The NYT Becomes Even More Evil

The Puppy Blender has an op-ed in the New York Times about whether Biden or Palin is right about the role of the Vice President (HINT: It’s the one who is sometimes a little flustered in interviews because she’s not so good at just making stuff up). I forget if I’ve mentioned this before, but what kind of middle name is “Harlan”? Or is it racist for me to even mention the Puppy Blender’s middle name?

Anyway, for those keeping track, the people allowed to write opinions in the NYT are:
* The extremely liberal.
* People who put puppies in blenders.

Sorry, McCain, you don’t fall into either category. No op-ed for you!


  1. #1, he used “role” correctly

    “role” and “roll” are frequently misused homonyms, like it’s/its, you’re/your, their/there/they’re. Look it up, all are in the dictionary.

    “roll” of the Vice President would be a visual image of Sarah or Joe on wheels

  2. Well, they’re still better than the Wash Post.
    Or does the NY Times also allow Hamas and Hezbollah officials to lie on their op-ed pages?

    It’s a given that they’re allowed to lie on the news pages, but I’m wondering about their op-eds.

  3. They used to call the press “the Fourth Estate”, meaning that it had the status of a branch of the government, sometimes the only one who spoke for the people. What is more true now is to say that there is a class of media elitists, those on TV, and those who would like to be on TV but are too ugly (the press). This group no longer just reports the news, (which it never really did), but now it arrogantly makes or at least shapes the news, and has become a branch of the leftist movement, together with the Democratic Party, academia, the legal profession, and the federal bureacracy. This vast left-wing conspiracy disregards the constitution and has persistenty tried to move the US toward an irrevocable move into socialism. It took the russians the better part of a century to overcome socialism, and they are still suffering its consequences. Check this out:

  4. Wooop Wooop read alurt an internet spelling expurt has been detected in the comments ….. ***Miz Webster*** wooop woop woop ( think read alurt sond frum stare-treck )

    Appears she is also an expert in homo-nyms. ( homo names ). Mr. Frank…. Next time you write a post you should call her on the homophone and ask her to review your write up.

    FYI: red, alert, expert, sound, star, trek just in case you were wonder Miss Erkel.

  5. Freemon, I don’t think our Miz Webster is all that savvy.

    “Roll of the Vice President” –

    1. Hey, maybe the Vice President IS “on a roll,” in which case Anon 1:50 could be correct. After all Cheney has been on one until lately.

    2. They could have had rolls for breakfast, in Joe’s case, the roll of the future Vice President might be stuck in his esophagus (behind his hair plug which he also ate).

    3. Or, maybe it’s time to leave, in which case, when is it “time to roll” for the Vice President? Joe needs to get rolling now… or get something, he’s like totally dementia’d.

    4. Does the Vice President sleep well? As in a “bed roll?” In which case, the roll of the Vice President needs to be cleaned. This would be particularly true in Biden’s case with all that grease and stink in his shorts.

    In summary, in their role as a user of roll, Anon 1:50 has been potentially vindicated.

    (This comment brought to you by Much To Do About Nothing.)

    [To be honest, he had it right and I had it wrong, so I changed both my post and his comment. -Ed.]

  6. (Singing)……. My mama was a little lamb ……. Mt daddy her defenderrrrrrrr………Thats why they call meeeeee………. Puuuuuuppy Blenderrrr……….. Puuuuuuppy Blenderrrrrr

  7. And that is why I don’t really read domestic issues and only international in the paper, I don’t need the huge spins. I also don’t need liberal editorial telling me what to think. That maybe because I am a realist aka realize that power politics is the main issue in the world.

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