It Reminds Me of My Dad

I know everyone made fun of it at first, but I’m actually kinda growing fond of the Republican Convention’s crazed elephant logo.

Don’t @#$% with the GOP! We’re crazy!


  1. I’m sorry that it reminds you of your dad.
    I have never liked this logo; it reminds me of road-kill. The star-eyed is a long standing comic indication of being dead, or at least unconscious. The stripes look like tire marks, indicating that the driver did not quite stop in time.
    (And it IS pancake flat.)

  2. That logo kills me. Did they commission Jon Stewart to make it?
    Larry Craig style wide stance (and it’s in Minneapolis!)
    Prison stripes
    Screwing the 2008
    Starry eyed
    Seriously, what were they thinking?

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