Don’t question Obama’s patriotism

Don’t question Barack Obama’s patriotism.

Ignore the fact that a recent campaign stop in Londonderry, New Hampshire, had scheduled a high school senior, Zach Bencal, to sing the National Anthem. Then canceled the National Anthem to make room for something more important:

Bencal, who sings the anthem for a number of school events and is actively involved in local community theatre, had been contacted by the Obama campaign to sing the anthem. He agreed to do so, then was told later in the evening the anthem had been scratched from the program. Bencal said he was told by the campaign the decision was a simple programming change to make room for another speaker.

Even though the National Anthem isn’t that important to him, don’t question his patriotism.

Ignore the Senator not putting his hand over his heart during the playing of the National Anthem during an Indianola, Iowa, campaign stop in September, 2007:

Despite that, don’t question his patriotism.

Ignore his long history with terrorists Bill Ayers, who bombed NYC police headquarters, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol. The same Bill Ayers in whose living room Obama held one of his first ever campaign appearances. The same Bill Ayers who served on boards with Obama. The same Bill Ayers who lives in the same neighborhood as Obama. The same Bill Ayers who has exchanged hundreds of thousands of dollars with Obama.

But don’t question Obama’s patriotism, we’re told.

So, I won’t.

But, if you’re voting for Barack Obama, I’m questioning yours.


  1. Every time I see that photo, it burns my a**!
    When I was a child, my teacher opened every mornings class with “The Lord’s Prayer”, a selected bible verse, and the Pledge of Allegiance (complete with hand over heart, and the phrase “under God). And that was a public school! Today, my son has a student in his class who excuses himself from class during the Pledge in order to protect his freedom of speech, and we have this nimrod standing in public refusing to even put his hand over his heart to pay proper respect to the flag of the country he wishes to lead. My…how far we’ve gone.

  2. But, if you’re voting for Barack Obama, I’m questioning yours.

    Dude. Kickasstical quote for the ages. It possesses a certain coldness that is simply yummy. I promise that if I get rich after I so steal that from you, I’ll send you some royalties. My people will be in touch.

  3. As much as I detest obabama, isn’t this a little disingenuous?

    “Ignore his long history with terrorists Bill Ayers, who bombed NYC police headquarters, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol.”

    He didn’t actually bomb those 3 places, did he?

  4. “Ignore his long history with terrorists Bill Ayers, who bombed NYC police headquarters, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Capitol.”

    He didn’t actually bomb those 3 places, did he?

    Um, yeah, he did. He’s said so. There really wasn’t any debate that Bill Ayers and the Weathermen did a ton of bad s— and tried to kill a bunch of people until this election season – when, because of the Obama connection, people on the left all of a sudden felt a need to defend them.

    Anyway, if anyone really wants to argue this, I can provide you with more than enough quotes and interviews with the guy saying in detail what he did and didn’t do to counter it. What I would particularly be interested in, though, since apparently we’re supposed to absolve Barack Obama of being cool with this guy since he was eight at the time is: just -what- prior to Barack being eight years old should we expect him to know about and what shouldn’t we.

    (And I didn’t see the pentagram on Barack Obama’s head, but I hear Sarah Palin handles snakes in church and believes mankind rode on dinosaurs (while forcing raped women to pay for their treatment) – so it’s good to see we’re all being equally rational here.)

  5. I’m a retired law enforcement officer. During the time I worked on the job, there was another peace officer across the country named Waverly Brown. Never met him, but he was a brother officer. We shared the same birthday. Our daughters have the same initials. I’m alive and enjoying retirement. Waverly was murdered by BLA and Weather underground terrorists. His child is an orphan now. His life was ended by terrorists. I remember going to work I’d see Bernadine’s photo on the 10 most wanted list. I wondered how such a filthy vile animal could run free in this country. Bernadine and Bill Ayers are truly enemies of the United States and its people. They have been for 40 years. They admit it and brag about it. To me its a personal matter.

    Now I am wondering how her and her husband Ayers are not only free, sponging a living off faux-academia, and are closely associated with a presidential candidate. I realize what they did happened when Obama was a kid, but by that logic shouldn’t Obama then be friends with Sirhan Sirhan and Charles Manson? They were horrific criminals when Obama was a kid. Why are they even still in jail if being a criminal when Obama was a kid is a whitewash of past bad deeds? DId they not contribute Marxist raised dollars to him?

    So we have a presidential candidate who ‘repudiates’ their actions, but defends them as professors who live in his neighborhood serving the community.

    Here is the bottom line on patriotism – If you love America you defend her from all enemies foreign and domestic, not defend all enemies foreign and domestic who are against her. How hard is that? Now tell me who is the patriot in this particular election.

  6. Barack Obama is exactly what this great Country needs. I believe if elected, the American people will be getting what they deserve. It is through their own ignorance and lack of desire to make a logical, unemotional, and informed decision on the right candidate. I will also state that my vote will be for the lesser of two evils. I do not believe either candidate will do proper justice for our Country but… remember this, a no vote or a vote for anyone other than McCain is a vote for Obama. Final note: I am a gun toting and religious American. 2 Chronicles 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

  7. #24 – IGiveUAll,
    No storm can shake my in-most calm,
    While to that rock I’m clinging.
    Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth,
    How can I keep from singing?
    – Quaker Hymn

    Prayer is not just for desperate last chances. Pray now. Pray always. And then get busy! There’s work to do!

    “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”
    – Philippians 2:12

  8. When stationed in Panama we had to actually stand at attention and salute during the Panamanian national anthem because of the SOFA. It used to chap my butt that not only did we have to do that, but at some ceremonies with Panamanian dignitaries I saw them not only chatting on cell phones and otherwise screwing off during the US National Anthem, but also during their own. If they did not respect their own anthem, why should my troopers and I have to show respect?

    The answer is, as soldiers we understood duty and respect. Whether or not the other guy shows respect never excuss you from doing what is right.

    I’ve had the privilege of leading funeral details and passing a perfectly folded flag from a fellow warriors coffin to that warrior’s loved ones. That flag may be just a symbol (and a hated one at that) to many folks. To others it is silly. To some it represents Evil Amerika. Let me tell you, it is a symbol of all the great things America stands for, and a symbol of all the great sacrifices that have been made to ensure America stands for those things.

    To this day I will gently remind those around me to place hand over heart during the Anthem at ball games or other functions I attend. I remind those near me stand as the flag and its honor guard go by at a parade. I understand folks have the right to free speech, and I choose to execise my right to the same in that way. I never get into a pissing contest with some one who refuses, but I will make it clear that they are wrong (IMAO).

  9. Obama supporters are not ignorant. They do not deserve that excuse.

    They are decadent, self-indulgent, spoiled brats who have been taught to condemn our government while demanding that government meet their every personal need.

  10. “Obama supporters are not ignorant.”

    Dude, sorry, but I disagree with that one.

    One of the most glaring things from all the trolls coming over here is just how many basic facts about history and politics they don’t know. (see above Re: Ayers and the Weathermen)

    It’s kind of cute to see them coming around and actually trying to engage the other side in a debate now when you know the good majority of them avoided that as much as possible in college, grad school, etc. They want to feel smart and show their mettle and yet they have no idea how unprepared they are or how little they know about what they’re delving into.

  11. Actually Obama is Christian and attends church with more frequency than McCain. It’s also fairly ignorant to assume that representations and idol worship of those representations goes against God. Can you not be a patriot yet at the same time refuse to salute those idols?

  12. “Obama is Christian and attends church with more frequency than McCain.”

    It actually wouldn’t surprise me, but your source for this is what?

    “Can you not be a patriot yet at the same time refuse to salute those idols?”

    He’s not worshiping and slaughtering animals in sacrifice to the thing. He’s demonstrating a lack of basic respect.

    Can you do that and still be a patriot?

    I guess . . .

    Is it a decent sign you have some issues in this regard?


    I’m actually willing to chock it up to just basic political opportunism (for some reason, not saluting the flag seemed to gain him more respect on your side) rather than anti-Americanism. If you saw a guy at a regular venue, though, who had a problem with saluting the flag – exactly what more would you need? Does he actually have to say “I hate America?” Spit on the Constitution? What?

  13. “Actually Obama is Christian and attends church” Sorry, but Black Liberation theology is not Christianity. “God bless America? Oh no! No! No! God Damn America”- Jerimiah Wright. The bible actually teaches respect for authority, and the concept that we should pray for our leaders.

  14. Amazing how much is supposedly off limits and cannot be questioned about this Marxist. Meanwhile, they were taking polls about whether or not the country was ready for a Mormon to be president when Mitt Romney was still in the race for the candidacy.

  15. As I wrote just this morning on my own little blog:

    It is the Senators contention that saving the life of a baby already born as the result of a botched abortions is not near as important as the sanctity of Roe vs. Wade. The fact that this is a human being does not seem to occur to the Senator. It is the same kind of attitude that enabled generations to this day in some parts of the world, to buy and sell their fellow men. In fact, it is worse. People can be freed from slavery or indentured servitude, people can not be brought back from the dead. At least not by anyone presently residing on this planet.

    Why would you question his patriotism? He has NO moral compass what so ever. There is no patriotism or morality to question.

    What we should be asking is why a man and woman ( Barry and Michelie) who obviously hate this country want to be at the head of it. Kind of makes you say hummmmmmmmmm.

  16. Slightly off topic, but is anyone else out there getting visited by Obomination members every three days or so? I begin to humor them (and have a bit of fun) by asking them to convince me why I should vote for their messiah, but the first or second argument I shoot down in flames, they turn tail and run. Talk about being on cool-aid. It’s like holding up a crucifix to a vampire…I guess they can’t take it when someone begins to convince them that they are backing the wrong person. The latest spin? “No, Obama isn’t far left, he’s a centersist”. Wow. I guess that makes Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton moderate conservatives.

    Oh, and A Girl…I don’t exactly refer to organizations that blatantly espouse anti-Semitic ideals over theology as churches, and if you think your messiah is a Christian, click on the article from my previous post on the thread.

  17. I feel kind of sorry for Zach Bencal. When he was asked to sing the national anthem, he naturally assumed is would be the Star Spangled Banner. I suppose Obama felt he was being generous in giving Bencal the choice between singing “La Bayamesa” or the old words to the “Hymn of the Soviet Union.”

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