Is Sarah Palin Putting LSD in Liberals’ Water

Is Sarah Palin drugging liberals? I know, liberals often drug themselves, but they have been going completely insane as of late. I mean, we’re talking worse than BDS. They’re like cornered rats lashing out in any way they can. I guess they saw victory coming, and now have become violently angry now that it looks like it’s being snatched away from them.
Look at this article by Deepak Chopra I found linked to in The Corner. My brain can’t quite take it and the comments after it seriously and is still trying to process the think as some sort of elaborate joke. It’s basically arguing everything about Palin is evil and everything about Obama is good (without getting into any specifics about him, of course). It’s an argument a two-year-old would make dressed up in smarty-sounding psychology terms. Just look at one part of it:

She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essence his shadow, deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst impulses. In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of “the other.” For millions of Americans, Obama triggers those feelings, but they don’t want to express them. He is calling for us to reach for our higher selves, and frankly, that stirs up hidden reactions of an unsavory kind. (Just to be perfectly clear, I am not making a verbal play out of the fact that Sen. Obama is black. The shadow is a metaphor widely in use before his arrival on the scene.) I recognize that psychological analysis of politics is usually not welcome by the public, but I believe such a perspective can be helpful here to understand Palin’s message. In her acceptance speech Gov. Palin sent a rousing call to those who want to celebrate their resistance to change and a higher vision.

How do you even write like that? Do you have to inject estrogen directly into your shriveled testicles every hour?
And apparently Roger Ebert had written a whole article criticizing Palin based on her glasses, but it looks like the effect of the LSD finally wore off and he took it down.
I was hoping the whole BDS stuff would fade away with a McCain presidency because he isn’t anything like Bush no matter how much the liberals like to play pretend. It looks like we may reach whole new levels of derangement from the left with Palin, though. She so much of what’s good about America that they like to think doesn’t exist, so they need to destroy her.

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  1. You have to understand, Chopra is 100% off-the-deep-end-certifiable nuts. Seriously, I saw him on Colbert a couple months ago and it’s like one of those homeless guys preaching government conspiracy theories to invisible people on a street corner. Crazy, crazy mofo.

  2. I had to try three times to make it through that big paragraph, Frank. Now, my eyes are crossed, my fingers are twitching and I’m mumbling to myself. The only cure for this is more… Palin!
    (Or an all out war against liberalism.)

  3. The liberal womyn are just upset about the lipstick reference that Palin made. They positively hate the fact that, even without lipstick, a pitbull is prettier than they are – the same way they’re upset that President Bush is prettier than they are now.
    As for the liberal “men”…well, being friends of Dorothy, they’re also upset about the lipstick thing.

  4. Deepak Chopra Quote: “If you have happy thoughts, then you make happy molecules. On the other hand, if you have sad thoughts, and angry thoughts, and hostile thoughts, then you make those molecules which may depress the immune system and make you more susceptible to disease.”
    Well then, that settles it. Lets have more happy molecules!

  5. Reports say that Sarah Palin was a terrible mother. She kicked Bristol out of the house – apparently she tried to make out with nearly every boy at school. Her kids are said to be drug addicts. Still they sound far more level headed than their mother.
    [What to think of people who post the same fatuous things under different screen names? Is this coordinated by Obama’s campaign, or just one lonely loser? -Ed.]

  6. The other element is that liberals have the same brain damage as those who become Muslim. It’s not their fault that they’re ignorant, amoral cowards with nanoscopic genitalia – it’s all x’s fault.
    It’s no coincidence that for both groups, x = America, Boooosh!, Christians, Jews, women who won’t submit to their insane ideology/religion, etc.

  7. [What to think of people who post the same fatuous things under different screen names? Is this coordinated by Obama’s campaign, or just one lonely loser? -Ed.]
    I would say that it’s Obamuhhh, himself, but this stuff is too immature and childish, even for him!

  8. Wow Samantha, as a life-long-conservative who totally voted for Ronold Regan twice, I too have misgivings about Sarah Palin’s abilities.
    Why, I heard that she once killed a moose! With a gun!!!
    As a life-long-conservative who voted for Ronold Regan twice, I am a little afraid of women who use guns, you know their “time of the month” will cause them to lash out horribly.
    Why can’t they just stay in the kitchen the way God intended? And I say that as a life-long-conservative whose favorite book is about death and war and stuff.

  9. Palin can\’t win because only right wing wackos like her. By the way this is clearly a gay hate blog and it isn\’t funny. It\’s not possible to say you like gays and then vote for a gay-hating bitch like Sarah Palin. If you vote for Palin then go f*** yourself.

  10. hmm..
    small town values = petty,small minded parochialism
    family values = walling out social justice
    patriotism = fallback in a failed war
    reform = throwing out anyone who doesn’t fit your ideology
    arrogant freak.
    It is so amazing that so many of them are convinced of their intellect. And they have convinced each other as well. Were they all this hysterical when Reagan was running for the first time? I kind of remember that.. I was a little young and out of it.

  11. I read a pretty fair number of blogs daily (sorry frank j., it’s not like we’re married or anything..) The last 3 or so weeks almost EVERY SINGLE ONE has been overrun with lunatic trolls with unfamiliar, ever changing names. Most claim to be “life-long uber-conservative Republican party operatives” who have jumped ship and are regretfully informing us why. I have been following these blogs for up to 5 or 6 years for some of them. This is new. I have a little paranoia about it. Partly because I WAS a community organizer when I was young and stupid and it would have seemed like a good plan to me then to neutralize the opposition.

  12. I’ve seen Deepak live myself. He seemed a decent fellow. I actually had a fairly high opinion of him.
    But I am beyond disappointed to see him use “psycho-analysis” of the current political scene as an excuse to further develop the Deification (See “Deify” by Disturbed) of Obama with his “higher ideals” while simultaneously painting Sarah as his “shadow” (They fear her ninja skills) and categorically dismissing all conservatives as following the darkside of the force due to either their ignorance or evil resistance to progress and adhesion to “inertia.”
    Generally, the liberals’ quest for power is often thinly disguised as compassion.
    Deepak’s quest for “Peace, Light, and Wellbeing” can be clearly seen by any rational sentient being to be his own quest for world domination.
    He seemed so anxious to deliver his rabid support for Obamassiah that he forgot to give any rational support for his claims or “definitions,” thus dispensing with all appearances of balanced, rational “analysis.”
    Apparently it is not only the “rabid” lefties who are imploding, but the “intellectual” and “enlightened” left as well.
    So let it be written . . .

  13. Have NAMBLA (or, in Tina’s case, NAWGLA) changed their URL to something that brain-damaged liberal typists somehow mistype as
    Tina (and your other personalities that are posting here), now that you know you are not at the site that you hoped would teach you new techniques for drugging and molesting young girls, “move on”.

  14. Some conservatives don’t bother me but do you religious freaks do. Did you really have to elect some gay hating redneck from the middle of nowhere. Why do you think God wants you to stop gays from marrying and being happy? What’s up with that. Don’t you think it’s just a little bigoted of you to act in this manner. You are all like so sorry but my mighty God says gays can’t marry so you can’t and you can’t adopt kids but I can and I can get nice tax breaks from the government but not you. You are bunch of bigots just using Jesus as an excuse to get tax breaks. What a bunch of slime buckets you all are. Get a life and a clue. You don’t worship you clearly worship Satan instead. And yes Palin is the biggest earmarking hoarding pig I have ever seen.

  15. You can not argue with Odd Toadd. He’s a PhD. He is not only a Phd. He is a PhdToadd.
    Toads definition of Bigot = person who does not rim beauthole.
    I do not care if gays want to turd tickle in the privacy of their own homes. Just do not ask for a tax break for it. Afterall health insurance and tax breaks are the only difference between 2 guys living together and 2 guys “married”.
    Frankly Frank I think they should get their own 1000 year old tradition.
    And yes I’ll vote against tax breaks for gays until they start voting conservative. Godd only knows they try hard manipulation via tax code themselves. They just don’t like taking their own patent medicine as the flavor is not good.
    Just a note on the taste of your medicine liberals: if 19 tequilas do not get the taste out of your mouth 20 will not either.
    Tough luck.

  16. I was hoping the whole BSD stuff would fade
    away with a McCain presidency…
    No Frank! McCain will get my BSD install disc from my cold dead hands, Never! Besides, according to Netcraft, McCain ditched Windows Server for Linux last month so surely he will let the Penguins and Daemons co-exist.
    Ok, couldn’t resist when I saw the typo.

  17. I have it on good authority Sarah Palin is D.B. Cooper’s lovechild.
    As a lifelong conservative, I don’t think it’s right that her father hijacked a plane, and cannot vote for McCain until she repays Northwest Airlines the full $200,000.

  18. I just stopped by again to say that I do, of course, find many of you to be obnoxious mindless baboons incapable of intelligent thought or discourse. Frank J. often makes amusing anecdotes and funny graphics. Your response to these graphics is mediocre at best and often pathetic and feeble minded. I am not at all sure how he stands to read what many of you have to say. I’m sure your idiotic ramblings will eventually cause his eyes to bleed. Perhaps it is not his choice but he is just stuck with you. You morons are just attached to his humor like velcro. Frank is the hook side of the velcro and you stupid monkeys are the smaller and slightly harrier loop side. There is nothing that can be done to prevent your type of clown arriving once Frank starts in with his kind of humor. With that I shall make my exit never to return to this awful place again. I can’t speak for some of the younger people who have been shouting at you lately. They may very well stay. I am not in charge of them. Goodbye. It was really nice talking to you. So nice 🙂

  19. I just decided to post again to emphasize how much I hate you all and that this should really get you to change your vote for Barack Obama.
    Also, you’re mean to gays. And I want some more attention.
    Now, I have decided to leave this site and shall not return until tonight at 9:35 p.m. when I will post under a name you can’t recognize, like VAL….or BAL.

  20. In Psychological terms Deepak Upchuck is an a-hole [for psychological reasons I left out the 2nd -].
    Emo is samo gucci with lipstick.
    Tina, you are a Bitch.
    Fd up Toddd, read the Bible and you’ll learn why God says homosexuality is wrong. Can you spell abomination? Oh, I’m sorry, it’s now spelled Obamanation. BTW the erotic qualities of a man’s excrement are lost on me.

  21. a regular on Oprah i think, so he has drunk the kool aid. Further, this stuff is great. normal people will recognize it as as the physcobabble that it is. the only ones that will nod approvingly are those who were going to vote for Barry under any circumstances.

  22. In a recent effort in the great north, Barak in a sneak decisive move, para dropped a ‘independant’ lawyer Fallschirmjäger entourage in a effort to seek out intelligence on Sarah’s past. This of course ended abruptly when they landed in unpopulated land and gave Bush the opportunity to benchtest the weather machine on ‘Godlike’ settings. Returning empty handed DÃŽr Obama, furious, had them exiled to Malta– swearing to never have them deployed throughout the rest of the campaign.

  23. I’m a college educated psychology major with a Phd, and I can guarantee you this person has “SHIT FOR BRAINS”. Ok, kidding about the Phd.
    When you wrote this, Biden probably hadn’t already said he thought Hillary was a better pick than he was. Hhaahaaaaa ad infinitum maximum

  24. Anybody see that Matt Damon and Pamela Anderson have come out against Sarah. See she’s doing her job already. Spotlighting the dangerously moronic and sadly disassociated from reality.
    Too bad Pamela’s brains aren’t in her mammary glands. She’s be a flaming genius.

  25. I would comment but I have to get busy
    “Walling out social justice”
    Who comes up with these lame socialist buzz anthems????
    You bet I am walling out “social justice” because one man’s social justice is that same mans gun in the hand holding another one armed robbery.
    Gessus….these people think THEY can decide what is social justice and what is not. Talk about arrogance. Ok …if that is true then everything I say has the sweet taste of honey and well gee you just gotta listen and obey.
    These leftists are self righteous diktators and strangely enough they are the first to accuse others of being diktators. The clearest case of psychological transference out there!

  26. I did LSD a few times in the 70’s while at the University of Iowa. I was far saner while on the drug than any liberal that I have heard since Palin was chosen as VP and as I remember the experience, I had a hell of a lot more fun!

  27. Jeez, these misogynistic losers are much less fun than the Ron Paulians.
    Is it too much ask for you woman-hating idiots to quote Ghandi at me or at least to have epic-length quotes with no paragraph breaks? Phillip, super genius, tried above but it was just too short.
    Although morons telling me they have Ph.Ds? That just never gets old.

  28. I, for one, am shocked that a regular on PBS Amway-style self help schemes could write this stuff. Shocked, I say!
    Look, Deepak Chopra is Public Television’s equivalent of Lafayette R. Hubbard; the “scientific” conclusions Chopra alludes to are about as sound as Hubbard’s were, and the MSM is about as accurate in their prognostications as those crappy e-meters the COS uses. Not to mention that like the COS, it’s all a money making scam that preys on incredibly stupid people with more money than common sense.
    Which, when it comes to the Left, that comes to about $20. If they think that anyone’s buying the “I’m a life-long Republican who voted for _____ twice, but Palin scares me because blah blah blah…” shtick they keep posting everywhere, then they really are that easily fooled, as they’re only fooling themselves.

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