Why Pelosi Is Against Drilling

Why do you think the Democrats are against drilling? If we have oil, you drill for it. That’s something you learn in kindergarten. It’s basic logic. So why are Democrats against something so good and basic?
Are they protecting the interests of mole people over those of humans?
I’ve long suspected that the Democrats are in the pockets of the mole people. I bet if you look at their donations, you’ll find lots of it comes from underground. The disgusting mole people hate us for our success — just like terrorists and liberals — and are probably using the Democrats as an instrument against us — just like terrorists and liberals. Plus, they don’t want us to have their precious oil which they worship as a god.
I bet Pelosi is actually a mole person herself. She does always shriek when her beady eyes encounter sunlight. We really need to have some sort of committee identifying and jailing Communists and mole people hiding in our government. I will head up that committee, but I won’t do it for government pay. At no extra charge, I’ll also test for replicants. Think about it.


  1. Frank (may I call you “Frank”?),
    You are to be congratulated for your insightful insight. To my knowledge, no one else is writing about the Pelosi – Mole People link. It’s just another inconvenient truth that the MSM ignores.
    While everyone else focuses on the desire of Democrats to destroy the country economically to maintain and increase their political power, you show what’s really going on here.
    Thank you, and keep up the good work.

  2. Government pay would definitely be inadequate for a job like that, Frank. So use ‘contractor rates.’ Maybe the GSA already has a category called “Identifying And Jailing Communists And Mole People Hiding In Our Government” and Congress wouldn’t have to be involved. They’d just be gone when you were done.
    Now, how about the PO Box?

  3. Finally someone speaks the truth!
    We must rid our republic of these communist moles and their Democrat allies! We will not rest until every parcel of land in this nation is covered with oil wells and dead moles!

  4. Pelosi is afraid they will unintentionally tap into Hell. Since that is her personal summer home, she’s not willing to share it with just anyone.
    Also with all the heat down there we might be able to use that energy instead of fossil fuels to heat every house on the planet eternally. Then the Demon-crats will lose a fearmongering item from their agenda. Thus weakening the rest of their hysterical platform.

  5. She is holding the country hostage. By artificially holding gas prices up, she figures stupid people will vote for dems in the blind hope that they will bring gas prices down.
    Everyone knows this right?

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