Tongue tied over a bracelet . . .


  1. Funny how you blame the media for not covering your stupid story but it is really the public that doesn’t give a crap because it’s a non-story. It is the public that decides what news programs cover by calling in. No one seems to be calling on this one since the bracelet was given to Obama. The real issue is the recent revelation that Palin thinks the Earth is a mere 6,000 years old and that people road dinosaurs to class. Palin’s stupidity is also an issue. That’s what is causing McCain to collapse in the polls along with all of your dreams.

    Just so you know:

  2. Got news for you Kathleen, McCain does not represent the ‘right wing’ just like the socialist / Marxist Obama doesn’t represent Democrats.

    And you, no doubt, haven’t got a clue about what I just said let alone what the ‘dreams’ of the right wing are.

  3. Jimmy,
    Don’t be so hard on Kathleen.
    If Kathleen is young, this may be the only Democratic party she knows…How old are you Kathleen? Do you work for a Union? They like to give you all kinds of biased information.
    Maybe she just stumbled on thsi site and thought she was here to change some minds. How long have you been reading IMAO, Kathleen?

    (see what I just did there?)

  4. By the way, anybody catch Fox and Friends this morning? They asked Robert Gibbs about the issue of the bracelet, and he blathered for a little bit, then basically accused Fox News of “making up stuff.” Yep, he just called them liars. Typical Obama campaign response.

  5. Yeah, Kathleen. You’re probably right. The most powerful nation in the history of the world being headed by a lifelong communist isn’t much of a story. We’re not like you commie hippie libs whose beliefs are so ridiculous that you have to lie and hide the truth about them, then force them on an unwilling public. Our “right wing dreams” as you call them (actually I prefer the more traditional names like “The Constitution” and “The American Dream” – it’s just a terminology thing) won’t “die” just because you guys hoodwink the public into voting for George Soros’s little b!tch. We’ll still be here. So get used to us.

  6. Why the big uproar over Palin’s views on the age of the earth? It has nothing to do with whether or not she’d make a good Prez/VP.

    “The earth is 6000 years old, therefore KILL TERRORISTS!”
    “Let’s lower taxes because there were dinosaurs on the ark!”

    Yeah, that’s how the liberals apparently think her mind works.

  7. Poor Kathleen,

    She’s far more concerned about things that will never affect her than the obvious political interventions that will. But then, she’d most likely vote for anyone, as long as they guaranteed her she could kill children whenever they were an inconvenience to her. So, how can you even debate someone that sick?

  8. The real issue is the recent revelation that Palin thinks the Earth is a mere 6,000 years old and that people road dinosaurs to class. Palin’s stupidity is also an issue.

    As is yours, apparently.

    That’s what is causing McCain to collapse in the polls along with all of your dreams.

    Yeah, that whole belief in God has always been a negative for Republicans. Mmmhmm.


    Excellent. Should McCain win, it will only make the taste of your tears all the sweeter.

    Should Obama win, there’s always 2010.

  9. If Kathleen is young, this may be the only Democratic party she knows…How old are you Kathleen? Do you work for a Union?

    Yeah, I’m not sure there’s much point to asking Drive-By Trolls questions. If they ever do come back, it’s just to cut-and-paste some more talking points from Axelrod.

    And did she sound like she was in the mood for discussion? Or, for that matter, that she was actually a “she”? Sounded more like an obese teenage boy, to me.

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