The Obama Speech

I guess the Greek temple for Obama’s speech is okay, but they may have gone overboard when they put all those prayer mats on the field so everyone can bow down and worship. Interestingly, I hear Obama has a special new $2 million suit for this occasion, but it’s invisible to stupid people.

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  1. I wasn’t worthy to witness the sermon from the Barakropolis in person. I can’t wait until next week when the one stands on the gulf coast and calms hurricane Gustav with a wave of his hand.

  2. I wrote part of a song!
    Amazing Barack, how sweet the sight
    That saved Republicans like me!
    I once was free, but now don’t care,
    Liked Reagan, but now I see.

    ‘Twas Barack that taught my wallet to love,
    The cheese he gave to me;
    How speedy welfare appeared,
    The hour I voted Democrat!

  3. Will they flood the field so he can walk in on water? I would prefer that he fly in on a chariot made of fire pulled by the Angels Michael and Gabriel but they probably have prior commitments. Either way, I hear the plan is to heal a couple lepers using universal health care as an opening act.

  4. It’s not enough to be black AND white; now he wants to be from Greece, too. Maybe to pull in dead Grecians’ votes come November. Maybe to inspire his oratory in case the teleprompter malfunctions.
    At least they finally got the symbolism correct: A mini-me temple for a mini-me man.

  5. Obama knows how many temples he has ! ( unlike MACAIN and his house )
    John McCain may not know how many houses he has but Obama knows how many temples he has. Nerobama will deliver his speech from a mock WhiteHouse stage. We suspect he will be wearing toga and sandals. Will they have a guy shuffling stone tablets for Obama to read as he gives his speech? uhh… uhhh, uhh, I don’t think uh that uh Obama will do well unless uhhh, he uhh has a uhh teleprompter installed. He has the German vote sewed up so now he’s going for the Greek vote so we know we will all get it in the end.
    We got an advance invitation that looks suspiciously like a Roman handbill.
    Nerobama fatur procul Templum of Stolidus.
    A spectaculum 2 annus in fiendo.
    Maior quam Beijin.
    Maior quam Berlin.
    Gladiators Clinto pugna Gladiators Obama
    Caritas veho pro liberi!
    In case your latin is rusty the handbill was translated below:
    Nerobama speaks at the Temple of Dumb
    A spectacle 2 years in the making.
    Bigger than Beijin. Bolder than Berlin
    Gladiators Clinton fight Gladiators Obama
    !Free chariot ride for the children

  6. All the media seems to be referring to the NObama stage for tonight as the Greek/Roman Temple reminds me more of the German Reichstag where another Socialist took power of a country in the 30’s

  7. Yeah, Hitler was big on the Greek/Roman architecture, wasn’t he? Clearly, Obama has both the intellectual and practical roots to advance an American form of socialism.
    Did anyone else detect last night that Bill Clinton was, in reality, merely projecting onto Obama what he SHOULD do – and be like – as President? Clinton’s statements about Obama were COMPLETELY divorced from Obama’s own record and pronouncements. Like a deal was struck: Hey, Chicago punk, you’ve gotten this far, but now we’re gonna steer you. (?)
    It sounded like a Clinton transplant. What fools the Democrats are.

  8. Maybe the reason he has been exercising three times a day is that he’s going to fight, using a sword and a trident, as a gladiator against 3 gladiators and a tax cut.
    Then he’ll claim to only be a “Half-God” or something. You know – like being “half-black” or “half-sane”.

  9. Well now that the Obamessiah has arrived I guess I can let him carry my burdens and live off the fat of the land. Where once I worked and parented now I can relax in peace and security knowing that the almighty one will pay my bills, feed my children, and get rid of the unsightly ring around the tub.
    Who could have guessed that one lone god-wannabe would make such an impact on the world. Let’s all join hands and sing Kum-by-yah. Feel the love.

  10. The Reichstag II with a curve to it showing a global effort at bringing lackies worldwide to the roundtable. There will be no axis of evil, more a curvature of evil. What saddens me the most is the Broncos losing their venue for the next 1000 years.

  11. The general theme of the Dems Now Commies convention is: focus on the future, forget about the past.
    Which is convenient because if MORE people saw “Triumph Of The Will” this whole ApollObamadoris scene would take on a much more frightening slant.

  12. I’ve been debating today on another blog that isn’t generally political and over there are a lot of Obama worshipers. I can’t believe how ignorant they are. It’s been an exhausting afternoon!
    It’s so nice to come home to intelligence. And wit.

  13. Now that ‘The Doom That Came to Denver’ is here I must confess I feel a bit let down. Cthooligan, tool of Nyarlathgeorgesorrostep is making a speech. oh well!
    Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale,
    And drink to the present before it shall fail;
    Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef,
    For ’tis eating and drinking that bring us relief:
    So fill up your glass,
    For life will soon pass;
    When you’re dead ye’ll ne’er drink to your king or your lass!
    Anacreon had a red nose, so they say;
    But what’s a red nose if ye’re happy and gay?
    Gad split me! I’d rather be red whilst I’m here,
    Than white as a lily – and dead half a year!
    So Betty, my miss,
    Come give me a kiss;
    In hell there’s no innkeeper’s daughter like this!
    Young Harry, propp’d up just as straight as he’s able,
    Will soon lose his wig and slip under the table,
    But fill up your goblets and pass ’em around –
    Better under the table than under the ground!
    So revel and chaff
    As ye thirstily quaff;
    Under six feet of dirt ’tis less easy to laugh!
    The fiend strike me blue! I’m scarce able to walk,
    And damn me if I can stand upright or talk!
    Here, landlord, bid Betty to summon a chair;
    I’ll try home for a while, for my wife is not there!
    So lend me a hand;
    I’m not able to stand,
    But I’m gay whilst I linger on top of the land!
    from: The Tomb

  14. I heard some democrats decided it would be fun to go with the night’s theme and take some hotel sheets……
    OH GOD!!
    Did somebody remember to remind Sen. Byrd to wear it as a TOGA??

  15. For those of you that missed “the” speech, let me sum it up:
    – Springsteen and Bon Jovi didn’t show.
    – They played a film about a little white boy.
    – Then a skinny black guy with big ears walked out on stage smiling briefly, then became angry and never smiled again.
    – He talked about how you have to take responsibility and stand up for yourself, and then said the government can’t ask people to take responsibility and stand up for themselves.
    – He talked about how bad the economy was (while a ticker ran at the bottom of the screen with excellent economic news).
    – Even though everyone all week said we have to go back to some sort of time when things were supposedly better, he said we can’t go back we have to go forward.
    – He said he’s seen the look on people’s faces who have lost limbs in combat and re-enlisted (surprising to me as I didn’t know the military took people who were missing limbs).
    – He said that when a candidate has no experience to run on he’ll run a campaign to try to tear down the other candidate – I thought this was very cathartic for him until I realized he was actually trying to claim that McCain was the one without the experience.
    – Then he accused McCain of having too much experience (as his running mate that’s spent 35 years in the senate smiled).
    – Then he said he’d pay for a bunch of liberal welfare and hand-outs by cutting government programs (no, really…no, really…I’m serious…Barack said he would cut government programs).
    – He said he’ll make AK-47s illegal (despite the fact that they already are).
    – Michelle Obama appeared on stage wearing a house frock.
    – Fireworks.
    – Country music, just like they play in the Obama household.

  16. “Call me a paranoid-delusional nut-job if you must dismiss me with ad-hominem labels, but the ’60s hippies were a communist revolution that we narrowly escaped, and now those baby-boomer a-holes are all grown up and have disposable $$$ to throw into the revolution.”
    If you are looking for someone to call you those things I recommend visiting Daily Kos. At this site you have to wait for highly unreliable drive-by trolls to attack you for having reasonable concerns.

  17. Just a few thoughts while the coffee cooks:
    I listened to the speech rather than watch it and I found it negative, angry, disjointed and mostly a re-run of 40 year-old Democrat ideas. I couldn’t identify its theme to remind me of it this morning. Several other things struck me:
    1. Bill Clinton’s speech was a set of “admonishments” for Barack Obama. It spelled what Obama should do and be like as President. One can’t conclude from listening to Obama that he intends to fulfill those prescriptions, nor is he capable of fulfilling them.
    2. Obama has the appearance of someone who is actually afraid to lead and is probably scared shitless of actually winning.
    3. The crowd was not all that impressed with his speech. It was definitely not the “spiritual” event they were expecting from their messiah.
    4. I think he’s better suited to a pulpit every Sunday morning. 20 years listening to Wright seems to have programmed his brain.

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