We Were Wrong

If you look at the poll averages, Obama is back ahead. The trolls were right: Palin has a liability for the ticket. McCain was a fool to ever nominate her. Now the Democrats are going to win because we had too much hubris to listen the trolls who visit here. Just think of their little troll laughter when Obama wins and how much we will deserve their mockery.
I guess the conservative movement will have to wait until 2012, but I think it’s too optimistic to believe we’ll have things together by then. 2016 is more likely… if America is still around in any form we still recognize. Me, I’m going to look for material to make my floating platform out in the sea that I shall name Frank J-istan. The military force of one shotgun should be enough to keep hippies off of it at least.

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  1. C’mon Frank! Are we really going to poo ourselves over a leading average of nine-tenths?
    If the nine-tenths is anything its because Obama has an edge in economic politics (according to the polls). So put the ping pong balls away, there’s no need for the floating platform.
    Keep the shotgun though, those come in handy…

  2. I was going to purchase some sled dogs, and form my own nation at the north pole, but our selfish destruction of the environment has caused the ice to melt, and now even that escape is closed off. Our only hope is half alien/half human Suri Cruise, but unfortunately we will have to wait 3 decades before she is ready to assume the presidency. Woe is me.

  3. It’s called the economy. The Republicans unfortunately were always going to lose because of it :(. I do agree with you about the weakness of the Republican bench though. There is really nobody unless Governor Jindal’s twenty point wonky economic plans and micromanaging of hurricanes does anything for you.

  4. It’s not over yet right wing frank. There will still be more ups and downs in the polls before McPalin loses. I thought Boogy had a good point yesterday. It’s really about the parties. We just need have a good time watching the election. The point is how much fun you have and how well you play the game. Not who wins or loses! I hope I have cheered you up. Plus, Palin will still be Alaska Governor!!

  5. Please! G Bush wouldve killed for these numbers during his election! On the ground I am noticing more people going against obama than I ever thought possible, in MN! I don’t give a crap about dem slanted polls, which of course would be the medias next trick to force obambi in office.

  6. Anyone who has followed Presidential elections for more than 2 months (or at least more than one cycle) knows that the incumbent party always gives 6-10% in the polls until the election.
    If Obama pulls ahead by 10%, then I would be concerned. As long as it’s below a 5% margin, it means that McCain is large and in charge.
    For proof, just go back to every election since 1980. Even Jimmy Carter was leading in certain polls against Reagan. If memory serves, the only time the polls were somewhat even handed was in 1996.

  7. If Obama wins, all we have to do is get everybody to drive through the streets in our Hummers at the same time and Global Warming will take care of him. The ice caps will melt instantly, innundating everything East of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio River and the coastal areas on the West Coast will be destroyed as effectively as if they were nuked.
    Since Republicans have all the guns and we don’t care about poor people, we can just take their food stamps so we’ll be ok. The resulting cannibalism among the democrats will pretty much finish them off. Plus, there’ll be a lot of new beachfront property we can buy. As long as this doesn’t impact HDTV signals, I really don’t see any downside here.

  8. Guys, we are going off topic for the site. Remember, our conspiracy to use IMAO’s vast influence and deep pockets to force homosexuals to live in sewers and reclaim prime real estate on Christoper St? Lets focus people!

  9. Update: Just as I’m ready to publish this, I see they’ve posted the complete PDF. Back in a few with updates as warranted, but a quick review of the sample of registered voters weighted by party reveals a possible partial explanation for the swing. In last week’s poll, the Dem/GOP/Ind breakdown was 36.8/30.6/32.5. Today’s sample is 40.6/31.6/27.8. They’ve added more Democrats at the expense of independents — although given the trend among the latter group back towards Obama, the effect may be less dramatic than we think/hope.

  10. As the President of Iran, I certify that we don’t have any homosexuals here. We killed them all.
    But we are not Mexicans to do the work lazy Americans do not want to do. Kill your own homosexuals!

  11. First Rule of IMAO Club: No feeding of trolls.
    Do not despair, Frank. The numbers are just typically readjusting. People can talk the talk, but come November, they’ll walk the walk.
    Nevertheless, you will always be welcomed in Alaska; take your guns and platform, build a roof, hunker down for the winter. Musk ox is tasty and plentiful. And the hippie-trolls only come in for the summer – when they can’t fend for themselves without their Big Brother’s intervention.

  12. Plus, Palin will still be Alaska Governor
    Is that right? I thought that public officials had to give up their current office in order to run for Pres/VPres, but whatever. If that’s true, then I’m not too worried about what happens in Nov. anymore.
    If McPalin wins, I get two principled, America-first true Reformers as leaders,
    If McPalin loses, I relocate to Alaska and enjoy for myself the benefits of living in the largest (red) state in the union, and having a Governor with an 80% approval rating.
    I win either way.
    I’m so happy that I feel like buying a gun. Besides, I’ll probably need it for protection when the Obama loses big-time.

  13. What fools we have been! The trolls have been trying to tell us for months now, but we wouldn’t listen. That’s just like us Republicans, isn’t it?
    Why didn’t we just pick Michelle Obama as our VP candidate?!? We deserve this. Always have. The trolls were right.
    I’m going to go buy a tie-dye shirt now to begin my long road of recovery to “Absolute Moral Superiority.”

  14. Yes, let’s vote for Obama so we can get some real change…socialism! Just because it’s destroyed every country it’s ever been tried in, doesn’t mean that Obama can’t make it work!
    Obama/Alinsky ’08

    • This is an automated reply from the Bullshit Detector at IMAO.us *
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      In order to prevent another thread being hijacked, we ask that you kindly rewrite your post in the following format:
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      Please respond to the items listed above. Your message will be sent to the appropriate department for response.
      Based on your answers, a thoughtful reply or instructions to FOAD will be provided.
      Thank you for writing to IMAO.us.
      Troll Early Warning Detection Team
  15. Obama said to go and give it right to your face. Obama is better on the economy and making the jobs. Take it from me right wing bloggers! I’ve got my pockets full of facts about why Obama is better.

  16. As princess said to the smuggler, “It’s not over yet.”
    But if indeed Socialism does take over America, I vote we band together to conquer Australia. They’ve got nice beaches and since they enacted gun control once we polish off the rather tough SOB’s in the ADF the whole oversized island will be ours!
    Besides, they have nice beaches.

  17. I have no problem detecting trolls… And in the same manner they’re slinging the poo right now, the troll food can always be SHOT at them AFTER the election – only with a lot more forethought, strength, superiority, and glee. I hear that wrapping troll kibble in urugula takes some of the bitter taste away, hehehe.

  18. Dude, was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
    Hell no, and it ain’t over now.
    What the f–k happened to the IMAO I used to know?
    Where’s the spirit? Where’s the guts? “Ooh, we’re afraid to go with you WAL, we might get in trouble.” Well just kiss my a– from now on! Not me! I’m not gonna take this. The Democrats, they’re gone! Obama, gone! Pelosi…

  19. Yes, yes, we all know. The trolls were right, Obama is the messiah, Oprah is John the Baptist and Michele is God the Father.
    Now since you trolls have converted all of us here at IMAO it’s your duty to go forth and spread the Obamanation gospel to all on the internet. Be fruitful and multiply posts, but do it somewhere else.
    Go, be gone, make like a tree and leaf, make like a banana and split, adios, so long, fare thee well, go with Gaia.
    Should Obama win in November he will be a failure as president just like Jimma’ Carter (the worst president EVER) and the second worst president William Jefferson (I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky) Clinton. I’m thinking that the end of the world should be coming along anytime. I’m pretty sure we’ve reached the whole ripened with iniquity stage and Barak is the poster child for Anti-Christ central, so……..meet you on the flip side.

  20. What jobs is this Obama chap supposed to be creating?
    Useless bureaucrat jobs for all the new government oversight of the economy?
    If you want to improve the economy and make more jobs available at home, you’re going to have to consider the fact that the United States would have to slash taxes, deregulate certain aspects of labor in terms of wages and benefits, and recognize the fact that there is not an unlimited number of jobs available working for someone else.
    Afraid that the workers are going to be “exploited”? There’s only one reasonable answer to that: change the standard of youth education so that every high school graduate is prepared with multiple marketable productive skills as a precaution against being trapped in one particular job.

  21. #36 WAL – they’re / we’re still here. Just remember, the last few days have been very… distracting. Regroup and come out swinging. I love your spirit, by the way, and I know others do too. Some of us could gang up on these Obama brownshirts…
    seanmahair: Stay in Kansas and sing us an ol’ Irish tune, Okay? “Heck yes!”

  22. #36 WAL – they’re / we’re still here. Just remember, the last few days have been very… distracting. Regroup and come out swinging. I love your spirit, by the way, and I know others do too. Some of us could gang up on these Obama brownshirts…
    seanmahair: Stay in Kansas and sing us an ol’ Irish tune, Okay? “Heck yes!”

  23. Fear not! Another precinct heard from!
    My favorite pub (The Flying Saucer) is having a ‘drink the vote’ contest.
    (60 different beers on tap, over 150 styles of bottled beer, and the foods pretty good too.)
    For every $5.00 pint of beer (with souvenir glass you can keep) you get to cast one vote for McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden.
    Well, guess what?
    So far McCain is leading 385 to 292!
    That works out to a 25 point lead!
    All is well! I think we’ll celebrate by casting a few more votes this weekend.

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