This Surplus Should Drive Down the Price of Irony

On Obama’s Fight the Smears site, they complain about a currently-circulating e-mail on Obama’s tax policy, and they quote as follows:

“This widely distributed message is so full of misinformation that we find it impossible to believe that it is the result of simple ignorance or carelessness on the part of the writer. Almost nothing it says about Obama’s tax proposals is true. We conclude that this deception is deliberate.”

Coincidentally, I have EXACTLY the same reaction whenever Obama speaks.


  1. His tax policy is bad enough, but his energy policy is simply ridiculous. He must own stock in Firestone or Goodyear or something. I still say that one of the richest sources of petroleum is waiting to be unlocked from the dreadlocks and body hair of hippies. Just one truckload of San Francisco crude (hippies- as crude as they get!) could be pressed under a gigantic Birkenstock for thousands of barrels of usable oil. Of course it would increase the THC content of vehicle exhaust.

  2. I dunno…2 Weeks ago Obama said we should inflate our tires and gas prices would drop. I inflated my tires and gas prices totally dropped!
    I waiting for him to announce his health plan: If you get sick, just clap your hands three times and think of magical Health Care Fairies and you’ll be cured!

  3. Obama’s health plan is quite simple:
    1) Take what you’re paying now in insurance premiums, double it and add to your tax bill.
    2) If you get sick take two aspirins and call me at re-election time. If you’re still alive then I’ll “hope” your situation will “change” after I’m re-elected.

  4. Here’s some interesting questions. They had to create a site to “fight the smears”? He’s not eloquent or strong or smart enough to illiterate his positions so that we “average Americans” can understand him? Is he so sensitive, so thin skinned, so confused someone has to fight his battles for him?
    I sure do want this man as the commander in chief of the military. The first time someone disagrees with him he’ll have to change his Depends.

  5. seanmahair – He’s not eloquent or strong or smart enough to illiterate his positions so that we “average Americans” can understand him?
    You make a very good point, he isn’t! his speech writers and “wire pullers” are, which is why he falls apart without a telepromptor. He’s a marionet and we don’t know who’s pulling his strings. Initially I thought it was the Clintons on the other end of those wires. Simply for the purpose of giving Hillary (Billary) something to ‘overcome’ in the primaries.
    Either they lost control of the Obamesia, or never had it in the first place, which scares me even more. I thought I knew the enemy, if the Clintons never had his leash … we’re facing a politically “unattackable” marxist/socialist on the verge of taking over the Federal Government, add to that a Supreme Court that on balance will treat the entire “Bill of Rights” as outdated and idealistic.
    Left to his own perspective/outlook/viewpoint whatever you want to call it, he’s a socialist plain and simple. Without someone to spin his comments he doesn’t have a chance of being accepted, let alone elected by the American people. Our problem now is he has “big media” on his side to spin/twist/ignore any thing he says.

  6. Will some one clear this up for me because I do like to be well informed. I understood that BO was going to increase the taxes on dividends. Now on his site the only thing I see is the reversal of Bush tax cuts (which might as well be an increase)
    Anyway, I KNOW I had read these things in the past. Is he just adjusting the website to counter act the “email lies”?
    I would like to be able to state with confidence what HE has said he would do. Anyone have a good link to repute the repute???

  7. Speaking of Marionettes, the opening ceremonies of the Bejing Olympics reminded me of the exciting climax of the movie, “Team America – World Police (the greatest patriotic movie ever! – Not for kids).
    Alec Baldwin (or any liberal): ‘We are here to usher in a new era without violence.
    By following the rules of the Film Actors Guild, the world can become a better place that handles dangerous people with talk and reasoning.
    That is the F.A.G. way.
    One day you’ll all look at the world us actors created and say, “Wow. Good going, F.A.G.
    You really made the world a better place, didn’t you, F.A.G.?”‘
    ‘Now that the world is going to be run peacefully, we should all drive hybrid cars.’
    (Team America arrives to save the day; Alec stirs up the crowd against them)
    Gary (Team America) – ‘I know you all don’t like Team America a whole lot right now, but Kim Jong Il (any socialist tyrant) is a lot worse.’
    (crowd boos, throws tomatos)
    Alec – ‘For the truth is that Team America fights for the billion-dollar corporations.
    They are just as bad as the enemies they fight.’
    Gary – ‘Oh, no, we aren’t. We’re dks!’
    ‘We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid d
    And the Film Actors Guild are p****es.
    And Kim Jong Il is an a*****e.’
    ‘P****es don’t like dks, because p****es get fked by dks.
    But d
    ks also fk a*****es, a*****es who just wanna st on everything.
    P****es may think they can deal with a*****es their way.
    But the only thing that can fk an a*****e is a dk with some balls.’
    ‘The problem with dks is that sometimes they fk too much – or fk when it isn’t appropriate.
    And it takes a p***y to show them that.
    But sometimes p****es get so full of s
    t that they become a*****es themselves.
    Because p****es are only an inch and a half away from a*****es.’
    ‘I don’t know much in this crazy, crazy world…
    but I do know that if you don’t let us fk this a*****e…
    we are gonna have our d
    ks and our p****es…
    all covered in s**t!’
    (and the crowd goes wild!)

  8. What’s so hard about My tax plan, you lying bitter racist crackers? Honkeys give Me everything they own, work 20 hours a day in Bitterness Rehabilitation Camps, and donate their organs as needed. Non-Honkeys get free health care, food, housing, luxury cars, and ponies.
    How will I pay for this? By selling the red states to other countries, on an as-needed basis. My Islamic brothers have lots of oil money, so I would probably sell the states to them.
    This is so simple, I don’t know why you racist cracker liars need to keep telling your racist cracker lies.

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