Community Organizer FAQ

Q. What’s a community organizer?
A. It’s someone who organizes a community.
Q. And communities need organizing?
A. You think they organize themselves?
Q. I’ve lived in plenty of communities, and I don’t remember any organizers.
A. The best community organizers seek no credit.
Q. Barack Obama seeks credit.
A. And the even better ones seek lots of credit!
Q. I still don’t understand what a community organizer is supposed to do.
A. The important job of organizing the community.
Q. Like decide the layout plans of communities?
A. No. That’s the job of the city and the builders.
Q. So what is the community organizer organizing?
A. Not the buildings, but the actual community.
Q. To do what?
A. To be organized!
Q. Um… so does he alphabetize the community?
A. More often he uses color coding.
Q. And someone gets paid for this?
A. It’s a very important job.
Q. I still don’t understand what the hell it is.
A. Maybe that’s because it’s such a complex occupation.
Q. Or maybe because it’s a BS job Barack Obama made up.
A. It’s not made up. There’s even a Wikipedia article on community organizing. Here’s the opening paragraph:

Community organizing is a process by which people are brought together to act in common self-interest. While organizing describes any activity involving people interacting with one another in a formal manner, much community organizing is in the pursuit of a common agenda. Many groups seek populist goals and the ideal of participatory democracy. Community organizers create social movements by building a base of concerned people, mobilizing these community members to act, and developing leadership from and relationships among the people involved.

Q. Huh?
A. See, it’s very complicated and important.
Q. If it takes that many words to describe and it’s still not clear what it is, I’m pretty sure it’s a BS job.
A. Know what? Why don’t you rot in your disorganized community you @#$%ing caveman.
Q. And who are the idiots paying these people salaries?
A. It’s the community! They want this! Without the organizing there would be riots and cannibalism!
Q. I’m pretty sure we’ll be fine organizing ourselves.
A. You stupid, gun-toting redneck, this is why people like us don’t even bother trying to talk to people like you. You belittle important things you don’t understand while clinging to your book about the invisible sky fairy!
Q. It’s a made up job.
A. One day Barack Obama will force all your ignorant communities to be organized! Then you’ll get your comeuppance! All of you who laughed at him, we’ll see if you’re laughing then!
Q. I’m pretty sure I will be laughing. I’ll actually make a point of walking up to the community organizer and laughing at him because he wasn’t able to get a real job.
A. Then you’re just mean.
Q. Mean and working an actual job I can explain to others.
A. Hillbilly.

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  1. Seems like a Community Organizer is kind of like the D&D dungeon master – he pretends he’s smarter and better than everyone else even though he’s sitting around the same kitchen table in the same crappy apartment eating out of the same bowl of Cheetos.

  2. Speaking of organizing, Frank, you need to fix your buggy website. Whole sections load blank; funny postings and their comments seem to disappear (sometimes temporarily) into an SQL bit bucket. I hope it’s not the result of SQL injection attacks or something like that.
    [Yeah, I’m trying to figure out why that’s happening. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of website debug time penciled in. -Ed.]

  3. Q: What if we didn’t want a community organizer, but instead decided to elect a town council, board of education, stuff like that?
    A: All that elected stuff is crap. The unenlightened are always getting it wrong, worrying about petty stuff like “my job,” “my country,” and “my family.” It stands in the way of real progress. That’s why people like you don’t get to choose your own organizers. We choose them for you!
    Q: So, if you can’t be voted into a position of trust, usurp it.
    A: Well, you have to be pretty organized to do that, right? Proof of our expertise! That’ll be 500 bucks. I’ll just take it right from your paycheck, you’ll never miss it.

  4. I hear community organizers, whatever that is, are pissed at Sarah Palin’s comment about community organizers. Really, they took a break from organizing communities to complain. Because of that cannibalism, human sacrifice and poker are now rampant in the communities they were organizing before they had to stop their vitally important community organizing. And of course they blame Bush.
    If I was one of those schmucks I’d thread very lightly around her, I hear community organizer tastes like moose, and she already knows how to kill and field dress moose. Draw your own conclusions.

  5. Q: What if I don’t live in a qualified community? And who decides if I live in one?
    A: You are obviously not an urbanite, in which case, you must resort to clinging to your religion and your shotgun.

  6. Community Organizer: In the 60’s,the center guy standing at the street corner directing people on which store had the best looting prospects.
    In Chicago, a politician who can stretch 1 vote into 5 and make it look legal.
    In SF, one who finds illegals and solicits them to vote in more liberals.

  7. I remember times when a mentally challenged kid would suddenly try to be in charge and make rules for everyone else…that resulted in a beating.
    I guess in black neighborhoods, instead of a beating they make him community organizer.

  8. Finally, an explanation of what a community organizer actually does – organize a community.
    We could use one on our Indian Reservation to help organize the community because as I understand it the role of a community organizer is to organize the community. Organization will bring the reservation together; and in order to do this we need a community organizer. So please send this message to the community organizers looking to organize the Native American community members here. If Barack Obama is not available to organize our community, please send Joe Biden as our community organizer. What a HEAD of HAIR this white man has.

  9. Damn, that was funny. And I’ll be voting for Obama (I know, no accounting for taste; and yes, a few of us liberals have a sense of humor).
    Me, I always thought community organizer was some sort of make-work job for sociology majors.

  10. I can’t believe the comments here. Neanderthals. Without Community Organizers I doubt that there is even ONE dead person who would be able to exercise their Constitutional right to vote. Shame on you all.

  11. I was a community organizer in the Bronx from 1984 to 1987. I was paid by the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition.
    I organized tenant associations by going door to door in apartment buildings where there severe deterioration, an absence of heat and hot water to ask people if they would talk with their neighbors about common problems and what ought to be done about them.
    I organized a neighborhood that was overrun by open air drug dealing – crack had just hit the streets – again by knocking on doors, including the rectories of the neighborhoods diverse congregations – Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, and Baptist – to find people willing to work with neighbors to figure out who could and ought to be doing something about the problem at hand. In this case it was first the police department that decline to enforce the law in a community that was poor and overwhelmingly African-American and Latino. We talked about what potential power we had to get the police to start protecting people. That included getting public attention to what was in fact being allowed to happen in our community.
    Ironically, one of the people with whom we met was then Attorney General Rudolph Giuliani, who was absolutely phenomenal. He was the first public official who actually took the problem seriously and was willing to take real action to address it. Giuliani was a big part of the success we had in the Bronx.
    It’s probably true that many communities don’t need “organizers.” Very diverse, urban communities where people don’t know their neighbors, where people go to different churches, may speak different languages, etc. are different. Their underlying values are the same – they want to be safe, to have their children succeed, to have basic services in exchange for paying a rent, etc. what they may not have however to have those values influence public institutions or negligent housing providers.

  12. To: irritations.
    You’re so right! That’s the problem on our rez’s, too, it’s just that no one realized it! We need a narrowly-educated stranger to come here and tell us what we need, since we’re too frickin’ dumb to figure it out for ourselves. Why, I’m sure three years of telling us what to do would qualify that outsider to be leader of the free world!
    If only such an individual existed – Perhaps if we all pray, we’ll find such a Messiah.
    Tom on the rez.

  13. Didn’t any of you read the Wiki definition?!
    A community organizer is akin to a “SOCIAL PLANNER”!
    Hmmm. What’s a social planner? I’m getting dizzy.
    In the end—reading the Wiki definition—how does “community organizer” differ from “political party”?

  14. I guess you really do need your community organized if all the women are single mothers with 5 children by 5 different men none of them ex-husbands. Now that is disorganized. Maybe a community organizer helps all those kids get matched with fathers? Yeah, if only.

  15. I do not understand how some one who can not challenge a person talking wrong things for 20 years in front of him, can challenge any thing to change. Obama listened his minister for 20 years and did not speak to him to correct the minister’s wrong view about his country. I do not wish to take 21 years to see if he can change any wrong thing to right as my president. By the way, he can not run the country for more than 8 years even if he is lucky. I do not have to know any other fact to decide whom to vote.

  16. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

  17. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

  18. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

  19. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

  20. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

  21. Joe Biden is not fit to run for office!!! He said
    Hillary Clinton might have been a better choice.
    This shows total lack of self esteem, confidence, and just plain leadership ability.
    Barack Obama should not be elected because he compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This shows a complete lack of judgement and leadership ability as well as showing once and for all how
    inexperienced he is.
    To seal the deal, he hardly mentions American
    godliness, the virtues of killing wild animals while hovering in a helicopter, and the sacredness of motherhood. He’s not even a tortured
    war veteran. He knows nothing about what is really
    crucial to America.
    He even sounds like an effete snob. Where the hell
    does a black man get off talking highbrow to us
    bible/gun toting American patriots.
    I say vote for McCain and Palin. They stand for
    what is really important: waging war, thumping the bible, and spouting platitudes.
    Heil McCain and Palin!!!

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