What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Answer: Nothing, if it stands for Unqualified Stuttering Marxist Celebutard.
Seriously, though, the only people who should wear this shirt are Marines and people who admire them. It is NOT for use as some hoops-chump’s sweat-rag.
[Hat tip: Mike the Marine]

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  1. Blasphemer!
    You just don’t do things like that. There is a code among the military that you don’t wear anything that would cause people to believe you were what’s advertised on your shirt. It’s an invitation to a pummeling.

  2. no Marine insignia should touch your body unless you earned it. That goes for anybody and everybody.
    also applies to all other branches of service.
    note: possible exceptions would be the popular “Proud Dad/Mom of a Marine/Airman/Soldier” etc…

  3. HK – That was my first reaction, but then I thought about all those football fans who wear NFL players’ jerseys, so personally, I’d give a pass to people who just think Marines are really, really cool.
    Obama, of course, obviously not fitting that category.

  4. I wear military surplus when I go hiking, because it’s durable, functional, and (relatively ) inexpensive.
    I don’t wear military (or any other insignia) I haven’t earned.
    If o’bummer was asked to join the game and couldn’t find another shirt, he should have worn it inside out. Being the fraud he is, however, I suppose that wouldn’t have ocurred to him.

  5. I wanted to be a Marine, but it didn’t happen. So I don’t wear anything that would indicate I ever was a Marine. That’s common sense to people who HAVE common sense.
    So, that t-shirt must mean U See My C–t.
    Pardon my french.

  6. USMC for Osama means :
    Useless, Self-serving, Mendacious, Charlatan.
    There’s a special place in Hades where people who pretend to support their country go. I hope he and his friends Ayers and Davis can get together for a jazz combo. It will give them something to do.

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