I’m seeing plenty of pretty valid reasons for thinking that it’s just not worth it to go on.

  9. I especially enjoyed the Extra Danger Alert Level III Orange Pant Suit which I think was a signal to The Messiah that “I’m not going anywhere and I’m sure as hell not doing anything to get you elected!”

  10. Some twilight zone shit here thats fer shur!
    I vote she call a press conference with her Hubby…. start into a very plesent soft spoken piece about “the world today”… digress into a raving screaming rant about the “unfairness” of it all.. produce a sawed off double barrel 12 gauge… turn .. blow Bills head clear off his shoulders… look into the camera.. and say this is for you FRANK! Place barrel into mouth and fire the remaining shell. Investigators will later find that she named the barrels of her gun “Jimmy” & “Harvey”.

  11. You crazy kids have had one too many grape Nehi’s. Hillary suicidal? Hillary beautiful?
    Those considerations are inconsequential to The Transcendent/Terminator. With the technology we have today, she can not die. She will not stop until she is president and we are DEAD!

  12. I think that her speech will be one that the historians pick apart for the next hundred years for secret clues to why she did what she did on the night of August 28, 2008 in Denver…the night she swooped down between the Greek columns and grabbed the Obamessiah in her talons and carried him up to the top of the scoreboard, where she ripped the top of his head off and ate his brains before flying away.
    BTW, the historians will note that the instant that Hillary ate his brains, all the Obamatons in the audience collapsed in lifeless heaps, as if his powers of Hope!Change! were all that kept them alive.
    A hundred years from now, the name of Hillary will be legendary as the harpy that saved America!
    Of course, Canada will curse her name because after eating the Obamessiah’s brains, she flew to Toronto and declared that she’s always been a Blue Jay’s fan…

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