Why Kill Obama?

People were going to assassinate Obama? For what?
Do you get the feeling that if you asked one of these people what they wanted to kill Obama for his answer would be just as incoherent and substance free as someone explaining why Obama should be president? If they’re white supremacists, the fact that he’s black would probably be given for killing him… which was also what a supporter named as Obama’s accomplishment when asked to name something. What else is there to kill him for? Because he gave a great speech in 2004?


  1. Maybe not to kill him, but he should definitely be punched in his dumb (ahem) MONKEY face…
    Unless it was Fred Thompson that did the punching…
    and please don;t infer any racism from the monkey features… what, we can’t call a spade a spade anymore? No, it’s not becuz spades are black too… stop reading too far into this!

  2. You racists, with a much lower IQ than I have, are obviously intimidated by Brak Omamma’s clean, articulate speechifications. Or it could just be the blackness (half-blackness? African American-ness?) of his soul. You racists should be taxed at 200% and have your taxes given to the peace-loving mullahs of Iran.

  3. I believe that it was on this site that I encountered a musing that Obama could not be all that great because if he was, some white guy would have bumped him off years ago.
    The white supremecists, in fact, are hoping for an Obama win – they expect that it will greatly increase their membership.

  4. See I think Frank missed the mark on this one, (Sorry Frank there’s a foist for everything) in that the real question is:
    Why NOT kill Obama? Give me a good reason Obama bin Biden should live. What can he possibly contribute that any average human couldnt contribute? Dont we have enough mediocrity already?

  5. You are all idiots, no offense. Oh wait, except for Son of Bob. I do agree that Obama is no Jesus, especially since I don’t believe in Jesus either. However, him and his wife are extremely intelligent and compassionate people–unlike the majority of Americans. And the thing I personally think Obama should not only be allowed to stay alive for but also to govern our country for is his sense of community. I’m sorry but the self driven independence in this country makes me want to hurl. No one wants to help anyone anymore. In fact, they rather do harm to other people if it means furthering their own happiness. Thank GOD Obama wants to bring us together and have us work with each other again. Any asshole who can’t see what he’s trying to help us do needs to do some more researching. Oh, and because of what he’s trying to do, this man will inevitably be assassinated. All the great ones are. 🙁

  6. “You are all idiots, no offense.” -#8
    Hey! I’m offended! I reserve the right to be an idiot without it being made public! As to the rest of your comment, they’re having a big sale on shredders at the Denver Wal-Mart.

  7. I’m still trying to work out if Essence was attempting parody or not. If not, he/she is astoundingly ignorant of America’s past and present, wherein people regularly give help and aid to folks they barely even know. Totally oblivious to the amount of donations to worthy causes around the world that Americans make. And abjectly devoid of reason, perspective and grounding in history when it comes to government-mandated aid vs. aid self-driven by independent citizens.
    Which is why I hope it was parody. It’s just getting so hard to tell the difference these days…

  8. I suspect Essence is a “sobbing liberal,” Peregrine John. The “poor me” – “poor us” type. But if that was a parody, it was too good and he/she is a genius! (In which case, take a bow.)
    Funny how that “Ed” guy shows up near the lunch hour.

  9. It’s about time to feed the trolls again.
    Obamas trying to help alright. He’s trying to help “his (read black, liberal, east coast educated, lawyers, homosexual, pro abortion, eco-terrorists, God hating) people”. After all “It’s (their) turn.”
    Maybe there are folks out there who actually believe Obama is “the messiah” and don’t believe he can be killed. It’s a dangerous occupation, impersonating a deity.

  10. I wish to officially announce that I do Not condone, applaud, encourage or intend to assist any persons, organizations, movements or associations bent on assassinating, kidnapping, blackmailing, extorting concessions from or formenting rebellion against any persons or parties currently holding or running for public office in this or any other country no matter how vehemently I oppose their policies or how soul-sick the thought of them succeeding in their diabolically insane quest for power may make me feel at the moment. Officially.
    Thank you.

  11. Stupid bikers. I don’t want Obama killed, I want him humiliated in a massive defeat come election day. Killing him would only empower the leftard that took his place for their nomination.
    Of course now the libs are going to claim the neo-bikers represent the views of the whole GOP. We all know these idiots rarely ever get involved in politics. Unless it is against a black man, or for a nut job like Ron Paul.
    Also, if these nut jobs had cared about the cause, they would not have attempted to use fire arms in their attempt. Such a thing only gives ammunition to the gun grabbers.

  12. Those fools on the Aurora Police Force just crack me up. They were just jumping to conclusions. The only thing they were going on is that the driver of the pickup had a check from Hillary in his shirt pocket.
    Muslims were outraged!

  13. “You are all idiots”
    I lold. I find that often, when liberals start off with comments attacking conservatives, their comments that follow usually prove that the original attack applied to the conservative should have been applied to themselves.

  14. #17. Marvin – You’re right.
    Any assassination attempt, whether successful or not, will result in further attempts to restrict law-abiding citizen’s access to deadly weapons.
    Unless … someone tries to stab him in the back of the head with a pair of sissors and then suck his brains out through the hole.
    There’s nothing evil or immoral about that, from berrie’s point of view at least, right?

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