Thanks for the memories. And the truth.

I miss Bob Hope. He was a comedic genius.

See. Told ya.


  1. Must be going around … a friend sent me that last week.

    On a cheery note: The Obummer pins are here! The Obummer pins are here!

    I already received my Obummer sticker but have not figured out how to cleverly deface it to say something funny. Today arrived my Obummer pin. Autumn the Dog is wearing a shirt because she had surgery to the abdomin and it prevents licking. So I guess my dog is voting for Obama. ACORN must have stopped by when I was out.

  2. I’ve been renting all of my favorite 30’s and 40’s movies to watch w/my kids over the past year. We watched this one a couple of months ago–just about blew popcorn outta’ my nose I laughed so hard at this line (ewwww). Had to back it up and watch it again because it felt so good to hear TRUTH coming from the TV (as opposed to the usual BS). Just watched “The Princess and the Pirate,” another Bob Hope pic, tonight. Pretty cheesy, but Hope has another great Democrat slam line, although not quite a good as this one. Too funny!

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