IMAO Condensed: Daily Kos



    Thank You, Frank, Basil, Sarah, Harvey and even Cadet et al. Once the indoctrination and re-education begins I might not have time to let you know.

    Thanks to all the commenters, even the trolls. They are entertaining, witty, hysterical and educational. Sometimes the worst example ( i.e. the one above) teach the best lessons.

  2. Imagine dozens of monkeys in a single mother crack whore monkey’s basement. Imagine that cage hanging from a chain above that basement. Imagine the crack whore spawn considering the poo falling from that cage and noise coming from that cage to be sacred. Imagine that those monkeys have no idea that the basement door is unlocked, and wouldn’t care if they did find out.

  3. LOL!! The mental image – and the picture of him combined is just too much when drinking my morning coffee – spewed right out with laughter. He even looks like a monkey – great post – Thank You for my needed morning laugh!

  4. Wait, Gaydar? With this guy?

    The bowl on the head and follow the line haircut? The crappy 1970’s suit? OK, granted, you got he politics and attitude right, but still.

    I think your gaydar plays “Dueling Banjos” when something like this comes close.

  5. I tried to write “faggot direction finder” (FDF) earlier and it wouldn’t post. Maybe there’s a unit that combines BS detection, gaydar and liberal Democrat alert (like NOAA weather alert). It just comes on and starts yelling at you if anything is detected.

  6. Continuing on with the metaphor:

    Imagine the head monkey smearing the bars with his own poo while parading around on heels and presenting like a mandrill.

    Actually, don’t. That image is too disturbing.

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