“Hey, who left all this garbage on the steps of Congress . . . “

House defeats $700B financial markets bailout
And, here I thought that the Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress, and Nancy Pelois and Harry Reid had a mandate to lead — somebody better rework the math on that one. They’re not shameless enough to claim that the REPUBLICANS killed this all by themselves are they?

This demands a parody.


  1. Hooray! The bill failed. Take that Bush admnistration. No one trusts you anymore. Way to go Congress now my stocks are … oh no … really starting to go into the toilet. What a minute… sign that bill!

    Honestly I’m torn on this one.
    I love you crazy right wingers here on this crazy blog.
    I also love hot men.

    yours, wsr

  2. Everything is about the Iraq war for the left. All the money going to the Iraq war could instead have gone to underwrite the bad loans Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were making (and underwriting via purchase), so this debacle could have been even bigger. Which would have been great, because there would have been no Iraq war, so it would all be caused by the Bush tax cuts.

  3. I just got through watching the democrats A) p1ss on the republicans BEFORE the vote and B) blame the republicans for being “petty” and “putting feelings over country” AFTER they didn’t get what they wanted when they wanted it. Stupid two-year-olds.

    I’m just a shill
    Yes I’m only a shill
    and I’m sitting here on capital hill
    And it’s a long long way from San Fran to DC City
    But I p1ssed on everyone and their kid in my committee
    No I demand that they give me a law
    Oh I rant and rave that they will
    but today I am still
    Just a shill.

    Wow Nancy you sure have a lot of impatience and backstabbing!

    Well to start out with I wasn’t even a shill. I was just Cindy Sheehan with money!

  4. What does this have to do with the iraq war?

    – Everything you stupid piece of s***. What was the biggest expense since Bush took office? He tried to both a tax cut and a war and it screwed the economy. It’s all you stupid bush aministration lovers who f***ked up our country. eat sh*t and die you a**munching fools.

  5. Just remember, your money is, after all, just paper. It’s not backed-up by anything except federal promises. The socalled liberals (I think we should stop calling them that) probably don’t even realize that it used to be tied to gold. Even JFK tried – and failed – to reconnect it to silver.

    Hard to eat promises unless you’re dealing with honorable men.

    Oh, my 1040 has located the trash can. It’s standing by for further instructions.

  6. Exactly why it gets ruined when you have leaders like George Bush who don’t treat the economy seriously and think they spend whatever they want whenever they want. If Bush wanted the war he should have said we can’t afford the tax cut or vice versa. Doing both is what caused the massive overspending and tanked the economy. It looks like it will take a Democrat to now balance the budge and shrink the size of the government – ironically.


  7. MadPeep Says:
    September 29th, 2008 at 3:34 pm

    What does this have to do with the iraq war?

    – Everything you stupid piece of s***. What was the biggest expense since Bush took office? He tried to both a tax cut and a war and it screwed the economy. It’s all you stupid bush aministration lovers who f***ked up our country. eat sh*t and die you a**munching fools.

    Fricked up? Don’t think you have to asterisk out the letters on that word. 😉

    Unable to have a conversation without insults? Really shows off your intellect. Show some couth next time and maybe people will take your trolling seriously.

  8. Well, trollers, we wouldn’t be in Iraq or Afghanistan had it not been for 9/11, remember? And the war funding has been voted on, over and over… The Dems could have put an end to it, but they did not. ‘Magine that. And your BHusseinO wants to send additional troops to A-stan and is ready-freddy for Pakistan, too. Now won’t that cost a pretty penny?

    My guess is most of our interlopers here don’t have a stake in either the Middle East or the stock market. It’s hard to manage a full portfolio, let alone a comprehension of realism, when you’re stuck eating Ramen noodles in mummy and daddy’s basement.

  9. ILoveMyFreedoms,

    That’s not really a fair statement. To be fair, in addition to Ramen noodles, sometimes Mom brings them down peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (and cuts off the crust). They need sustenance while playing Everquest, while we’re working.

  10. A near 7% drop in the Dow- not chump change,
    but not even in the top ten worst days in the Dow.

    We beat socialism abroad, lets smash it at home,too.

    With those pointy headed morons out of session for a couple of days,
    the markets will probably turn upwards.

  11. It just amazes me that there are still people in this great nation of ours who seem to be unaware that the President CAN’T spend taxpayer money. That’s our lovely Democrat-run congress’s job.
    They also think that a tax RATE cut is the same as a TAX cut. Astonishing. We should have public schools to educate people about such things.

    Oh, wait. . .

  12. AWWW all the little liberals suffering from bds, tell me you liberals have you read or lived history ? we fought this war because the united nations sat on thier thumbs and wouldn’t go after sadam after 17 resolutions how many kurds had to die, how many rapes of women had to happen how about the swamp arabs that were killed by this man and sons ? all the palaces he had on the back of the iraqi people ?

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