The Vote Reaper

Zo takes on Barack Obama in a battle of wits and fists (and lightsabers!):

I’m guessing a video depicting someone beating up Barack Obama would be considered racist if Zo weren’t also black.


  1. I’m guessing a video depicting someone beating up Barack Obama would be considered racist if Zo weren’t also black.
    Ha! It is racist! It’s a vicious black-on-half-white hate crime! And you’re a racist cracker for publicizing it!
    You honkeys really should just give it up and worship Me. You will never be free of racism until you accept Me as your personal saviour.
    And donate lots of money to Me. It’s not like I’m going to let you keep it, anyway.

  2. I’m John McCain and I’d like to distance myself… ah…. My friends from across the aisle… ummm… We’ve worked hard to… era… ah… Compromise is always necessary to achieve… I mean… aa… umm…
    I’m taking my gloves off and am gonna kick Obama’s ass!

  3. BHO said “I’m all ears” ………… can’t even type I’m laughing so hard.
    McCain was mentioned above … I suspect given the situation he’d reach into his holster and shoot the fool like in the Indiana Jones movie … oh my God I’m an even more desparate Republican than I thought I’m confusing McLaim with Fred Thompson…
    Please forgive me Fred … don’t smite me … please … Mr. Thompson … I didn’t mean to … I was just laughing so hard at BHO … Thank you … Oh thank you for sparing me Fred, sorry Mr Thompson … yes of course I’ll vote for you in 2012 as will everyone I know … IF THEY KNOW WHAT’s GOOD FOR THEM!!!!!

  4. Lincoln proposed an income tax to pay for the civil war.
    The Supreme Court shot it down. (Bless them).
    Wilson or some other progressive war monger weazled an ammendment to the constitution to pay for the Spanish-American war or World War 1 and the govm’nt been growin’ like a tick on a lazy dogs ear ever since.
    You know what’s funny?
    At first it only taxed about 3% of your income, and only if you were in the top 5% of the population.
    The proponents of the tax Swore it would Never affect the ‘common’ folk.
    That’s why I’d hesitate to replace the income tax with a national sales tax.
    There’s no telling how high the greedy bastards would raise it!

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