Sarah Palin Speech

John Hawkins has clipped the best parts from Sarah Palin’s speech. What was your favorite part? Mine was the line about the Styrofoam Greek columns.


  1. I didn’t catch the little girl licking her hand and smoothing the baby’s hair. Sweet moment that hit me as a dad.
    Favorite part? I liked:
    She’s drawn more fire from the Left, which will only make her more appealing to me. The Veep needs to be the scrapper and she can do it without sounding like the drunk uncle at family reunions.
    The Obama camp either has to let the slams go or be drawn into fighting the undercard, leaving McCain unscathed. Their current avenues of attack all have bad counterattack possiblity toward Obama.
    The media’s annointed one has soaring rhetoric. The Republicans delivers great speeches with a distinctly American voice. Love the subtle accent you can hear. Almost waiting for a “Don’t cha know” to slip out.
    Oh, and no cankles.

  2. Where to begin?
    “There is only one man in this election who has ever really fought for you … in places where winning means survival and defeat means death … and that man is John McCain. In our day, politicians have readily shared much lesser tales of adversity than the nightmare world in which this man, and others equally brave, served and suffered for their country.”
    “We tend to prefer candidates who don’t talk about us one way in Scranton and another way in San Francisco.”
    “The right reason is to challenge the status quo, to serve the common good, and to leave this nation better than we found it.”

  3. My favorite:
    “But we are expected to govern with integrity, good will, clear convictions, and … a servant’s heart.
    I pledge to all Americans that I will carry myself in this spirit as vice president of the United States.”

    That gave me goosebumps.

  4. agree 100% on the lipstick line.
    Why? Because last night she was a pit bull. She was momma bear out to tear your throat out for messing with her kids. and good for her.
    [crossing my fingers, hoping for a big bounce.]

  5. My favorite line was the unheard one backstage: “you have knocked up my daughter and now I’m gonna drag your sorry butt on stage and the entire english-speaking world will know that you can’t keep your pants zipped!”

  6. Paraphasing: Obama has talked about the war, but can’t bring himself to talk mention victory except when discussing his campaign.
    I think I heard Senator Zero let out an audible grunt from being hit in the gut so hard.

  7. “My favorite part was when she looked right at me and starting slowly unbuttoning her blouse and … ”
    sixpckr, we may want to keep these thoughts to ourselves. Todd Palin looks like the kinda guy you really do not want to get mad at us. Yeah, she is a babe, but Todd appears to be the kind of guy who knows how to deal with folks who get out of line.
    My favorite was her talk about how energy is affected by Russia’s actions in Georgia, how it can be affected by terrorist attacks in a Saudi Arabian production facility, and Hugo Chavez. She shot down the whole “no foreign policy experience” meme down in flames, so easily, so effortlessly, that the DNC has to be scared out of their Depends.
    McCain, you magnificient bastard. Keeping your pick under wraps, (out of respect for Obama) and letting the MSM go nuts for the last 5 days, made her the most effective candidate rollout in history.
    Maverick/’Cuda ’08

  8. It’s hard to say what part was my favorite, as I think it was all great. The “pit bull” line got a laugh out of me though.
    Great blog here, by the way. I think I’ve found a second home.

  9. I have three favorites:
    1. “In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers, and then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.”
    2. “My fellow citizens, the American presidency is not supposed to be a journey of personal discovery.” (Talking about Obama)
    3. “What does he actually seek to accomplish after he’s done turning back the waters and healing the planet?” (Of course, also about Obama)

  10. Too many to list but I loved when she talked about servanthood, how McCain is the only one who has ever really fought for us, and how she addressed parents of special needs kids. Oh and every single hit she took at O made me giddy.

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