
Someone has forgot to delete Greg Gutfeld’s login to the HuffingtonPost… just like with cadet happy and IMAO.

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  1. I was “born” in 1984. Mysteriously, Amadeus won the Academy Award for best picture that year. Eerily, those two events were not related at all.
    Haha, good satire. Too bad some of the liberals are too busy banging their heads on their keyboards to realize that it’s supposed to be teh funny.

  2. Reminds me of an article that appeared in Die Naturwissenschaften and made the rounds of the internet:
    “This is an attempt to explain the value of the absolute zero yemperature. To reach it, all degrees of freedom must be frozen. Now, due to Eddington, proton and electron have both 1/alpha degrees of freedom. But even at absolute zero, their circulating around each other can’t stop. Summing up, this means absolute zero is at minus (2/alpha-1) degrees. With a value of 1/alpha=137.08, this makes -273.16 degrees, which is surprisingly close to the known value.”

  3. I pity Greg,
    I could feel IQ points being sapped just from looking at the headlines at HuffPost.
    It was just like the front pages of the Des Moines Register and the New York Times.
    He must use blinders or something to avoid reading the HuffPost while blogging there.

  4. #5
    Sadly, the Register is the closest thing to news you can get over in the People’s Republic of Iowa City.
    Luckily, it has a fairly large comics section, so I can glean a little bit of news from that.

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