Site Problems

Something seems to be crashing the script making the site, meaning the front page is often incomplete and the individual pages are missing (which means no commenting). Hopefully we’ll figure it out soon, but until then you might want to consider appointing an online community organizer. Then you can more efficiently organize yourselves in the comments to lobby me to write more Hellbender or In My World™ or whatever it is you rabble want. Who knows; it could be a stepping stone to political office.


  1. How about a “Fun Facts about Sarah Palin”, “Fun Facts about John McCain”, and “Fun Facts about Joe Biden”? I think a Palin T-Shirt would be a good idea as well. I think a picture of her punching a gunnysack filled with kittens labeled Hopey Changitude would sell.

  2. Captain, that would be hard because 37,244,000 of them have already been written. We’d have to be original.
    * As a champion basketball plaer, Palin can dribble two balls at once – both Biden’s.

  3. How about a “Fun Facts about Sarah Palin”
    #1 – Posted by: cptnmoroni on September 4, 2008 09:02 PM
    Captain, that would be hard because 37,244,000 of them have already been written. We’d have to be original.

    #3 – Posted by: Jimmy on September 4, 2008 09:25 PM

    Just re-post the Fred Facts as Sarah Facts; same thing in terms of awesomely awesome power and awesomeness.

  4. Problem is, every time you try to make up fun facts about Sarah Palin, you learn she has already done something equally awesome.
    Example, Sarah Palin kills bears.
    Truth, Sarah Palin not only actually kills bears, but she does it under Arctic conditions, just to make it more challenging.

  5. IMW suggestions:
    Sarah Palin = Wonder Woman
    John McCain = Aquaman (or Alfred, Batman’s butler).
    Fred Thompson = Thor, God of Thunder
    Barrack Obama = Black Manta
    Joe Biden = Solomon Grundy
    Nancy Pelosi = The Silver Banshee

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