Sign o’ the times: New KITT gets jacked in Toronto

I remember when the first Knight Rider came out–back in the day, Dukes of Hazzard ruled the redneck roost. Can you imagine if people came to school today with the General Lee with the Confederate flag on it? All hell would surely break loose. Anyway, before it came out, they had this marketing campaign comparing the capabilities of the General Lee to KITT, and they showed this scene where they throw a brick at KITT. The next day, this idiot kid (easily the stupidest kid in my class, and probably in the running for stupidest kid in school), came up to me and said “Did you see the new KITT car? ::yokle chuckle:: They threw a brick at the windshield at it and it BOUNCED OFF!” This was the same kid, who in third grade, when asked what “extinct” meant, said “smelly?”. Not surprisingly, the poor guy got killed in an accident when he got sucked into some industrial machinery a couple years back. They never put “Most likely to die in an occupational accident” in yearbooks, but if they did, it would most definitely have been bestowed upon this guy. Ah, good times.

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  1. I remember a friend of a friend in high school who was not so much stupid as hell-bent. Anytime you tried to say something good about something good he’d make some twisted slam on it. He’d be a troll here now if he had lived to his 10 year class reunion – car accident, ironically, on a hill named after his family.
    I feel a little more hollow inside when I hear someone like this dies, because A) I don’t like where they were headed beforehand and B) there but for the grace of God…
    Either way, I guess it serves as a reminder that the only reason Bevis and Butthead survived is that they were cartoons. Similar minds don’t last long in the real world – well, or they host programs on MSNBC.

  2. The old KITT always had a voice like a 50-year-old homo anyway…who would want it?
    As for Frank’s HS friend; while I am definitely NOT a proponent of Darwin, one must admit that this guy was a prime example of natural selection in action. As they said of MacBeth, “Nothing so became his life as the leaving of it.”
    FEURE FREI!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They never put “Most likely to die in an occupational accident
    I was voted most likely to die in a car accident but the nuns wouldn’t let them put it in.
    I was also voted most like to die before my 30th birthday.
    Suck it iceholes. I made it past 40.

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