The Trouble With Socialized Medicine – Nutshell Version

It’s an imprudent choice to provide the government with a financial incentive to prefer to see you dead rather than ill.

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  1. Just this one time, I’m going to disagree with you, Harvey. A private enterprise in the same situation (certainly one that was for-profit) would have that incentive, but it’s different for the government. Any government program that can show that it is “benefitting” more people will get more money.
    I don’t disagree at all that socialized medicine would be a terrible thing. I once needed medical care when I lived in London, and I don’t think that I want to set foot ever again in a country with socialized medicine.

  2. Insurance is just the first step to socialized medicine. It is shared responsibility and the only ones who come out good are the really sick (who’s medical bills are higher than their premiums) and the insurance companies(who always make money in the long run). Most people would pay much less if they just paid the doctor directly.
    I think most people want it for the “peace of mind of being covered in case something really bad happens” and I understand that. But there has to be a better way.
    Sorry for the rant but my insurance from my company is really expensive and sucks.
    Anybody know of any cheaper alternatives?

  3. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship.” – Alexander Tyler

    But look at the bright side, Harvey. Ultimately, it will pave the way to “decrease the surplus population.”

  4. Harvey, you don’t know how right you are. Here in Oregon there’s the Oregon Health Plan for low-income people. Here in Oregon there is also legal Doctor-Assisted Suicide. When Ashcroft was AG he tried to shut down the assisted suicide thing but it never really got any traction.
    So, what is the result? There’s a lady here in Oregon with terminal cancer. It isn’t curable. She’s looking at a couple months to live. There is a treatment that, while not a cure, will add about a year to her life. OHP said “NO, that intervention is not covered.” Then they went on to say (NOT KIDDING HERE!) “When the misery becomes unbearable, OHP will pay for doctor-assisted suicide.”
    No don’t get me started on the illegal alien being held in Oregon State Penitentiary that receives something like $300k/year worth of kidney dialysis. They won’t deport him back to Mex ‘cuz they say “That would basically be a death sentence.”

  5. “A private enterprise in the same situation (certainly one that was for-profit) would have that incentive”
    #1 – Posted by: Silicon Valley Jim on August 27, 2008 11:58 AM
    No, a private enterprise has more incentive to not let you die. They can’t make money off of dead people, and they don’t have an incentive not to heal you, because you would just go to another hospital.

  6. Innominatus~ I wish I could think you were kidding but I live in WA so I’m aware of how the commies in the northwest are.
    That’s disgusting. Perhaps we should give some of these lawmakers incurable diarrhea and then tell them to ask their doctors to shoot them when they just can’t stand it anymore?

  7. That’s the Soviet State of Washington to you RightWingTink, where poltical diarrhea matches the common cold in frequency. AND!! We gotz the big money, anti-smokin’ govner. She’s a member of the ObamaNation. Ain’t it great?

  8. You racist crackers won’t have to wait for Socialized Medicine to kill you…just for however long it takes Me to organize my civil defense force.
    Or until the ship with My warp drive is ready so I can have you honkeys shot into a black hole.

  9. Anything you give over to government will result in a loss of your freedom…PERIOD! Do you really want the same idiots that ran Katrina or the VA Hospitals for our wounded soldiers taking care of your health care? C’mon! Nancy Pelosi will legislate your options? Harry Reid will rubber stamp Pelosi’s decisions!
    We conservatives stand for taking away as much money as possible from the poor to re-distribute it among the rich to make certain that all rich people in the country have great Health Care! The rest of the rubes can fend for themselves! Just writing the DNC talking points for them…

  10. If anyone wants a good look at socialized medicine just go visits the vets at the VA hospitals. It’s good for their moral and will cure just about anyone of a desire for the government to run anything much less a hospital.

  11. Its just an excuse to form a constitutional convention like Hillary tryed. They just needed more time to let the propaganda work. If health care aint enough to get the people willing to let them have at the Bill of Rights with a wicken rite, nationalizing US Oil might.

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