Zo on Why He’s Voting for McCain/Palin

Somehow I missed Zo’s new video even though it’s up to about 150,000 views on YouTube:

I saw it linked in the corner by Jay Nordlinger, and somehow I knew from his description it was Zo. If there’s one thing conservatives need to remember it’s to keep a positive attitude as we truly have a great country.


  1. cadet Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 9:38 am

    A black guy. 😉

    I hadn’t seen any of his video’s for this one and after seeing this on I watched them all. Pretty cool guy. I will be showing some of my friends this to show they don’t have to vote dem just because they are black.

  2. “Vote the Reaper” was still the best thing he ever came out with. Best line: “Why would you have to have served in the military to support the troops? You support Gay Rights, but have you ever been in a gay relationship? Well have you?”

    Funny stuff. His music is pretty good too.

  3. This guy puts the truth in some of the plainest English I have ever seen.
    His lightsaber duel with Darth Barak was legendary. This one pretty much sums everything up.

    If anyone can listen to those two arguments and still be honestly a believer in liberalism, they are pathologically disconnected with anything resembling reality.

    Troops, learn and understand these arguments. They are your weapons in the battle for Truth.

  4. That was so chock full of wisdom in such small bites, I have no snarky response whatsoever.

    …OH…wait…does that count as snarky?

    So many quotable quotes, so few spots in AIM for my status messages…

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