McCain’s Speech

He’s McCain; what else can you say. You may not like him, but it will be hard to meet anyone half the man he is.

Quick Question

Did the Democrats ever spontaneously chant “USA! USA!” during their convention or can they just not pull that off convincingly?

RNC: McCain to focus keynote address on Abominable Snow-Hams, assexual reproduction and smores crisis. . .

. . . while Cindy McCain focuses on sucking remaining life force out of Trig Palin . . .

Site Problems

Something seems to be crashing the script making the site, meaning the front page is often incomplete and the individual pages are missing (which means no commenting). Hopefully we’ll figure it out soon, but until then you might want to consider appointing an online community organizer. Then you can more efficiently organize yourselves in the comments to lobby me to write more Hellbender or In My World™ or whatever it is you rabble want. Who knows; it could be a stepping stone to political office.

Community Organizer FAQ

Q. What’s a community organizer?
A. It’s someone who organizes a community.
Q. And communities need organizing?
A. You think they organize themselves?
Q. I’ve lived in plenty of communities, and I don’t remember any organizers.
A. The best community organizers seek no credit.
Q. Barack Obama seeks credit.
A. And the even better ones seek lots of credit!
Q. I still don’t understand what a community organizer is supposed to do.
A. The important job of organizing the community.
Q. Like decide the layout plans of communities?
A. No. That’s the job of the city and the builders.
Q. So what is the community organizer organizing?
A. Not the buildings, but the actual community.
Q. To do what?
A. To be organized!
Q. Um… so does he alphabetize the community?
A. More often he uses color coding.
Q. And someone gets paid for this?
A. It’s a very important job.
Q. I still don’t understand what the hell it is.
A. Maybe that’s because it’s such a complex occupation.
Q. Or maybe because it’s a BS job Barack Obama made up.
A. It’s not made up. There’s even a Wikipedia article on community organizing. Here’s the opening paragraph:

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Q. Huh?
A. See, it’s very complicated and important.
Q. If it takes that many words to describe and it’s still not clear what it is, I’m pretty sure it’s a BS job.
A. Know what? Why don’t you rot in your disorganized community you @#$%ing caveman.
Q. And who are the idiots paying these people salaries?
A. It’s the community! They want this! Without the organizing there would be riots and cannibalism!
Q. I’m pretty sure we’ll be fine organizing ourselves.
A. You stupid, gun-toting redneck, this is why people like us don’t even bother trying to talk to people like you. You belittle important things you don’t understand while clinging to your book about the invisible sky fairy!
Q. It’s a made up job.
A. One day Barack Obama will force all your ignorant communities to be organized! Then you’ll get your comeuppance! All of you who laughed at him, we’ll see if you’re laughing then!
Q. I’m pretty sure I will be laughing. I’ll actually make a point of walking up to the community organizer and laughing at him because he wasn’t able to get a real job.
A. Then you’re just mean.
Q. Mean and working an actual job I can explain to others.
A. Hillbilly.

Obama Campaign Struggles With Gerbil-Gate Scandal

WASHINGTON (AP) – Barack Obama today is reeling from accusations that the Democratic presidential hopeful habitually indulges in the peculiar fetish of dressing gerbils in lederhosen. Spokesmen for the campaign deny the accusation.

Obama dresses gerbils in lederhosen – damning photographic evidence (AP Photo/Chris Muir)

“This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. “Mr. Obama is a respected Senator and has never – I repeat, NEVER – forced any domesticated rodent to don festive Bavarian attire.”
In his book, “Dreams from My Father”, Obama did admit to having once dressed a kitten in a tutu, but dismissed the incident as “youthful experimentation” which did not continue into his adult years.
Some, however, believe that Obama’s forays into the seamy world of mammalian fashionalia was not put away with his childhood toys. David Freddoso noted in his book, “The Case Against Barack Obama”, that many of Obama’s adult associates were animal-dressers. “Unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers – ferrets in fezzes… Black liberation theologist Reverend Jeremiah Wright – white cats in Klan hats… Money-laundering political influence peddler Tony Rezko – badgers in burkas… with friends like these to help him feel ‘normal’, Obama’s oft-disclaimed penchant for putting gerbils in lederhosen seemed a natural outlet for relieving the tension of the campaign trail.”
Obama neighbor and dangerously crazed extreme right-wing cartoonist Chris Muir claims to be an eye-witness to Obama’s bestial haberdashery. “I was rooting through Barack’s garbage, hoping to find some old pizza crusts or something – web cartooning don’t pay squat, and I was SO hungry – when this little rat-thing runs squeaking across the lawn like something out of the Stephen King version of ‘The Sound of Music’. I got my camera and snapped a picture. I’ll trade it to ya for some Ramen noodles. I’m SO hungry.”
Burton claims the picture is a fake. “You call this proof? This isn’t even a GOOD fake! Look at this thing! The lederhosen are DRAWN on! What kind of pathetically retarded moron would believe this is real?” spokesman Adam Green announced that his organization has started a petition to have Obama removed from the Democratic presidential ticket and replaced by Hillary Clinton. “We can’t condone the forced costuming of subservient companion animals,” said Green. “When Hillary used to make Bill dress up as Little Bo Peep, at least it was consensual.”

Pass the Desitin, my butt is chapped

The condescension coming from the left and/or the media (it’s hard to tell which is which) about Sarah Palin simply reading a speech has me ready to go shoot a moose and eat it tartare in response. That was the first thing Mort Kondracke said last night after she had delivered her zing-filled, zesty speech: that of course, she didn’t write it, but she did a great job reading it. At least one other pundit on the Fox roundtable touched on her not writing the speech, before Brit Hume finally asked if that were fair to point out that she didn’t write her speech. After all, he pointed out, all politicians have speech writers, and all politicians read the speeches that someone else wrote. I mean, Duh. Do you think Barack wrote his rhetoric-filled speech full of fluff? Right. Get back to me when Barack makes up a sentence composed of five words or more, and he can’t have used the words hope or change anywhere in the sentence. I won’t hold my breath.
Mark Halperin gives her an A+ on last night’s speech. Then he condescends. “She read the teleprompter like a champ, with fine, varied pacing and conversational projection.” Read the teleprompter like a champ? Cram it, loser. You wouldn’t say such things if she were an old Washington insider or a man from the Ivy Leagues. You’d talk about what an amazing speech she gave, and no one would speak of teleprompters and the great ability to read something someone else wrote.

It Reminds Me of My Dad

I know everyone made fun of it at first, but I’m actually kinda growing fond of the Republican Convention’s crazed elephant logo.

Don’t @#$% with the GOP! We’re crazy!

Sarah Palin Speech

John Hawkins has clipped the best parts from Sarah Palin’s speech. What was your favorite part? Mine was the line about the Styrofoam Greek columns.

Quote of the Day

From Dilbert creator Scott Adams:

Yesterday I asked what role the government should have in fostering alternative energy breakthroughs. The people who think the government can help a lot with this sort of thing often cite two examples:
1. Kennedy’s race to the moon
2. The Manhattan Project to build a nuclear bomb
What do those two efforts have in common? Answer: no profit.


Did you know politicians have speechwriters?


I’m still processing what happened. I wonder if that’s because I was too young to remember what it was like when Reagan first came on the scene.