Democracy in action

Iraqi voter
A voter in the democratic elections in Iraq, October 15, 2005.

Hippie voter
A Democratic voter in the elections in Ohio, November 4, 2008.


  1. We need you to get out and vote!!!! What’s that? you are too busy being in prison/ being a former felon/ cleaning your bong? OK, don’t worry The Messiah will make sure your vote(for him) counts as ten!!!

    When will these professional voters start getting theirs? I call for a Professional Voters Union, Local 666, so experts at voting fraud get the NIke and Gatorade endorsements, pay, working conditions, golden parachutes, and tax exemptions they deserve; as well as representation against the libel and slander committed against them by the mainstream med…. oh wait, scratch that last one. I mean, come on… cigarettes and dollar bills to register to vote 20 times? That is sweatshop conditions.

    Vote early, vote often!!!

  2. Oh please tell me that their are not people that look like that in Ohio!!! I thought only California and New York turned out those kind of people!!!! Oh I used that phrase “those kind of people”, does that make me racist???

  3. #2 Cataalex – Yes. Your only chance to remove the stench of bigotry is to engage in “free love” with the next dirty hippie you encounter. Then you will have another stench to deal with, but not that of bigotry. Note: Halloween-costume-hippies do not count.

  4. You are da’ man.

    Off topic. Today I caught a news report that said that Senator Dodds (of Fanny-Freddy fame) wanted to know why the regulators and Bush admin folks didn’t tell us that the economy (thanks to Freddy and Fanny and the Libs insistence on sub prime rates) were in trouble.

    WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The nerve, the gall, the audacity, the hypocrisy, the hubris of these people make my head pound. We need to THROW THESE SLEEZE-BALLS OUT of office come November. This man shouldn’t even be trusted handling the fryer at McDonalds. He might be able to bag groceries but don’t let him carryout. He’ll never make it back to the store, all those bright shiny objects, you know.

  5. Now are we really surprised? Look at our friend Barry’s idols and mentors. Did they gain power by true, honest majority vote?

    Deception, Spin, Manipulation, Bribery, Extortion, and a heavy dose of good old-fashioned Cheating is the way of the Marxist. We mustn’t forget that when utopian socialism and ultimate power are the ENDS, the MEANS are irrelevant.

  6. Hey Basil are you stuck in 1972. Do you think the Oakland Athletics can beat the Cincinatti Reds in the World Series. Heard the Philadelphia Phillies are thinking of trading their 3rd baseman Don Money. They want Mike Schmidt who came up from Reading to take that position. Who so you think the best catcher in baseball is? Johnny Bench,Ted Simmons,Jerry Grote, Manny Sanguillen,Thurmond Munson,Bill Freehan,Carlton Fisk, Andy Ectebarrenor Tim McCarver?Did you know Esso or Enco is thinking of changing their name to Exxon.

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