
I’m still processing what happened. I wonder if that’s because I was too young to remember what it was like when Reagan first came on the scene.


  1. Did anyone else see the MSNBC in the tank tag team after the speech? I thought that they were going to cry. I’m pretty sure that Olby wet himself and then licked it up, but that’s not much different from any other day, so it’s probably not a good indicator.

  2. Oooooooo…. the log cabin republicans at IMAO already think Palin is better than Ronald. I think some GOP hearts are going to shatter in November when she loses.
    But at least Palin did good enough that they won’t pull her out of the race in September. I hope she did have that affair tho – we need this election to be as scandilicious as possible.
    It was a shame they didn’t put a huge moose on the giant HD screen – what a waste of technology.
    [So what’s he saying? We’re gay and in love with a woman? I’ll give him originality. -Ed.]

  3. Did anyone else see the MSNBC in the tank tag team after the speech? I thought that they were going to cry. I’m pretty sure that Olby wet himself
    Honestly? Half the fun of watching these things so far is knowing that Keith Olbermann is being forced to watch them also.

  4. Palin Rocked!
    As for great modern political speeches, or great political moments, this was in the Teir right below Reagan’s “City on a Hill”, W’s strike from the Yankees mound after 9/11 and Heston’s “Cold Dead Hands” and Thatcher at Reagan’s funeral.
    Those are pretty headdy events to match, and I’m sure Sarah will get her chance to enter that panthenon, but for now I’ll remember watching this speech for the rest of my life.

  5. #8 – Posted by: WilliamSleddFanatic! on September 4, 2008 12:30 AM
    I always get a kick out of our more tolerant friends on the left resorting to calling somebody gay as an insult . . .
    But you have to admit it’s a very convincing insult! I think I join you all in my sad realization that we will be forced to keep Palin through September.

  6. I didn’t watch Olby.
    I wondered though,
    if he commented on the phallic symbols of the Washington monument and Old Faithful that were on the big screen during wide shots.
    They should have had a shot of the ANWR proposed drilling site up there,
    happy caribou huddled near the Alaska pipeline,
    or a grizzly and a polar bear devouring an Obama manniquin built out of a moose carcass as a Snow hare with hairplugs runs for shelter.

  7. “Wow” is right.
    “Tonight, we’re all male lesbians!
    -except for the women.” -Bob
    If anyone could convert me into lesbianism, it would be her. But I’d be afraid I’d get my butt kicked by her husband.

  8. I recall several weeks ago on this site many commentors were expressing depression and doubt about the outcome of this election.
    An inspired madman dared envision a Republican convention which “becomes a Battle Royal with a good chance that a real conservative will emerge from the dust, smoke, blood, hair and eyeballs with an axe in one hand and a mandate from the people in the other”.
    Well, McCain didn’t have to have a stroke,
    there wasn’t a Battle Royal,
    the dust, smoke, blood, hair and eyeballs all seemed to be up in the press-box at MSNBC,
    but the axe and the mandate? Close enough!
    I told you to wait until the conventions!
    Now I’m going to check out Fred Thompson’s new political action committee to get conservatives elected nationwide,

  9. PS. I remember Reagans first inauguration.
    The Iranian Embassy hostages were on a plane headed for home before he’d finished his acceptance speech.
    I didn’t know what lay ahead but I knew it was going to be interesting (and not in that old chinese curse way).
    If Reagan had been nominated to be vice-president when He was 44, who can guess how his career would have been different?
    Reagan has his place in history.
    Let Sarah make her own.
    If she becomes president in 2012 (or 2016, whatever) she’d be the first president in my lifetime who was younger than me!
    Then I’ll really feel old!
    But I can live with that.

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