lolterizt! Part 63 – loldemcrt! Edition

Sorry for the delay due to unspecified life events. As a future warning, my day job has increased by a factor of suck, so my posting will be less frequent than before my hiatus, but at least it will be accompanied by no increase in quality.

Anyway, as I was about to say three weeks ago: a good American cruelly mocks his country’s enemies, both foreign and domestic. This week, the latter. Next week – back to the former.

Pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

NOTE TO READERS: Hovering your mouse over the picture activates closed captioning for the l33t-speak/txtmsg impaired.

[reference link]

From roamingfirehydrant:

From Brian:

#1: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.

#2: Standard image size for these posts is 350px wide by whatever high. If you can have your images 350px wide before you caption them, I won’t end up shrinking your captions into illegibility when I re-size the images.

MAKE YOUR OWN: The free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

STYLE NOTE: Short captions are usually better. Your goal is 10 words or less, with humor value tending to increase exponentially as the number of words approaches 1.

HAT TIP: Snapped Shot for handy links to ripe-for-captioning photos.

Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.

Frank Perspective

When the Founding Fathers made this country, no one had electricity or indoor plumbing, so if that’s how we all end up after this financial crisis, from a historical perspective it won’t be that bad.

Washington D.C. trendsetters . . .

First we had the Palin hairdo at the RNC convention, and now Speaker Pelosi rolled out a new hairdo for her big day failing miserably at getting a bailout bill passed . . .

Here’s a free lecture from the Nancy Pelosi School of Leadership and Coalition Building . . .

Did she really expect it to pass after this? I can’t tell if she intentionally shafted the plan, hoping for an economic catastrophe to shore up her power, or is so clueless and senile (from decades long abuse of hair dye, and pressure on the brain from having her face pulled back like a sling shot rubber band), that she is incapable of leading anything except a radical cabal. It hasn’t earned the name “Do Nothing Congress” for nothing. The final tally was 207-226, with Democrats supporting it 141-94, while Republicans opposed it 66-132. 40% of her own party doesn’t care what she thinks.

“Hey, who left all this garbage on the steps of Congress . . . “

House defeats $700B financial markets bailout
And, here I thought that the Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress, and Nancy Pelois and Harry Reid had a mandate to lead — somebody better rework the math on that one. They’re not shameless enough to claim that the REPUBLICANS killed this all by themselves are they?

This demands a parody.

Apparently there is a sucker born every minute . . .

via Michael . . .

This is even better than when my pictures were published in an Italian political newspaper a couple years ago.  Apparently one of my photoshops (which Frank had the idea for and I exectuted) has become kind of an urban legend.  Maggie Katzen told me a couple months ago it was floating around, but I wouldn’t have guessed to what extent.  We’ve now got our own entry (I did send them an update about its origin), and the Washington Post talked about it in an article yesterday.  It was made in response to Hillary’s “3:00 a.m. crisis call” ad.  I had no idea.  Getting that cord to look right with that funky carpet was no easy feat.

Too Good To Be True? It Usually Is. Sniffs Out What You Can Believe
Monica Hesse

Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, September 28, 2008; Page M01 

This election has been hard on all of our inboxes.  Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s (cut and pasted) head on a patriotically bikini’d bod? Sen. Barack Obama cluelessly chatting on a (Photoshopped) upside-down phone? Sen. John McCain identifying himself — according to a totally mangled forward — as a “war criminal”?  Gotta be fakes, all of them. Right?

Because why would a grown man hold a phone upside do– well, then again, it wouldn’t be the first time a politician was a doofus maximus. So maybe, just to be on the safe side. . . . Which is why no inbox has had it harder in these last frenzied weeks than the one belonging to David and Barbara Mikkelson, the founders and sole researchers at urban legend mega-site

The couple debunked each of the myths above, along with dozens more allegations ranging from the wacko (a claim that the Bible identifies Obama as the antichrist) to the wonko (a widely circulated comparison of the two candidates’ tax plans).

To view the entire article, go to

The e-mail exchange that created it:

Continue reading ‘Apparently there is a sucker born every minute . . .’ »

Random Thought

You know, if I were Pay Pal, I’d totally start advertising on government sites saying, “If you need to transfer $700 billion between the government and financial institutions, Pay Pal is a great way to do it.” Man, if they could get a piece of that action, they’d be set.

In My World: Sarah Palin in “Noisy Neighbors”

Sarah Palin relaxed in bed with her husband Todd. “Campaigning to be Vice President is crazy. It’s nice to have a little time back home in Alaska to get my bearings.” She closed her eyes to go to sleep but was woken by loud music and shouting outside. “Not those Russian neighbors again!” Palin yelled. She looked out the window to see that the house across the water from them seemed to be having a party. “Putin! What’s he up to?”

“That guy is always causing trouble,” Todd said. “He uses his leaf blower at odd hours, doesn’t take care of all his weeds, and invades Georgia.”

“Can’t we complain about him to the HOA?”

Todd shrugged. “I think the HOA’s authority ends at the Bering Strait.”

Piper walked in the bedroom carrying Trig. “The loud noise woke Trig and he started crying.”

“Well, this is too much then!” Palin exclaimed. “It’s like they’re having a whole Communist party over there.” She heard rumbling overhead. “Are those jets? Are they flying jets over our house?”

“That’s got to go against both noise ordinances and international treaties,” Todd grumbled.

Palin got out of bed. “I guess we better do something about it then.”

Todd shook his head. “Shouldn’t we leave this up to the military?”

“We’re not going to be one of those states always looking to the federal government to solve our problems.” Palin snapped her fingers in the air. “Willow! Get my moose gun!”

* * * *

“Turn the music up louder!” Putin ordered. “Let us celebrate the Russian empire! Soon we will take back Georgia! Then we will conduct our secret plans to take back Alaska and cripple the U.S. economy. Next, we will take over the universe! It will be under Putin’s control! Me! I’m Putin! Muh ha ha ha ha!”

“Turn that racket down!” someone shouted. “And stop flying your jets over my property!”

Putin looked across the Bering Strait to see Palin standing in front of her house in her nightgown holding a rifle.

“You do not tell the Russian empire what to do, stupid hockey mom!” Putin yelled. “We are the great Russia, and you are but woman. We laugh at you! Ha ha ha ha!”

“You’re asking for it, Dobby!”

“Bah! I pay you no more mind!” Putin turned back to the party. “Make the music louder or I send you all to gulag!”

There was a loud gunshot, and a fighter jet plummeted out of the sky exploding in Putin’s garden. “My prize rose bushes!” Putin screamed.

“Hey, Poot-poot, know what’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?” Palin held her rifle in the air. “The moose gun!”

Putin shook his fist at her. “You will pay for this, foolish woman! You will be dead from the us killing you! We will–” A shot flew past Putin’s head. “Flee!”

* * * *

“Finally, some rest.” Palin went to sleep, but was soon woken by a noise downstairs. “What’s that?”

“Could be a burglar,” Todd said. “I guess I’ll check it out.”

“No, it’s my turn to kill the burglar.” Palin got out of bed and crept downstairs. Rummaging around the kitchen was a giant bear. “Not a bear in house,” Palin groaned. “Taking care of bear’s in the house was Track’s job.” Plain turned around to see Willow standing behind her. “Fetch me the Bowie knife.”

“Can’t we just shoot it?”

“What did I tell you about firing guns in the house? Now get me the knife, Willow.”

“I forget where it is.”

“Well where did you last see it?”

Willow thought for a moment. “I think in a deer’s neck.”

Palin rolled her eyes. “I guess we’ll have to improvise.” She crept over to the piano. “And we just got this tuned.” She ripped out a piece of piano wire and walked towards the bear. “Hey! Yogi!”

The bear stood up, and Palin jumped on its back, wrapping the piano wire around it’s neck. “You got in the wrong house, bear!”

The bear failed around, knocking over furniture. Palin held on tight. “Strangling a bear is a lot harder than I remember.”

Todd came down stairs. “Honey, if you had to strangle a bear, you should have called me.”

Palin struggled to keep hold of the bear. “I’m a modern woman; I can do this myself.”

“I’ll help loosen him up for you.” Todd ran over and started punching the bear in the gut. Soon, it fell down dead.

Piper ran over and kicked the fallen bear. She held her hands in the air triumphantly. “I helped!”

“You sure did, sweetie.” Palin looked around. “Now how did it get in here?” She noticed the front door was wide open. Outside, she could see their trash was knocked over.

“You should be careful with your trash,” Putin laughed from across the Bering Strait. “That can attract wild animals.”

“I know you’re behind this, Putin!” Palin yelled. “You’ll not get away with this!”

“Bah! You cannot threaten Russia! You do anything, we will point nuclear missiles at you!”

Palin scoffed. “So what? You can nuke whole sections of Alaska and we’ll never even notice.”

“You think you’re tough, hockey mom, but you will soon see that– She’s got the moose gun again! Flee!”

* * * *

“Maybe we should just move,” an adviser told Putin.

“Are you crazy mad!” Putin shouted. “You want to put my house for sale in this market? No, we figure out way to get by this silly hockey mom. We need to find advance technology that is immune to moose gun.”

“But nothing can resist a moose gun!” the adviser exclaimed. “Especially not moose!”

“It no matter!” Putin said. “I have plans that will not fail.” He pointed to a whiteboard he had propped up behind him. “Alaska will soon be mine!” He heard a loud noise. “What is that? Aieee! Snow machines!”

“Out of the way, Ruski!” Todd Palin raced right through Putin’s house on a snow mobile. Putin dived to the floor as Todd smashed right through his whiteboard.

“My plans!” Putin screamed.

“I’m winning! Yeah!” Todd yelled as crashed through one of the doors. Numerous snow mobiles followed close behind.

Putin got up and shook his fist at the snow mobiles. “You will pay for this! I will–” Putin was bowled over by a pack of dogs.

“The Iditarod is through here, right?” asked a man on a sled.

“Alaskans!” Putin screamed. “Foiled again by that hockey mom! Maybe she’ll be elected vice president and move away.”

“But I like Obama,” Putin’s adviser said. “I even call the Democrats to ask how I can help. They sent me a box full of absentee ballots for someplace called ‘Ohio.'”

Your Task Today

I thought we’d do some social science of our own, so could you please engage the trolls who comment here and find out this from them:

1. Their age.
2. Their occupations.
3. How did they first encounter IMAO.

Perhaps this could be illuminating.

From the mouths of babes . . .

Daily Rage Against the Machine Lyrics

Networks at work, keepin people calm
Ya know they murdered X
And tried to blame it on Islam
He turned the power to the have-nots
And. then. came. the. SHOT!

-Wake Up

Tongue tied over a bracelet . . .