Can they legislate us out of this mess?

Dow plunges 679 to fall to lowest level in 5 years

Dow plunges 679 points to trade below 9,000 for the first time in 5 years in afternoon sell-off NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks plunged Thursday, sending the Dow Jones industrial average down 679 points — more than 7 percent — to its lowest level in five years. Stocks took a nosedive after a major credit-rating agency said it might cut its rating on General Motors and Ford, further rattling investors already fretting over the impact of tight credit on the economy.



Asian Stocks Fall, Set for Worst Week on Record; Banks Plunge

Oct. 10 (Bloomberg) — Asian stocks fell, with the region’s benchmark index headed for its worst week on record as a credit freeze deepened, worsening the outlook for the global economy.

Random Thought

Since people often use the phrase, “I put my pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of you.” to say that they’re no different from everyone else, if you make some sort of stand that holds your pants open and allows you to jump into them — putting your pants on both legs at the same time — does that make you inhuman? Or perhaps superhuman? I’m just asking because I’m thinking of making one of those stands.

In My World: The Speech Master

“Eeeeee!” squealed a Barack Obama supporter. “It’s Barack Obama! He’s such a great speaker!”

“It is time,” Obama announced to the crowd. “A time for change. A time for hope. A time for the hope that change brings… but also a time for the change brought forth by hope.” He stared at the crowd intently. “What you must remember is that teleprompter error 0657f8a9. Unrecoverable error. Teleprompter rebooting.” Obama made some hand motions for emphasis. “Dot. Dot. Dot. Welcome to your knew Junior TeleSpeak brand teleprompter. Initializing program. Loading test speech patterns.” Obama paused dramatically. “She sells sea shells by the sea shore. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” He took one last long look at the crowd. “End program.”

The crowd cheered wildly. Obama turned to his campaign staff behind him and gave them the thumbs up. “Me speakee good!”

Zo on Why He’s Voting for McCain/Palin

Somehow I missed Zo’s new video even though it’s up to about 150,000 views on YouTube:

I saw it linked in the corner by Jay Nordlinger, and somehow I knew from his description it was Zo. If there’s one thing conservatives need to remember it’s to keep a positive attitude as we truly have a great country.