From the mouths of babes . . .


  1. I was proud to give McCain/Palin and Roger Wicker for U.S. Senate stickers to several young children in The Grove on the campus of the University of Mississippi in Oxford on Friday while campaigning before the debate. It gave me hope that we’ll have a good crop of conservatives for the future.

  2. Right. Like they made a sign. It was made by their rich parents with a $1 million plus income who want another tax cut. No middle class people will vote Republican after George Bush that’s why you are predicted to get decimated in the House and Senate. Eat that you foul b*tches! Lick toilets and pee on yourselves too!

  3. No middle class people will vote Republican after George Bush

    I’m voting Republican, straight party ticket. Only way I don’t is if McCain dumps Palin, which I don’t think will happen.

    I’m lower-middle class. I don’t particularly care for my tax money going to the Iraq war, but I don’t want to see that same money diverted to corrupt 3rd world dictators to live more lavishly while oppressing their people, which is the Obama Global Poverty Initiative.

    that’s why you are predicted to get decimated in the House and Senate

    By the same non-partisan polling firms that called 2004 for Kerry, and missed the 1994 sweep of the house and senate by Republicans? Those predictions?

    Not saying it won’t happen, but keep in mind: approval ratings for the house and senate are in the toilet. Yes, that very same toilet you like to lick. Which is weird. I wouldn’t be telling people about your toilet licking fetish in public, if I were you.

  4. “It was made by their rich parents with a $1 million plus income who want another tax cut.”

    Hey, I didn’t know we made a million-PLUS!!! And all along I wondered how we were going to manage on just the single mil.

  5. If that sign had said McCain sucks instead of Obama, Acorn would be trying to register these girls to vote!

    “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.”
    Thank you, and rest in peace Bob Marley

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