
Someone has forgot to delete Greg Gutfeld’s login to the HuffingtonPost… just like with cadet happy and IMAO.


If Biden says something stupid and no media is around to report it, did he make a gaffe?

An Idea

I was thinking of a good strategy for President McCain. Anytime he needs to get something passed that the liberals will be in big opposition to (like anything useful for the war), he just needs to have Palin come out and give a televised speech. It can even just be here waving and saying, “Hi!” The left-wing nuts will all shriek and scream and fling poo in reaction and completely forget about whatever McCain is doing.

Site Move Progress

Just so you know, I’ve got WordPress in place but now need to get a theme set up that resembles this one. I’ll worry about all the post moving after that (actually transferring posts and comments shouldn’t be too hard; that challenge sounds like keeping old links working).

Daily Post to Drive Dumb, Monkey-Faced Liberals Insane