Now I Can Shoot a Moose in the Face!

I kid!

But for people who like conceal carry and National Parks (my wife and I have an annual parks pass), that the National Parks have decided to follow state rules on conceal carry is good news. Volokh links to a new FAQ the Department of Interior has where it nicely explains why allowing people to carry concealed weapons won’t mean that every man or animal in the parks are now in risk of being shot.

Unless they piss me off.

Could Bush Be Hitler?

Most of us don’t give much thought to those holding up signs saying “Bush = Hitler”, but is it time we consider the possibility? Hitler was into the occult, so it’s possible he faked his death and used black magic to disguise himself as a Texan. For all we know, Bush could really be Hitler.

In Bush’s last days, if he suddenly unveils he is really Hitler and unleashes his Hitler plans involving world conquest through UFOs, dinosaurs, and pirates, the liberals are going to be like, “See! He was Hitler! We told you!” And we’re all going to look really stupid if we hadn’t even given that possibility some honest thought.

So, let’s give the possibility some thought. If Bush is Hitler, where would his secret base be where he could covertly train dinosaurs to fly UFOs filled with pirates?


aww po dum stoopid neocon heelbilly jues. evreeone hate u all now and vote aganst u. no wun likes u. no wun ever going to vote for dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues like boosh evar again now dey hav obama. u very sad.

well doo not wurry. now leebrals in charge and dey will take care of u better dan ur dum stoopid selves ever cood. dey will use reedistreebooshun too make sure everee wun is eequal. u hate eequal dont u u dum stoopid heelbilly neocon jues? but it not bad. i explain to u.

when sum wun have too much we reedistreeboot to those weeth less. for exampul u all hav so many eyeballs but my mouth has so few. so we weel need too make everee wun eequal by redistreebooting ur eyes to my mouth. in utter words


but doo not wurry dum stoopids. reedisteebooshun works both ways. aftur i eet ur eyeballs i weel have an excess of poo maid from eyeballs while u weel hav nun. so i weel reedisteeboot dat bak to u. in utter words


so doo nut wurry dum stoopid heelbilly neco jues. u weel bee much better off covered in poo maid frum ur own eyeballs because u weel be ruled bai smart peepul like obama instead of dum stoopids everee wun hate laik palin. everee wun hate dum stoopids now like her and u. but u weel always hav a place in new sosighity as long as u hav eyeballs. so make shure u keep ur eyeballs clean cum janurary 20


Resolved: Sports Are Conservative

Resolved: Sports are conservative.

While celebrities and other useless people tend to lean left, this is less so with well known sports players. This is because sports are conservative as there are objective standards judging who are good players. While one can be judged to be a good movie director even if failing at objective standards such as movie ticket sales, one will not be judged to be a good quarterback by many unless actual results are obtained. Objective standards means there must be actual results from efforts, making sport inherently conservative.
