Investment advice

A friend of mine mentioned yesterday that he’s investing in gold.

He seems to think the whole world economy has only begun to go to hell in a handbasket. He thinks the worst is yet to come.

Because he thinks Obama will win the election.

And Obama might.

Yes, my friend is right: If Obama wins, things will only get worse.

And perhaps my friend has the right idea: invest in metals.

Only, I don’t think I’m going to invest in gold.

I’m thinking steel, brass, and lead.

steel, brass, and lead


  1. My goal by age 65 is to have a cabin somewhere with a greenhouse, pond, and solar/wind array, and enough land to grow crops for ethanol. This is made a doubly good idea based on where the economy and culture are going over the next couple decades, but the key, core reason is that even if NOTHING goes wrong for 40+ years (HA!), I’d like to live somewhere that could be sustained regardless of fuel, power, water, food, or rent costs. If I manage to put all that in a red state with a moderate climate, the one remaining cost (taxes) may not be as bad as well. If I’m 65 when it’s ready and I get materials that last 20 years, that ought to about cover it. The only loose thread is medication, so I try to live healthy now so I need as little as possible then.

  2. ELKnight: You won’t need funeral service. Obama and Billl Ayers will be providing group crematoriums. It will take too long to get rid of 25 million bodies. The three precious metals are Gold, Silver and Lead, mostly lead.

  3. Does anyone else think it’s deeply f**king sick that our election is between a man tortured for five years by communists and someone who spent his whole life learning from them, and the latter is ahead in the poles?

    If McCain can live with being tortured by communists for five years, there is hope the rest of us will survive four.

    ELKnight – brilliant, accurate, terrible. Don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind. Why do you think I have no plan for living past 85?

  4. I’m growing beets, carrots, potatoes, peas, spinach, lettuce, etc., and am starting The International Vegetable Bank. Deposits are in vegetables, loans are in vegetables. The unit of exchange is the potato with a table of conversions (equivalences). Right now, the interest rate is one potato per ten per year – or zero depending on if I eat your deposit or not, in which case your account gets wrapped in paper and sold to neighbors and you’ll need some government to bail you out.

  5. Mateo R has an interesting problem. Mateo, having grown up in a medium-sized, liberal city, here’s what you need to do. Start charting (counting) Obama zombies (Democrats). If the rate approaches 10 per hour on any street corner, you need more ammo. Fortunately, I now live in the sticks and can get by with very little while I refurbish my tank.

  6. Own some gold, but make it stuff like the old South African Kugerrands.
    I am buyning metals, especially in the form of hi-cap 30 & 40 rd magazines. You should have 20-30 per weapon.
    10K rounds per weapon is the suggested stockpile.
    That is for magazine fed weapons, higher for belt fed of course.
    I am looking for an NFA legal M60 and will trade an NFA legal M1919A4 with mnt and an NFA legal TWR M14. All State and federal transfer laws must be followed!
    FA weapons are GREAT investments!

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