Site Move Progress

Just so you know, I’ve got WordPress in place but now need to get a theme set up that resembles this one. I’ll worry about all the post moving after that (actually transferring posts and comments shouldn’t be too hard; that challenge sounds like keeping old links working).

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  1. FWIW, Frank, customizing WordPress is a Bitch. I tried to do it for the company I work for so that it’s skin would resemble our corporate site for a network status update page and it just wasn’t happening. Hopefully, you’re super good at reading someone else’s PHP, you know CSS and you’re not bad at Photoshop either.

  2. I kinda like the free for all comments. Debating lefties here is like shooting fish in a barrel- really, really stupid fish- but it’s still amusing. My suggestion is get some regulars to be volunteer moderators for the really offensive bridge dwellers.

  3. If I may make a suggestion, just move the site to wordpress for the new posts, and then leave all the old stuff in this format – I know it won’t look elegant, but it’s the easiest way to deal with it and you don’t risk losing anything, plus all the old links will still work for sure.
    It would be one thing if you were an unemployed hippy who had nothing better to do than wrestle with code (an enjoyable passtime I know), but since you have a job and therefore limited time for the blog, I’d rather read new stuff than know that the stuff I already read is presented in a format consistent with the new site. The fact is, I’m never going to look at it again, probably, and thus I don’t care what color the site is around it.
    So, don’t worry about the old, just switch the site for the new stuff.

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