
I don’t know what’s left to say. There is a war going on, and most of us are back to our same silly selves seven years later. You can’t separate this from the politics: Some people don’t want a serious world with serious problems. They can’t get in power in such a place. They needs us fighting global warming with recycling instead of taking on people bent on killing us. Still, if on 9/12 you told me we’d somehow make it seven years without another major attack on U.S. soil, I wouldn’t have believed you. Perhaps we are better prepared now, but if we ever withdraw from the real problems in the world and think we’re safe, it will happen again.
Well, those are my rambling thoughts. What say you?

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  1. The Democrats want desperately to ignore 9/11, because it kills their buzz. They want the Story to be that the world will love us if we just bring the boys back home and ratify Kyoto. But neither of those things will make the world love us, as if that were even a worthy goal.

  2. I say we pray that the democracies throughout the world put leaders in charge that are vigilant in the defense of freedom. Pray that in four years, America will have a conservative presidential candidate who is clear on what he believes in & will be uncompromising in those beliefs.
    And today, I hope the people who laugh about 9/11 & say that we deserved it post their comments here so we don’t forget just how despicable the left is in their hearts.

  3. I am deeply grateful that George W. Bush, despite his domestic policy flaws, stood tall and fought back. That we haven’t had another attack in the US over seven years is thanks to him – the face of America, law enforcement at all levels, and most of all the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. We are America.

  4. I remember those days and the years afterwards when our President became a warrior. Americans were with him then. We were more vulnerable – but stronger.
    Interesting that the phrase “war on terror” never quite made it to the truth: “war on radical Islam.”
    I am still angry and I still dream of “sand turning to glass.”

  5. I personally think that Bush’s invasions caused a “Nuke the Moon” reaction in terrorist-nations. They don’t want to be invaded, Saddam being found in a septic tank was the best terror-deterrent possible (just ask Moammmuarre Ghadapheey).
    Which is pretty darn funny since Bush’s cowboy act did the job and he was derided by our EUnuch betters for being a ‘cowboy’.
    It just shows that EUnuch and other, assorted lefties understand Americans not at all, “You’re just like John Wayne” is an insult to them.

  6. The left, collectively, needs to have their asses handed to them a time or two by a bully. Then maybe they would learn the lesson that appeasement only gets you more of the same crap to eat.
    Or maybe we can just skip the bully part and feed them crap. It’s not as much fun as punching them but it does have its own “nuanced” elegance.
    A huge THANK YOU to all out there keeping the wolves at bay.

  7. Like my brother Damocles we still kind of have that dagger hanging by a thread over our heads.
    It would be ok to relax about things but fact is humans have a worry feedback loop that makes them worry at a set level and unable to sustain above or below this level for very long.
    So worry at your set level about sea level or about terrorists but give me one thing?
    Stop The Socialism ( S.T.S. )
    Damocles other brother, Testicles

  8. You know the Liberals have no guts!!! If they did then Bill Clinton would have gotten Osama Bin Laden during his term, but he didn’t!(Chicken). Most of the major demoncrats, you know, like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Madeline Albright, etc. stated back in 1998 that they were sure that Iraq had WMD’s and that they were gonna have to go in and do something about it!!! Did They??!!! NO, it took 9-11 to happen before anyone did anything about it.
    That man was George W. Bush!!!
    Just because the MSM says he is a Bad President do we have to believe them??? No, We Don’t!!!!
    George W. also said back in 2001 any country sponsoring terroists would be taken care of. I am tired of hearing what a rotten job Bush has done as President. Granted his approval rating is not the Best, but it is a heck of alot better than the Democratically controlled Congress’s approval rating !!(Take that Pelosi and Reid)
    Liberals are nothing more to me than cowards, who in battle, would probably be shot in the back.(You know running from the battle instead of into it!!)
    I am proud to be an American under Bush!!!!!

  9. Way to prove the point of the post there KimP.
    As far as I’m concerned, it’s better to be a warmonger than a global warmmonger (following the Goracle’s religion).
    All we are say-ing,
    is give war a chance.
    If war isn’t the answer, then the question had better not be about dictators.

  10. Only right wing imbeciles are still worried about “terrorism”, the rest of the US and the world have moved on.
    I’m sickened to see support here for the worst president we’ve ever had, bush. if you love “War” so much, go volunteer for your “hero”, GW and go over there and fight for him and his cronies.

  11. AMEN paleo for your #3 post. I am really feeling bugged lately for the beating that GWB has taken. I admit he has done stuff I don’t agree with and not done things that I wish he would have. But he is in the big chair and I don’t have all the info. But my son(13) and I were at a bookstore the other day and a magazine had a photo of him on the cover. He looked worn, exhausted and like he has such a burden. It was a sympathetic magazine but I can’t remember which. My boy was bothered by the image and said to me hours later that he can’t wait for McCain to take over so GW can go to his ranch and have fun.
    We haven’t been attacked again on his watch, God bless him.

  12. To all those who work to keep me free to voice my opinion, I say, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart”.
    To all those who work to enslave me directly like Hezbolla, Al Qaida, CAIR, and I don’t know who else, you can run but you’ll just wear out your sandals.
    To all those who work to enslave me indirectly like Obama, Emo, Pat, (they could all be the same person), and so on, please stop wasting America’s bandwidth. We didn’t invent the internet so you idiots can clog up the lines. Go away.

  13. Pat, Emo et al:
    How pathetically sad that you cannot see the sacrifices others have made on your behalf, while you pound frantically on your keyboards, verbally defecating on the very Administration that has resolved to keep you safe. In some part of you, is there an unfulfilled wish that we would have been struck again, like seven years ago? Just to drive the point home that America is hated in the world?
    I’m sorry you have such hate to drive you, but for me, I’m proud of this President. He’s put up with more abuse than most people deal with in their entire lives. I AM proud to be American.I chose to come here, legally.I left behind the socialistic society you seem to crave.Maybe I just appreciate this great country more.

  14. I think that the USA is extraordinarily lucky that we elected W, and not Al Gore, President in 2000, and that we re-elected him in 2004. I disagree with our President about many things, but he gets the most important thing right: our federal government’s most important responsibility is the safety of those who live in the USA. I do my best not to let a day go by without thanking God for our President and for those who serve in our armed forces.
    Slightly off-topic, it’s worth reading this hate-filled rant published by the CBC (part of Canada’s government):
    Healther Mallick calls those of us who support Sarah Palin “white trash”. She does so repeatedly. Here’s one passage that resonated with me:
    Are you watching Christian belter Aaron Tippin singing Where the Stars and Stripes and Eagle Fly in the Xcel Centre in St. Paul or the actors from Spinal Tap remixing the 1966 version of Potato’s in the Paddy Wagon?
    Well, no, I wasn’t. I don’t have a television. I watched neither convention. But as I was driving to my client’s this morning, KRTY played “Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly”. I got goosebumps. I always do. I guess that makes this opera-going, chamber-music-listening, Stanford-educated software developer white trash.
    Kiss my ass, Heather.

  15. “Just to drive the point home that America is hated in the world?
    I’m sorry you have such hate to drive you, but for me, I’m proud of this President. He’s put up with more abuse than most people deal with in their entire lives. I AM proud to be American.I chose to come here, legally.I left behind the socialistic society you seem to crave.Maybe I just appreciate this great country more.”
    LOL. i am no lover of socialism or liberalism even. in fact i am a lifetime member of the NRA. but to defend this criminal president is appalling. why do you think america is “hated”? because we start illegal wars under false pretenses.
    you can make all your insults to us, and your posturing but you are thankfully still in the minority.
    it’s hard to believe anyone can still defend this horrible, lying president. shame on you, “proud of this president”. our economy is in shambles, the military is stretched thin and for what? for the debacle in Iraq? Bush’s vendetta against saddam.

  16. Pat, if you don’t stop wasting America’s bandwidth, your internet priviledges will be revoked and your hard drive crashed. Pretending to be a conservative isn’t enough – you have to actually have something thoughtful to say.
    Again, please stop clogging America’s internet up with your piddle.

  17. GWB did not invent the concept of giving credit to those who are not credit worthy. Americans have allowed themselves to be brainwashed into the idea of what they “want” confused with what they “need” and the whole “entitlement” culture. The economic trouble we are having is 30 years in the making.
    You lunatics, PAT, are anxious to blame GWB for everything from receding hairlines to disobedient children. Take some responsibility yourself.
    Oh and the WMD? Look in Syria.
    o crap…i wasn’t going to get sucked in.

  18. “Pat, if you don’t stop wasting America’s bandwidth, your internet priviledges will be revoked and your hard drive crashed. Pretending to be a conservative isn’t enough – you have to actually have something thoughtful to say.
    Again, please stop clogging America’s internet up with your piddle.”
    internet priviledges will be revoked? hard drive crashed? oh i guess that is more “thoughtful to say” than opposition to war/president. it’s “privileges”, by the way.
    well i can see what kind of mentality is on this board. i’m a libertarian btw, not a “conservative”.
    you folks really hate an opposition or free speech i can see. so go ahead and revel in your glorious leader “bush”, play with your toy soldiers and have a fun life now.

  19. “WMD? Look in Syria.”
    uh…news flash, we’re in “Iraq”
    “lunatics, piddle, pitstains”, LOL. when you don’t have a real argument, use insults. how childish. how about the people on this board take responsibility for their dishonesty?

  20. Hi Pat. An acquantaince of mine said something interesting the other day that I’ll paraphrase: “You know, Jim, I was for the Iraq war when we all thought that WMD’s were there. When we found out they weren’t, I was really angry at Bush – and turned against the war. Now, I’m thinking it might be a good thing after all. I just wish we didn’t have to pay for it!” The person is a Democrat, kind of like Joe Lieberman.
    I just thought I’d relay that – in the interests of “free speech” and all.

  21. Pat, Pat, Pat. It’s spelled “priviledges” ever since Bush took over and changed the spelling along with the Iraq war. Buy a new dictionary so you can keep up with the changes. But don’t buy it online because you’ll be wasting America’s bandwidth and you have already been warned.

  22. Pat, I fail to see how being a member of NRA has anything to do with your views about the President. Unless, of course, you think that being pro gun is part of a larger groupthink. Sorry, I don’t buy it.
    He is neither a criminal nor the perpetrator of an illegal war. The fundamental difference is that he recognized that terrorism can’t be treated as a law enforcement issue. Obviously, that’s not your view, but castigating the man that assumed that burden for a differing one is not honest. Ultimately it doesn’t really matter what you or I think, GWB pursued the line of action that he deemed to be in our best national interest. And, subsequently, there have been no attacks on American civilian targets since 9/11.
    Are they related? That’s fodder for argument. I believe that they are. You don’t. In some sense, he’s almost a casualty of his own success in this respect.
    I can’t change your mind, nor, quite frankly, am I willing to put much effort into that task. But I will stand up for my President. He’s been steadfast and solid under extreme pressure. I salute him, and what he has given to the country. I shall miss him when he’s gone.

  23. “..we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender,…….” Winston Churchill. 4 June 1940
    “Only with the events of a year(11 yrs) ago did Americans finally realize that “Death to America” truly is the battle cry of this era’s most dangerous foe, militant Islam.” Daniel Pipes 2002
    “”God is Great,” “There is no Deity but Allah,” “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” were among the slogans chanted by the masses in unison as they gathered in the Desert of Arafat, 20 km (12 miles) from Mecca, for a day of prayer and meditation.
    Iranian Delegation at the Hajj
    Iranian Republic News Agency
    December 18, 2007″
    These last are the kind of people we’re still dealing with. Always remember and never forget. They don’t simply disagree with us, they want to KILL us, every man, woman and child. Don’t believe me just ask them.
    and HERE

  24. I’m wondering why all you nice sensible folks are arguing with slimy underbridge dwellers like Pat about THIS subject. Seven years later, this is still a very serious and profound subject for me, and I don’t like to see nonsense like Pat’s being given even this much credence.
    Oh, and if you want to see a weapon of mass destruction, go to your local airport and look on the runway.

  25. Trish is correct. We should avoid feeding the trolls on what is, after all, a memorial thread.
    God bless those who fell, those who died trying to save them, those who survive them, and those who protect us now.

  26. Thanks, Paleomedic and Jimmy. I feel very lucky and humbled to be here. Trish, I concur generally, but I’m tired of seeing a good man trashed. I don’t normally engage trolls but today, of all days, I’ve had enough. I don’t accept the factually inaccurate basis that people feel they can heap scorn on a man that has, in fact kept us safe since 2001. You don’t have to like him, but at least be honest enough to acknowledge all that he has done, in good faith, to keep the country secure. He never promised it would be easy or painless. He told us in 2001 that it would be a long war, maybe even stretching over generations. He had the spine to begin the task that had been kicked down the road since the Reagan Administration.

  27. Psalm 37:1-4
    Fret not yourself because of the wicked,
    be not envious of wrongdoers!
    for they will soon fade like the grass,
    and wither like the green herb.
    Trust in the LORD, and do good;
    so you will dwell in the land, and enjoy security.
    Take delight in the LORD,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.
    Psalm 67:1-2
    May God be gracious to us and bless us
    and make his face to shine upon us,
    that thy way may be known upon earth,
    thy saving power among all nations.

  28. I posted a request in comment #2.
    Thank you, liberals, for responding. In a simple experiment hosted on a website that I have no control over, you cannot help but expose your deep-seated hate.
    Good job. And thanks… I couldn’t do this without you.

  29. I’m late to chime in but I, too, will miss our President. I am so thankful it was he who led this country through that terrible time. I had just had a baby before 9/11 happened. I will never, ever forget looking at my children as they slept that night, wondering if they’d ever be safe again. I am SO grateful to our President, our troops, for keeping our nation safe. Thank you. 9/11 changed me forever but as my good friend 4 of 7 always reminds us – our hope is in the Lord. I pray He keeps all of our great men and women in service safe.

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