Here’s a free lecture from the Nancy Pelosi School of Leadership and Coalition Building . . .

Did she really expect it to pass after this? I can’t tell if she intentionally shafted the plan, hoping for an economic catastrophe to shore up her power, or is so clueless and senile (from decades long abuse of hair dye, and pressure on the brain from having her face pulled back like a sling shot rubber band), that she is incapable of leading anything except a radical cabal. It hasn’t earned the name “Do Nothing Congress” for nothing. The final tally was 207-226, with Democrats supporting it 141-94, while Republicans opposed it 66-132. 40% of her own party doesn’t care what she thinks.


  1. Why does she think railing on the previous economic policies is a argument for the bail out plan? In fact, I don’t see an argument at all. She is just blathering. How do these people get into office?!

  2. D@mn straight. I wish during their blame session someone had called them on that 40 percent. Barney Fife, er, Frank, was particularly odious, which I guess is normal for him.
    I also find it amusing she talks about the “Great Depression” and says “I don’t see what was so great about it.” HA! Great also means “large” in ENGLISH, Nancy-pants!!!!

    Why is it always the dumbest things I hear are from Californians? The one pissed off at the US for “bombing that Osama Bin Kenobi guy”? The couple who, while watching the first Fourth of July fireworks display after 9/11, argued that we deserved it and they did it because there were Starbucks in Paris? (and that was at a Mensa convention). And who could forget her “can we drill your brains?” comment reflecting her maturity and respect for others.
    Good. Freaking. Grief.

  3. Wow. Look I know I dont speak for all Californians but I’m going to pull a Jesse Jackson and issue the following statement: “On behalf of all Californians I apologize for the leftist nutjob we sent to congress. I apologize for the insane ranting and nonsensical blathering of this dried up fruitcake. Please dont judge the rest of us based on this pinko commie screwball. Outside of Frisco and SoCal we are actually pretty reasonable people.”

  4. Oh, why not. Everything else is up in the air and I just feel like it…

    * Pelosi’s face went through a fan and came out better.

    * If Pelosi’s face were any uglier, crows would attack it as road kill.

    * Nancy Pelosi and Barbra Streisand regard each other as attractive.

    * Children cry when they see Pelosi on TV.

    * When deer see Pelosi’s “deer in the headlights” look, they run to the nearest road and play “Do The Pelosi.”

  5. Yeah, for some reason, I was being forced to listen to NPR the other day when they were asking Pelosi about the bailout, and she was SO divisive that the reporter was trying to feed her questions that were at least not overtly blaming, and she just couldn’t do it.

  6. Pelosi, Reid, Frank… so many others… are beyond embarassment. They must inbreed. And no mention of the 40-some percent of HER OWN KIND who voted Nay.

    So, Nancy doesn’t get her wishes (and neither does GW for that matter). Boo hoo. If they had any intellect at all, they could have come up with several ideas and processes – to have played out concurrently over the past few years when it was obvious to the rest of us that “all wasn’t what is appeared to be” in the financial kingdom. But no. Their elitist social agendas dictated that monies must be doled out to the least among us… and I did not hear them clamor for control and regulation when it came to their own wasteful spending and pork projects.

    And the comment about “within two years” of Bush taking office, the budget had tanked… How quickly they forget – when they’re no longer profitting from it – that little episode called 9/11?

    Smelly underwear to all of ’em.

  7. Blaming Pelosi is just a cop-out. The Bush administration caused the financial crisis by borrowing trillions from China to fund the Iraq War. Pelosi is looked up to by young girls and young woman worldwide. Try and show some respect and blame your own party leaders in the Bush administration – that’s where it belongs. Just because Nancy doesn’t bang the bible like a maniac like the crazed females in your party do doesn’t mean that our women do crazy stuff too. In our party the women are rational, sophisticated and beautiful. Too bad you can’t say the same thing about Republican women.

  8. Mindy,

    Reading might be a good start…something other than liberal bumper stickers.

    As much as I’m no Bush fan (other than Iraq), he has spent the better part of his eight years calling for reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and has been shouted down by folks like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters…you know, all the folks who now claim they saw it coming and are touting themselves as the supposed saviors.

    I know, I know, you don’t believe that. Well, there are some videos of their brilliant statements on YouTube. You libs all love YouTube…look it up.

  9. “In our party the women are rational, sophisticated and beautiful. Too bad you can’t say the same thing about Republican women.”

    Every time I read a troll post I can’t help believing it’s parody. It’s more than likely real, but WOW, what stupidity!

    Answer: Sarah Palin, Sarahk, my wife….(millions more)

    When I think of Liberal women, I think: Hairy armpits, STD’s, and murdered babies


  10. Son of Bob and others,

    You look really stupid defending Bush. He’s done things that in the past the Republican party would be extremely angry with – enlarged the government, been fiscally insane and not balanced the budget. There’s no excuse for this and he easily could have avoided the problem by either – not going into Iraq or not cutting taxes. By doing both Bush had to borrow from China to finance it and that’s where the problems began. This is the result of bad fiscal policy that the Republicans have always ALWAYS been against. Let’s not defend something we are against. This is a failure of leadership not of Republican values. We won’t win the next election by defending George Bush on the economy.

  11. When I think of Liberal women, I think of fat, lazy, shrill, chin-haired loud-mouths all dressed in pink and yelling stupid slogans. There is another type, though: the “I don’t want to talk about it!” cant-remember-history smuggies who leave the room when you point out simple historical facts.

    BTW, Leadership, we’ve been borrowing from more than China. That money hasn’t dried up and is not causing the current situation. So, even though you’re right about Bush’s spending, your point is lost on this particular day.

  12. Can ONE person who’s blaming Bush for this tell me how debt to China has ANYTHING to do with the current financial crisis?

    I know it’s a little much to ask that you try and form a coherent thought that hasn’t been sent directly to your e-mail inbox by the DNC, but maybe this time you could reach for the stars?

    How exactly did a bunch of morons making sub-prime loans based on the dumbass belief that property values would ALWAYS rise under any circumstances result from us owing money to China? Did the Chi-Coms make us do it with some kind of mind ray? Seems a little advanced for a country that just now managed it’s first spacewalk.

    That being said, you could make a very compelling point that liberal groups like ACORN who strong-armed banks into making all kinds of sub-prime loans to low income areas that wouldn’t have qualified under their existing requirements DID have a big hand in the crisis. When political entities try to get involved in the financial sector, they start trying to make financial decisions using a skewed moral compass instead of decent economic sense, and this is the result. What should that tell you about the validity of the idea that the government should get involved and try to ‘fix’ this?

  13. “The Bush administration caused the financial crisis by borrowing trillions from China to fund the Iraq War.”

    The Iraq war has not cost trillions of dollars. It’s been estimated at 160 billion per year. Our federal budget is 2.6 trillion per year. Spending 2.6 trillion per year vs. 2.8 trillion per year is not the difference between a financial crisis and there is no sane reason to consider it such or to regard it as having any connection to the sub-prime mess.

    “Pelosi is looked up to by young girls and young woman worldwide.”

    Not 1 in 10 young girls know who she is.

    “Try and show some respect and blame your own party leaders in the Bush administration – that’s where it belongs.”

    I’m sure your side has many things that it is in a position to attack us for – an ability to self-criticize is not one of these things–nor is it something that your side of aisle has shown much of a proficiency in.

    “In our party the women are rational, sophisticated and beautiful.”

    Nancy Pelosi is none of these. In intellect, she makes George Bush look like a Rhodes scholar. Whatever she may have used to look like, no rational person today could consider her a looker. For rationality, take a look at her Syria trip.

    “Too bad you can’t say the same thing about Republican women.”

    Any man who would prefer Pelosi to this woman

    cannot seriously consider himself a heterosexual.

  14. “We are in the midst of a serious financial crisis,” Bush said. “Our entire economy is in danger.”

    “I propose that the federal government reduce the risk posed by the troubled assets and supply urgently needed money so banks and other financial institutions can avoid collapse and resume lending.”

  15. Leadership,

    You are absolutely correct that Bush has done some things that I clearly do not support…as I said, I’m not a huge fan, but the things he did right were still right, even if you don’t like him.

    The tax cuts stimulated the economy and restored us to financial stability after 9/11. Tax cuts work every time they’re tried. John F Kennedy (I know you don’t know who he was, but ask your liberal friends, he’s kind of a hero to some of them) introduced tax cuts successfully, Reagan rebounded the economy with them, and Bush implemented them successfully. When people have more money, they spend it, thus paying more taxes on it, while keeping businesses successful. It worked. For example, because of the tax cuts people had more money to spend on Slurpies and Slim Jims, so your job at the mini-mart was secured.

    Meanwhile, the democrat solution was to raise taxes, which always stops spending, causing businesses to suffer and lay off employees, like the guy who puts the hot dogs on the little rollers (you).

    As for China, you have no idea what you’re talking about, trying to make a connection to this debt, letalone the war. If you want to make a China connection, you can look at Paulson (a democrat, as are the other losers from his former company that he brought in after Bush foolishly appointed him). His dealings with helping the Chinese to buyout American companies are far more than suspicious, especially given his reticence to allow limiting the ability of foreign corporations to buyout American companies in his farce bailout bill.

  16. Couple items to get out (go easy on me – I am a simple man):

    1. War spending arguments are retarded – war is politics via another means (that part of Clausewitz still is relevant today). Lets cut through the chaff liberals and answer one question — You want gas from a remotely stable middle east? Then suck it up, enjoy your ride and leave politics out of the discussion. Otherwise, start pedaling your bike everywhere and then complain about gas and Iraq. You cannot have the good by itself – that’s the world we live in.

    2. Irresponsible citizens are a large part of our economic “crisis”… Unfortunately as a society, we have too much individual debt which means we are too much of a debtor nation. This is part of the economic problem right now. The media focuses on the big wall street firms and home loans but the credit card industry (with irresponsible consumers) is just as culpable.

    2a. A real elected official with the sack to be honest (none really exist) would just say to people:

    “People, pay off your credit cards and be responsible. If you cannot afford stuff, don’t buy the stuff. If you are denied a home loan, there probably is a good reason for that. Fix your finances and be responsible. Stop your whining!”

    No politician would say that because they would lose all support from the peddlers who run our credit card companies along with people who believe that the government’s function is to give them stuff. If you feel like you deserve socialism, quit being American, move to Europe and pay your 75% income tax.

    3. You know, term limits for all senators and congressmen/women would also be a nice change. I would say that ~90% of Americans would agree with that. The other 10% are politicians, activists, Hollywood actors and criminals.

    My motive: I really don’t want to see Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi scaring my children when they get old enough to realize who they are on TV.

    – A simple man with simple thoughts…

  17. Senator McCain went on and on in a Senatorial display of windyness after the bailout failed.

    John we are going to need you to keep a wildly liberal congress under control. You must win. ( unfortunately )

    Be simple and straight forward – oppose the bailout – we’re better off suffering through a depression than selling out democracy for scrit paper money
    Paste Obama with supporting this massive government corrosion of our currency and interpersonal trust!
    Two senators running for president. The country should go heavy into wind power. With just McCain and Obama we can put OPEC out of business!

  18. So Bush is at fault because the bill he desperately wanted to pass was defeated? I suppose if it passed and it was a disaster it would have been his fault, too.

    That’s the leftist line, I guess: When excess government causes a problem, give the people more excess government.

  19. Will, and other surf-by trolls, we regulars are not impressed with your sense of humor, either, seeing as how this is mainly a political humor site.

    Like anything else in a free society, your have the right to choose. Do yourself a favor and choose to leave.

  20. Let’s see… Paulson wants this. Pelosi wants this. Reid wants this. When Bush wanted this he went to the RATS in congress not the Republicans. The media elites want this. The Wall Street pricks want this.

    Ok…I somehow agree with the Republicans who DON’T want this! I must not understand all the complexities being a simple rube out here in middle America…

  21. Jimmy, when I think of liberal women I think of of the same types. The large, short-haired, manly types that attend WNBA games or the very attractive types who are not particularly bright but summon their political opinions from the MSM’s without having to actually think about issues. Turn on Chris Mathews for 1/2 hour each night and you have your talking points for the next day. This then allows for plenty of time to read your copies of Ms, O, Time and People magazines…

  22. 35 ussjimmycarter Says: “Ok…I somehow agree with the Republicans who DON’T want this! I must not understand all the complexities being a simple rube out here in middle America… ”

    That’s because it’s not difficult to be a fiscal conservative and reasonably compassionate socially (heavy emphasis on “reasonably”) — that it, until the powers that be get their tidy whities all twisted in the complexity of Washington elitism and personal gain.

    I don’t want the bailout either. Either way, it will be disastrous, but I’m willing to suck it up and let the markets sort out themselves rather than permit socialistic maneuverings takeover another facet of our lives.

  23. # 31 Will Not impressed with the regulars here at IMAO. Oh well. Maybe if we got a better class of trolls that would improve.

    Liberals can whine and complain all they want but the facts are that Bush and Company have been sounding the alarm on this since at least 2003. McCain was on the floor of the Senate proposing reform in 2005. Who stood in the way, who assured us there was no immanent crisis’, that would be Frank, Dodds, Pelosi, Reid, and their millionaire friends, Raines, Johnson and Gorlick just to name a few. Go to youtube, watch the videos, open your little minds and see, just once, the truth. I DARE YOU.

    Just keep drinking the koolaid. Soon it will be all over and you can go back to minding everyone else’s business and interfering in everyone else’s life.

  24. Is there anything the American people can do to get rid of, or at least bind & gag, this arrogant, vile reprobate? I am so ashamed that we were afforded the opportunity to get a ‘woman’ in the position of Speaker of the House and she behaves in such a reprehensible, despicable manner.

  25. So the current Bush plan gives the Sec. of Commerce Czar like powers huh? As a communist she would know. I don’t think I have ever heard a more ridiculous speech in my life. She could have simplified the whole thing and put it in one simple sentence. “I don’t like Republicans… $700 Billion…” That might have equaled out to a minute after she stuttered out the $700 billion part.

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