The IMAO Christmas Ornament

Do you feel your Christmas tree doesn’t quite reflect your preference for right-wing political blogging? Then I have a product for you:

For a limited time, you can buy an IMAO Christmas Ornament. This is the only official IMAO Christmas ornament. If you see any other IMAO Christmas Ornaments for sale, they are cheap knock-offs. Report them to me so they can be dealt with.

Rumor has it Santa will not visit any house this year that doesn’t have an IMAO Christmas ornament. You cannot risk this to be true. Buy now.

(Snowman design by spacemonkey and Cadet Happy)


Before the election, I said that Obama was a Patriot because he’d win every match-up except the one at the end.

It appears I was wrong.

I hereby apologize for calling Obama a Patriot, and never shall again.

Obviously, this man is really a Dolphin.

By which I may or may not mean that he’s a slippery, vicious, bloodthirsty predator who will sink to unspeakable depths to get what he wants.