Your Task Today

I thought we’d do some social science of our own, so could you please engage the trolls who comment here and find out this from them:

1. Their age.
2. Their occupations.
3. How did they first encounter IMAO.

Perhaps this could be illuminating.


  1. The hard part is that they don’t hang around long to be engaged in any kind of debate. They’re Obama’s drive-by community organizers – his form of a blogosphere truth squad. And they carry baseball bats attached to their tongues. On the streets of American cities, they carry a good deal more, like automatic weapons.

  2. Just wanted to say that Sarah Palin’s dinosaur and Young Earth bs has angered me. She is an abomination on science. Anyone with an engineering or science degree who supports her should have their science or engineering degree taken away.

    1) 53 2) web developer 3) The IMAO blimp was over my street again yesterday

  3. Are you gonna have the registrations? i hate registraions cause u have give u real email – no way!!. I found this blog on the one day. i just want share hope for oceans. please dont make me go away 🙁 i wont tell me age to you cuase sekrit.

  4. Just dropped by to see how my fellow billionaire friends are doing! I hope all is well with your estates. Bush’s tax cuts allowed me to purchase a yacht and a new ranch (my fifteenth home) in Santa Barbara so I’m hoping for more of the same with McCain. I agree with McCain that focusing on the middle class is totally unnecessary. The taxes I pay and the money I spend will trickle down to those lazy individuals eventually. As for the poor well who cares about them – LOL! I’m glad McCain picked Palin because it’s a great way to get those morons who actually care about social issues and God to vote for our side. Like most of you I don’t give crap about abortions or Jesus – I just want to be filthy rich!!

    1) I’ll be 62 years young in November.
    2) Wealth venture capitalist
    3) My crack team of stealth blog ninjas found your great website.

  5. I’m 78 years old, was born in Budapest, Hungary, my hobbies include paying nitwit bloggers to act all nitwity (see Atreos for example), hating G.W. Bush, trying to influence elections and bringing down the Bank of England.

  6. The only reason you are trying to gather demographic information on your unknown visitors is because you are shocked at how much hatred their is at Bush for bankrupting the U.S. with his stupid war. Just like Bush said the war was going fine when it wasn’t he said the economy was great when it wasn’t. Yeah, what a suprise people come here attacking you. You deserve every vicious troll comment you get for your support of Bush. Supporting McCain would be ok but now you have to nerve to act like Palin is some great gift to our country. You cheer for the pathetic Alaskan nobody and you expect your sympathy. There will be none. You prop up a retard as a King and you get what you deserve. My age, income, brain power and breast size are none of your losers beeswax.

  7. Email me your breastsize Kate pls

    I found this site my friend. You all really love Palin really? LOL! You people are so funny. I left a turd on another thread – haha

    im in college – no job yet. Probably wont get one thanks to Bush bankrupting the usa. Way to go Republicans – NOT

  8. 1. 23
    2. Video Game Programmer
    3. I found a magical unicorn, and it offered to take me to a land of candy, bunnies, and happiness. I asked him if it had computers, and he said no, so I went to IMAO instead.

  9. this is a bad site cause republicans do evil like let peeps drown in hurricanes and mean wars where peeps die and bleed. now republicans ruin economy. no one likes republicans. no one will ever likes them unless they will transform. i can vote and my mom will vote for democrats and hopes they will win! obama seems like a nice man not grumpy like mccain. i will vote for the nice man and things will get better. if you don’t like it well then so what!

  10. The typical response should be:

    1. 20 Years Old (Youth will Rock The Vote in November!)

    2. I’m in astroturf. There’s a big web-business in astroturf before elections. Go figure.

    3. Talking points memo of blogs to hit, along with cut-and-paste copy to explain why Obama ROX and McCain SUX!

    4. And I don’t live in my parents basement. I live under a bridge, with my fellow trolls.

  11. Supporting McCain would be ok but now you have to nerve to act like Palin is some great gift to our country.

    She is. And gifts often come from unexpected places–such as quasi-liberal, pure-politicians and opportunists like McCain. Go figure.

  12. BTW, asking for breast size on the internet, you need to be careful. First of all, they might be big, but it might actually be a guy.

    Second, they might be impressive, but you need to get waist measurements, and general poundage, or you might find yourself crushed under a ton of liberal love.

    Just gotta be careful out there.

  13. I was wondering the same thing, Master Shake. I was just sitting here kinda feeling bad for these idiots. It’s not even fun to “engage” them, because it’s a battle of wits with the unarmed. It just wouldn’t be polite the lay the smack down, you know?

    Frank? Do ya think it’d be okay if I just filled in the blanks for all the trolls, so that they won’t hurt their tiny pea-sized brains trying to think of wacky yet poignant fake info for their age, occupation, etc.? Me ‘n’ Master Shake…we been talkin’, and we just don’t wanna make the lil’ trolls go pee pee or poo poo in their little hemp drawers.

  14. Stepped on a troll today. Asked the requisite questions and here were its answers:
    1. Age has no meaning, my friend; my spirit is as ancient as Mother Gaia.
    2. We should never define ourselves by mere occupations, but by our commitment to creating a Bright, Shiny, New World Order in which we will never have need to painfully think or dream again.
    3. IMAO is infamous; because of this, it must be destroyed, as must mom, apple pie, and the flag.

    At this point the troll began to head over to the Illegal Aliens’ Farmer’s Market; but, being self-reliant and prepared, I dealt it a swift blow and watched the thing shrivel and melt into the sewer. At the last moment, I noted the shoes. It was wearing a pair of Jimmy’s troll shoes! And once again I made the connection between itty-bitty feet, itty-bitty hands, and itty-bitty…. well, let’s just say it’s a visual thing but yes, it is true. I hope I’ve been useful.

  15. 1.35
    2. Special education school bus driver/college student (special education major)
    3. Looking for right wing blogs because I got tired of all of the left wing BS from CNN and the others. Been a lurker/sometime poster for almost 2 years.

  16. Age: I am immortal, so it doesn’t matter.

    Occupation: Former pharmaceutical test subject, various companies.
    Former mind control test subject, Camp Hero, Mauntuak, New Jersey.
    Currently a policy advisor for the Democratic party and part time troller for KOS.
    I also craft nifty tin foil hats.

    How I found IMAO: My alien supercomputer inside Obonination base on Zeta Reticuli knows all. The messiah commands us to go forth and get in the faces of all non-believers!

  17. 1. 56
    2. Professor of Community Development
    3. A student included it as a reference on a paper proving that liberal websites were much more intellectual and thoughtful than these vapid right-wing sites, and he was right. I gave him an A+.

    You should give up on this rethugican stuff, and bask in the light of Obama. The light will do you some good.

  18. I don’t know. I have trouble believing that trolls exist. They are simply too naive, ignorant, and witless to be true. Of course then there’s Obama, Pelosi and Reid……..

    Did you know that every time a troll posts a snail darter dies? It’s true. I know I made it up fresh just this morning- ( How Liberals get their facts)

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