
Man, I was hoping to know McCain’s running mate by now so I could put up a fact sheet on him or her — information is why people come to IMAO — but McCain has certainly done a better job than Obama at keeping it a secret (yet another thing Obama is incompetent at). I tried calling McCain, but when he found out I was a conservative blogger he just went into a curse-filled rant.
Man, wouldn’t it be cool if it were Fred Thompson? And they had live video of Biden crapping his pants during the announcement? Pundits would be like, “They’re too old.” And Fred Thompson would be like, “Your heads are too ripped off,” and then he’d rip off their heads.
We can dream.

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  1. Just heard that Fox News thinks it might be Sarah Palin as his VP. She’s a former runner up for Miss Alaska and the local morning news guy here in Fort Wayne thinks she’s hot.

  2. Frank, your “We can dream” link doesn’t work. Just a little piece of information.
    “Your heads are too ripped off” seems like a setup for someone we know. 🙂
    It would be nice if our VP were someone who actually knew and understood some LAW. Like Fred Thompson.

  3. Fred Thompson would have been great–he would have devestated Biden in the debates, absolutely–but Sarah Palin is also a great choice. She’s a top-notch conservative.
    However, she may not attract Hillary voters . . . isn’t she a little too, uh, attractive for that demographic?

  4. I’m watching fox as we “speak” I like Palin, but she is very light on experience, but I guess the dems made that a non issue.
    She will make for an exciting campaign and with her whistle blowing background, it should give us ammunition!
    I’m hopin Mitt’s secretary of something!

  5. PammyV- She has some executive experience. If she had served as governor only for 1 day, that’s more than Obama has.
    And, yes, I suspect that Hillary fans would be more likely to vote McCain – Palin, just because of the woman on the ticket, than would vote for Obama with his OWG running mate.

  6. Palin can rip their heads off. And filet them. Or at least find a great taxidermist.
    Things just got interesting and I’ll bet Hillary is melting into a puddle yelling about the pretty little girl who is about to un-do her.

  7. Fred on Palin:
    “I am absolutely delighted by this selection. Once again, John McCain has shown that he is an independent thinker who paints in bold strokes. Sarah Palin is a conservative reformer with executive experience who will bring a breath of fresh air to Washington. She will be an ideal running mate for John McCain, and will make a major contribution to our country’s future.”

  8. Sorry to be a downer, but I doubt Mc is going to pick someone who actually embodies conservative values. He’ll likely pick someone as “moderate” as he is. Who wants to bet it’ll be someone like Lieberman?
    Maybe he’ll convince Howard Dean to jump the fence again. That’d be sweet, actually. I can see the debate now…
    Biden: Mr. Dean, how do you explain to the American people your inexplicable return to the Republican party?
    Biden Well now, that wasn’t very articulate…

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