
Do you think the reason Obama hates Palin so much is that her name is different from his and she doesn’t look like the other presidents on the dollar bills?


  1. The reason he hates her is that his innate Muslim value system and culture manifests itself.
    B. Hussein Obama, Jr., is the son of Barack,Sr. a member of the “religion of peace”, a drunk, a bigamist, a socialist, a wife beater who had 9 kids with 5 different women, 3 simulataneously, as well as a variety of mistresses.
    He hates her because Sarah Palin has more personal courage than Barry Soetoro and any of vile descendants put together…
    I love the Blog statement above….Great site!!

  2. I’ve been researching Palin and I can’t really find anything good about her. It doesn’t sound like she did a good job with those kids. Plus, were they usuing that poor down syndrome child as a prop during Palin’s speech or what? My god that was sick and perverted.

  3. Yes, i do think anyone who votes for Palin is a retard. She brings nothing to the table and her inexperience and stupidity is glaring. Are you people really so dumb you are going to vote for this earmark happy loser?

  4. No – she hates him because she has actual accomplishments and knows how many states there are.
    Plus, she looks good in any lipsick while he has never been able to find the exact right shade of lip gloss.

  5. No – he hates her because she has actual accomplishments and knows how many states there are.
    Plus, she looks good in any lipsick while he has never been able to find the exact right shade of lip gloss.

  6. That “she doesn’t look like the presidents on the dollar bills” is a great line! Palin should use it on the stump – women especially would eat it up. Added bonus: Barry always gets flustered and cranky when people mock him – especially her.

  7. Yes, i do think anyone who votes for Palin is a retard.
    Mindy, quit being jealous that, being “a retard”, a Palin voter would still be intellectually superior to you. Someday, you may be able to outthink an amoeba. Well, not really. I was just trying to be nice since you can’t help that you were born without a cerebral cortex.

  8. As a closet Muslim and flaming queen (sorry to be redundant), I must thank Mindy for his/her/its exposing of the insensitivity of these IMAO bigots. We must continue the fight against those who would deny us our rights to bugger children and marry the sexiest of Allah’s creatures, the goat.

  9. The complete ignorance of people like “Mindy” who claim Palin has “no experience” is just mind-blowing–do you cretins really think Obama’s one year in the Senate makes him more qualified than Palin? Are you claiming the V.P. position requires more experience than the presidency itself?
    Anyway, I should really encourage you to keep spouting off about Palin’s supposed “inexperience”. It only reminds everyone how inexperienced Obama is and how hypocritical and blind you are.

  10. I bet ole’ Mindy didn’t have any such qualms with pulling the lever for John Edwards in 2004, what with his 1 year of experience in Congress and 25 years experience channeling babies in front of a courtroom.
    Yeah, experience is big on her list.
    Just admit you are a sexist and get help.

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