Me Hate Obama Because McCain Tell Me To!

You hear how McCain is fomenting hate? We all know how conservatives unquestionably listen to McCain and how he’s always throwing red meat to them, so he has to be careful. Everything conservatives do has always directly reflected on McCain.


  1. Seems as though he is also making perfectly tolerant liberals hate Palin. He must be a powerful, powerful man to make liberals go against their very nature. They will have very little hate left to direct towards the unborn.

  2. McCain is getting people all riled up? That’s funny. Everyone on our side that’s voting for him is holding their nose while they do so…no one’s excited enough about McCain for him to be able to foment anything.

    It’s the other side that’s ready to sacrifice their children at the alter of The One (although the left’s always up for a good excuse for killing children anyway).

  3. According to some in the MSM, calling Obama a traitor is considered a death threat (and racist) because being a traitor carries the death penalty.

    However accusing a any Republican of being a traitor or war criminal is patriotic.

  4. Oh yeah, I saw McCain’s speech in NC today,
    now I want to run out and oppress someone,
    with a smidge of hate , malice, and vitriol of course.

    Oh that I could be more compassionate and kind spirited
    like Sandra Bernhardt,
    the Democrat Underground,
    The KosTards,
    Atlantic Photog Jill Greenberg,
    authors of Bush Assassination propaganda, etc.

  5. From a “Foot Soldier In the Regan Revolution” to The General! He’s the man alright! When you look up conservative you now see John McCain’s picture! It would be nice if he would just stop and consider the other side’s point-of-view once in awhile, but nooooooo…not Mr. RIGHT!!!! He makes Goldwater look like a nancing queer acorn door-to-door vote stealer! He’s my guy, that John McCain!

  6. Hey Edwin,

    please tell us about the illustrious hours contained in your flight log. That way we can poke you with a sharp stick, and not just because the Senator told us to be hateful to you, many of us just offer it as a courtesy.

    I just remembered something, I’ve never crashed a jet, does that make me more electable in the land of koz?

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