In My World: The Speech Master

“Eeeeee!” squealed a Barack Obama supporter. “It’s Barack Obama! He’s such a great speaker!”

“It is time,” Obama announced to the crowd. “A time for change. A time for hope. A time for the hope that change brings… but also a time for the change brought forth by hope.” He stared at the crowd intently. “What you must remember is that teleprompter error 0657f8a9. Unrecoverable error. Teleprompter rebooting.” Obama made some hand motions for emphasis. “Dot. Dot. Dot. Welcome to your knew Junior TeleSpeak brand teleprompter. Initializing program. Loading test speech patterns.” Obama paused dramatically. “She sells sea shells by the sea shore. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” He took one last long look at the crowd. “End program.”

The crowd cheered wildly. Obama turned to his campaign staff behind him and gave them the thumbs up. “Me speakee good!”


  1. And the crowd still cheers wildly!
    No one notices the errors of the Obamassiah except Racist White exploiters of the poor oppressed minorities!
    The new “Dear Leader” will have them all re-educated!

  2. I know I am a racist because I am a conservative and have voted Republican all my life but is it that I am conservative that I will not vote for BO or is it that I am racist that I will note vote for BO? I am soooo confused I don’t know what to do… and as a conservative I am sexist so if I vote for McCain am I no longer a sexist but if I vote for BO am I still sexist. I have been trying hard not to be those things but the MSM have me between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know what is worsererer to be a racist (my ex-wife is black) or a sexist (I like women and am not gay). Can you guys (not ment in a sexist way oh I am so confued) help me out? Can someone just make me a picture diagram of this whole thing before my mind shuts down from the contradictions?

  3. Why doesn’t the nerdy son of some Republican senator hack into Obama’s teleprompter and get creative? Remember the scene from “The Anchorman” when they did this? I can envision B. Hussein concluding his remarks with, “from all of us at the Democratic Party, good night and f*** off!”

  4. Jason, my advice is if you’re not gay, then vote for the chick. Let the real racists get their own chicks. You already have your non-racist cred, anyway.

    Oh wait, she’s your ex. RACIST!!!

    I’d vote for the chick regardless.

    Just my 2 cents.

  5. You folks are too hard on Obama. He knows to stop reading when the teleprompter has an error. That’s why he memorized the “Hope-Change” speech–he can always segue, and nobody notices.

    I actually like Obama. Certainly, I don’t see an Obama presidency as being significantly worse than Democrat–oops, I mean “maverick”–John McCain’s. At this point, I think I’d vote for Obama, if it weren’t for one thing.

    Sarah Palin. She’s everything that none of the others in this race or not. She rocks. But Obama has been, so far, my favorite Democrat since Bill Clinton. He’s so much better than John Kerry or Al Gore. Of course, McCain wants to put Al Gore in his cabinet. McBraniac.

    I’m hoping that, if McCain does win, Palin has his ear. If not, I’m getting behind Sarah Palin for President, 2012.

  6. McCain’s teleprompter was recently virused! Here’s an excerpt of his prepared speech at the NRA:

    “My friends, I am the country’s strongest supporter of the 2nd Amendment. It’s time for some straight talk… Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy. A kid’ll eat ivy too, wouldn’t you? This program has performed an illegal operation and has become unstable. It will now restart automatically to maintain security… in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Unable to operate in secure mode… File NSAFirewall.dll not found… This program is unsecure and should be shut down. Send report?”

  7. I think that IMW sums up his campaign speeches rather well. If my grandkids someday ask about Obama’s campaign, I can use it to give them a good feel for what Obama’s platform was.

  8. #2, you’re over-thinking, and way too hard on yourself.

    You’re voting mcPALIN and against O’biden/Hillary because you’re not a socialist. You’re not a socialist because you know that it has failed every nation that has it.

    Race & sex has nothing to do with it…as it should be:

    “…a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” — Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.

  9. Oh, I WELCOME teleprompters. I wish Bush used it more often. It wouldn’t guarantee error free speeches, but it might help reduce the guffaws…. if guffaw is the word I want.

    But on the other hand, it might degrade the entertainment value of a George W public speech. So I suppose we’re better off with him doing what he is doing right now. He’s an entertaining politician.

  10. Jason,

    You must vote for the chosen one. You cannot be considered sexist since Palin is not really a woman. She did not even consider killing her baby when she found out he had Downs. Every good Nazi will purge the weak, handicapped and mentally ill from their society. Wait, I forgot that conservatives are the Nazis. Now I am conflicted…Damn.

  11. Ah! I finally found it!

    “Soun ye noght but eyr ybroken,
    And every speche that ys spoken,
    Loud or pryvee, foul or fair,
    In his substaunce ys but air.”

    Geoffrey Chaucer – The House of Fame

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