Can they legislate us out of this mess?

Dow plunges 679 to fall to lowest level in 5 years

Dow plunges 679 points to trade below 9,000 for the first time in 5 years in afternoon sell-off NEW YORK (AP) — Stocks plunged Thursday, sending the Dow Jones industrial average down 679 points — more than 7 percent — to its lowest level in five years. Stocks took a nosedive after a major credit-rating agency said it might cut its rating on General Motors and Ford, further rattling investors already fretting over the impact of tight credit on the economy.


  1. why should we care about the stock market? It’s only rich white honky(republicans) who are losing money in the stock market. Oh wait, we need those rich white honkeys to make money so we can redistribute it to the disadvantaged. So, I say, tax the affluent out of existence, then there will be no one to support your lazy ass!

    Catch 22 mofos! “I hate you because you are willing to work for what you have… give it to me, because you had an unfair advantage, now you have nothing because you gave it to me, and I have nothing because I spent it on crack..” but at least we are equal in poverty!!! Lowest common denominator is what everyone should aspire to!

    yay socialism!

    “We want a hand up, not a hand out….” as long as the hand up means I don’t actually have to do anything… except show up on time for my government check two times a month.

    Oh, yeah, I get to say this because many before, and many now CHOOSE to lay their lives on the line to protect my right to say what I want. And most of them think your liberal crap is stupid. But they give their lives to protect your rights too. I guess it’s a real bitch to actually have principles. I guess when you have to kill someone or be shot at, it really doesn’t matter wether you have an R or D next to your name.

    I give up. let them elect Obama, and then let them eat MY cake. Then, when I have no cake, and they demand I work harder so they can have more cake, and try to confiscate my guns so I can’t commit violent crimes(or protect myself from the government) I will shoot them in their stupid f*cking faces, take back the cake they wasted, and move on with my life. Others who have sacrificed more than I may not be so diplomatic.

    Nancy Pelosi’s insane smile while she hands more of the private sector to the government is not A sign, but THE sign of the apocalypse. Why does she care if these banks go under? The poor disadvantaged who she advocates for have no money in the bank, right? Oh, she’s rich? Are you sure she’s not republican?

  2. After everyone gets their cash out of the market and the banks, the Federal government will be stuck guaranteeing remaining depositors. Then, with all the government bailouts, buyouts, lending, cash infusions and insurance payments, we’ll all be holding fistfuls of dollars chasing diminishing goods as business contracts. I’m expecting inflation for a year or two before the cycle becomes deflationary.

  3. Stuff to get before the ECONOMIC APOCALYPSE(!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) hits:

    1. Ammo
    2. More guns
    3. Fishing gear
    4. Seeds
    5. Horse and plow

    If you have any of these things, I’m willing to trade. If you’re an Obamacan, I’ll just steal them at gun point, you infernal communist.


  4. Si, se puede!!!
    Just put Pelosi Galore’s bobbing head on the new Trillion Dollar bill and print a huge stack of them to buy the Dow Jones, the automakers, the airlines, the banks, the insurance companies, the hospitals, the Bailey Building and Loan , and anything that moves or breathes.

    Then, outlaw icky things like recessions, foreclosures, thorns, republicans, etc.
    Ahhhh wouldn’t life be great in Camelot!

  5. “When my eyes shall be turned to behold for the last time the sun in heaven, may I not see him shining on the broken and dishonored fragments of a once glorious Union; on States dissevered, discordant, belligerent; on a land rent with civil feuds, or drenched, it may be, in fraternal blood.”

    Daniel Webster – 1830

    “You may go to hell, I’m going to Texas!”

    Davey Crockett – 1836

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