Bush Is Trampling the Constitution and It Is Somewhat Overcast Today

On a poll of whether Supreme Court Justices should make ruling based on the Constitution or on their sense of fairness, only 29% of Barack Obama supporters think that decision should be based on the Constitution. I guess when all the liberal talk about Bush “trampling the Constitution”, they’re not complaining so much as making a dispassionate observation.

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  1. Palin is as stupid as it gets. You should vote for people that are dumber than the average person for a job as important as vice president. This is just awful. What’s going to happen to our country if this braindead bitch wins? I wish you people would wise up and use what little brains you have. She’s probably not going to keep the homos away from you like you want anyway. Yes, I did hear about something the awful things you have been saying about gays here and I don’t like it! You know Palin’s background on this and you can easily research the views of her church. She is not the right choice for gay rights and in fact she is extremely anti-gay. Please wise-up. This woman will destroy the Republican party and turn into something that only a few people will like. Many of us have gay sons and daughters and find this woman really disturbing!! Please don’t do this!

  2. Ummm, what do those first two comments have too do with the post? typical liberal wankers trying to distract people from the issue at hand because it reflects unfavorably on their views? I’m fairly certain that the only thing that does reflect liberals favorably is that lake that the Lady handed Excalibur to King Authur. You know, that fantasy lake.

  3. Bush is trampling the same constitution that Bill Clinton “saved” by sodomizing a fat Jewish gold digger in the Ora…(ahem)Oval Orofi…(ahem)Office. Pardon me, I keep getting mixed up about what exactly Clinton actually accomplished while in there… I mean the office itself, not the fat Jewish chick.

  4. Typical ‘tards. They vote for the feeling they get from Obama, so why wouldn’t they want good feelings instead of the rule of law.
    Stupid ‘tards. Can’t live with em, can’t chop em up in tiny little pieces (legally).

  5. Why are all of these deviants pushing their hatred of “breeders” here? Are they confused, and think this is some gay dating site? IMAO = In My Ass Only?
    And Mindy, “many of us” find your “sons and daughters” conceived via turkey baster “very disturbing.”

  6. Reports say that Sarah Palin was a terrible mother. She kicked Bristol out of the house – apparently she tried to make out with nearly every boy at school. Her kids are said to be drug addicts. Still they sound far more level headed than their mother.

  7. Funny (above), but I found out about IMAO from Michelle Malkin’s site. I was scanning down her blog list and saw it, thinking, “I wonder what that is?”
    As far as I can tell, IMAO is a conservative hot house with a built-in, liberal compost heap.

  8. I should amend. By “hot house,” I’m refering to the fact that conservative women are just plain “hot” and liberal women look like Michael Moore minus his questionable genitalia. And conservative men actually love their conservative women and will kick your ass! (proverbial “your”)
    Now the question is, where are the single conservative women? I could use a good dating site, Master Shake, you know, one where
    IMAO = I May Actually Ovulate

  9. Wow Kati! We didn’t know that! “Reports” say these things? Who is “reports”? Is that another word for “KOS”? I take it the lovely pics of a 17 year old’s tummy calling the poor kid chunky weren’t good enough for you? You had to move along to attack her classmates, too? This is what you’ll stoop to in order to win a debate? How do you look yourself in the mirror in the morning?
    FYI morons: this is a humor blog. We are laughing at you! You are clearly incapable of a true debate on the issues or you wouldn’t be attacking children to get the word out. Again: come out of your mommy’s basement, weather’s fine outside.

  10. Come on, everbody, lay off Kati. She didn’t make that stuff up; it’s cleary been posted several times already by other trolls. That exact comment has already appeared in response to other posts here at IMAO (and probably many other places as well).
    Obama supporters are clearly not capable of even putting together two coherent sentences (and I use the term “coherent” very loosely here). Frankly I wouln’t have thought that they know how to copy and paste, but apparently some of them have managed.

  11. We do not copy and paste our detailed, reasoned arguments. The ontological truth of our position just happens to lead us to post the same things in exactly the same words. Our Dark Lord and Master Obama certainly didn’t send out an e-mail telling us to post these things.
    Palin is a pig! Oink! Oink!
    Obama/Biden ’08

  12. If you read this line from the study; “Democrats are more likely than Republicans and unaffiliated voters to believe the justices base rulings on the Constitution.”, you might conclude that they just dont know what is in the Constitution.

  13. The Izzies (yes, do ask me) DON’T know what the Constitution says. I was having a conversation with a friend, and he brought up the so-called “separation of church and state.” I got my copy of the actual Constitution (don’t leave home without it) and read him the First Amendment.
    “That’s ALL it says?” He was devastated. I guess I ruined an old man’s day, but truth bows to no man.

  14. #8 – Master Shake,
    I don’t think Mindy was referring to gays With children, but heterosexuals with gay children.
    Here’s a challenge to parents:
    Which is more frightening?
    1. “I’m pregnant!/I gotta girl pregnant!”
    2. “I’m gay!”
    (I’m trying to be nice today in honor of 9/11.)

  15. There is nothing as painful as the death of a child. It is 2nd only to the spiritual death of a child. When they turn their back on their God and their family to embrace a lifestyle that will insure their eternal misery, it is the most devastating experience one could endure.
    Do you stop loving them? As a mother I don’t know if that is possible, but for the spiritual and mental health of the whole family it is sometimes necessary to separate, especially those too young to understand, from a sibling who set on self destruction. While I don’t hate homosexuals I am not willing to allow them to destroy that which I treasure the most in this life.
    Our relationships with each other and our intelligence are the only things we take with us when we leave this life, so it’s important to me that those with radical views do not achieve power to force wrong and destructive ideas on me or my children and grandchildren.
    Sorry to be so serious. Must be the day.

  16. I guess what it comes down to is:
    Do you love the sinner and hate the sin, or do you love the sin and hate the sinner?
    If you love the sin and hate the sinner you will excuse and encourage the sinner to believe his sin is right and acceptable. If you hate the sin and love the sinner, you will try to turn him away from his sin.
    Which is not a PC-approved viewpoint.

  17. #26 – Captain Virtue,
    As gratifying as that would be to our carnal nature, it’s not a good idea. You know, that old ‘becoming the thing you hate’ deal?
    The 4 cardinal virtues: Courage, Justice, Temperance and Prudence.
    The 3 spiritual virtues: Faith, Hope and Love.
    Nope, hate’s not listed here; I guess it’s not an option!
    Then there’s the 7 deadly sins: Pride, Envy, Greed, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth and Anger.
    Avoid them. As the word implies, they Will kill you!
    Carry on!

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