Warning: Dangerous Asteroid Is on the Loose

NASA has reported that they have lost track of a particularly dangerous asteroid. This asteroid has been known to threaten all life on this planet and needs to be found immediately. Everyone should be on the lookout for it.

Here’s the last known photo of it:

And here’s what a computer program has determined it might look like if it changes its appearance:

If you see the asteroid, do not try to handle it yourself. Call NASA and find cover.

Remember: Only you can prevent the total annihilation of life on this planet.™


  1. Mr. Asteroid is indeed trying to destroy our way of life, . . . . as well as our actual life. The problem is that it is hard to locate him when he has so many supporters that are hiding him and trying to abet him in his evil mission. His main group of allies is the Global Warming crowd, as they faithfully believe that they can reverse global warming by aiding Mr. Asteroid and the destruction of Republicans and deniers which he vows to eliminate.

  2. Here in Ohio the People have spoken!!! 65% of the people thought John McCain did a wonderful job last night to Obama’s pitiful 35%. Oh woe is Obama!!!! All that money spent in Ohio and it ain’t doing you any good!!! Yippie kay yay!!!

  3. Hey man, nobody believes that Al Gore Global Warming bullshit any more.
    O shit we’re going to lose all our government grants.
    Yeah man, I bought a ton of that big asshole, Gore’s stock too! I was cheated! The government should do something.
    Did you hear about that asteroid that’s going to extinctify the human race, man?
    OMG OMG OMG, we have to do something, we have to save mankind. We’re smarter than most people! We need more grants. Now now now!
    Hey man, I’m a Lit major, WTF is an asteroid? Some kind of Tibetan flower, man? Can we smoke it?

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