RNC: McCain to focus keynote address on Abominable Snow-Hams, assexual reproduction and smores crisis. . .

. . . while Cindy McCain focuses on sucking remaining life force out of Trig Palin . . .

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  1. “RNC: McCain to focus keynote address on Abominable Snow-Hams, assexual reproduction and smores crisis.”
    Title created by experimental, random phrase generator, Cadet Happy: “Look what I can do!”
    Stupidist thing I’ve ever seen here.

  2. Ladies and gentlemen let us not act like Kossacks, the person has a right to their opinion, such as it is. We may not like it but…..
    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” attributed to Voltaire but coined by someone.
    Because of his influence in the Enlightenment Voltaire could be given some credit for the type of government the founders created. Things like a free press, freedom of assembly, the rights to protect ourselves and that which we cherish and …… oh yeah Free Speech.
    So don’t be a Kossack.

  3. Ignore the preceding post. I was wrong. I should have known better, but I gave the nimrod the benefit of the doubt.
    Sometimes I feel like shucking the whole thing and moving to Tonga. No TV, no Radio, no Liberals, no Conservatives. Just sun, sand and blue skys.

  4. So. IMAO now has it’s Alan Colmes of snark. Either that or these postings of yours are a troll net.
    seanmahair, did you know that Tonga is the last unconquered Polynesian country? I plan to sail there by 2012.

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