
No, I’m not giving anyone the bird.

Just out of curiosity….we got any twitter tweeters on here?

A better college football playoff plan

Thinking about a solution to the BCS problem, I came up with a 16-team playoff system, using conference champions as the top 11 slots, with wild card teams filling out the field of 16.

But some don’t like that. Some complain that teams like Troy or Buffalo shouldn’t make the mix while better teams like Oklahoma State, Georgia Tech, Brigham Young, or Ball State are left out.

So, if its the best teams that should fill the field of 16, then there’s an easy solution:

  1. Florida
  2. Alabama
  3. Georgia
  4. Mississippi
  5. Louisiana State
  6. South Carolina
  7. Vanderbilt
  8. Kentucky
  9. Arkansas
  10. Tennessee
  11. Auburn
  12. Mississippi State
  13. Oklahoma
  14. Texas
  15. Southern California
  16. Utah

Problem solved.

Solving the BCS problem

The mythical college football championship game is set. And lots of people are not happy.

Me? I don’t have a dog in the hunt. Or Dawg, to be specific.

Still, there are some unhappy campers. And I’m in that group. Despite my not having a team of interest in the mix … or close to the mix … I’m in the unhappy group because … well, let’s face it: I have strong opinions.

But I do more than just whine about something I don’t like; I have a solution.

Check that.

I have THE solution: A 16-team playoff that uses the BCS for seeding.

Automatic Bids

There are 11 conferences. The 11 conference champions get an automatic spot. The remaining 5 spots … call them “wild card” spots … would be taken up by the top teams in the BCS standings that don’t get an automatic berth.

Here are the 11 conference champions, listed alphabetically by conference:

Conference Champion
Atlantic Coat Virginia Tech
Big East Cincinnati
Big Ten Penn State
Big 12 Oklahoma
Conference USA East Carolina
Mid-America Buffalo
Mountain West Utah
Pacific 10 Southern California
Southeastern Florida
Sun Belt Troy
Western Athletic Boise State

Wild Card Teams

Here are the top five teams (according to the BCS) that did not win their conference.

Rank Team
3. Texas
4. Alabama
7. Texas Tech
10. Ohio State
11. Texas Christian

There are two ways of doing the seeding.

One is using the BCS to rank them, plain and simple.

But that’s too plain and simple for me. I actually like the way the NFL does it. In the NFL, the division champs get the top seeds, and the wild cards get the leftover slots, regardless of record.

For instance, in 2007, Tampa Bay was the #4 seed in the NFC, winning the South with a 9-7 record, while the Giants were the #5 seed, despite having 10-6 record. Likewise, Pittsburgh took the AFC North with a 10-6 record, and were seeded 4th, while Jacksonville, sporting a better record (11-5), was 5th seed, since they didn’t win their division.


Using that as a model, here’s the 2008 NCAA Division I-A (using the older name) playoff seeding:

Seed Team Conference Record BCS
1. Oklahoma Big 12 12-1 1
2. Florida Southeast 12-1 2
3. Southern California Pacific 10 11-1 5
4. Utah Mountain West 12-0 6
5. Penn State Big Ten 11-1 8
6. Boise State Western Athletic 12-0 9
7. Cincinnati Big East 11-2 12
8. Virginia Tech Atlantic Coast 9-4 19
9. East Carolina Conference USA 9-4 none
10. Troy Sun Belt 8-4 none
11. Buffalo Mid-America 8-5 none
12. Texas Wild card 11-1 3
13. Alabama Wild card 12-1 4
14. Texas Tech Wild card 11-1 7
15. Ohio State Wild card 10-2 10
16. Texas Christian Wild card 10-2 11


This will set up some interesting matchups:

  • (16) Texas Christian at (1) Oklahoma
  • (15) Ohio State at (2) Florida
  • (14) Texas Tech at (3) Southern California
  • (13) Alabama at (4) Utah
  • (12) Texas at (5) Penn State
  • (11) Buffalo at (6) Boise State
  • (10) Troy at (7) Cincinnati
  • (9) East Carolina at (8) Virginia Tech

The 8 winners would play the following week, with the top 4 remaining seeds hosting the bottom 4 remaining seeds. The 8 first-round losers and the 4 second-round losers would get bowl invitations. And pretty good bowl invitations, in all likelihood.

The final four would play as part of the January 1st bowl games. The final two would play a week later for the real … not mythical … championship.

Problem solved.

New Windows

So do you think the whole Microsoft Vista thing is like a New Coke strategy? They give us Vista, take away XP, we all get infuriated and realize how good we had it with XP, then later they re-release XP as “Windows Classic.”

“Installing Windows Classic is like adding an extra Gig of memory to your computer!”

It would sell like hot cakes!

If anything, I bet you can relate the economic collapse to Vista. There probably isn’t a business out there that hasn’t taken a productivity hit from having to deal with its crap. So what does Vista do with that extra Gig of memory it sucks up anyway? Does it need that all to make the title bars translucent?

In My World: Illegal Aliens

President Bush eagerly watched out the window as his limousine headed out into the desert. “Isn’t this exciting?”

Vice President Cheney shrugged his shoulders. “Meh.”

“Come on! Aliens have landed and they want to talk to me! I’m going to be the first president to make contact with aliens. That’s gotta be considered more exciting than being the first black president. I’ll bet I’ll be popular after this!”

“You might get a five point peaceful-contact-with-aliens bump in your approval rating.”

“Yee-haw! I can’t wait!”

The limousine came to a stop and Bush jumped out. In the desert had landed a giant flying saucer. A platform lowered from its center bringing three thin, gray being with large black eyes to the ground. “We wish to speak to the leader of Earth,” one said.

“That’s me… for about a month and a half more!” Bush called.

“We bring a message of peace,” the alien said.


“And we would also like to let your people know we are willing to do menial labor for below minimum wage.”

Bush’s face sunk. “Aww crap.”

* * * *

Bush sat around the oval office contemplating his situation. “If you have an economic crisis, space aliens landing and taking jobs probably ain’t going to help, is it?” he asked Cheney.

“Nope. You kinda brought this on yourself, you know.”

“I didn’t know our lax immigration laws were known throughout the galaxy! And if anything, this proves fences wouldn’t help.” Bush thought for a moment. “Unless they were really really tall. Hey, so how are my approval ratings doing?”

“Your approval rating is less than the margin of error. Basically what that’s saying is the people who said they approve of your job performance might not have understood the question.”

“Man! This just keeps getting worse! What can I do to convince the American people I’m not a total screw up and get my ratings up before I leave office? I mean, I didn’t let us get his by terrorists again.”

“Eh, no one cares.”

“Well, do you think wearing an important looking hat might help get people to respect me again?”

“Like with a big feather plume or something?”


Cheney thought about that. “Wouldn’t hurt.”

“I’ll see if Obama has any ideas. He’s going to be president soon, so this will be his mess.” He picked up the phone and called Obama. “Hey, Barry, it’s Dubya. I was wondering if you or your staff has any ideas what to do about the space aliens.”

“Yes, we have many excellent plans of what to do about that problem.”

“Like what?”

“I’d rather keep them to myself until I’m ready to implement them.”

“Could you give me a hint, though?”

“No, but they are super-smart plans that will solve everything.”

“I don’t think you actually have any plans.”

“I have many plans. In fact, I have more plans than I need and actually tossed out some perfectly good plans to make room for better plans.”

“You’re dumb and stupid and you don’t have any plans!” Bush hung up the phone and looked to Cheney. “I like that guy; he’s smart.”

Bush’s intercom buzzed. “Someone with a mustache is here to see you,” Bush’s secretary said.

“Is he gay or Mexican?”

“He’s openly Mexican.”

“Okay, send him in.” Bush looked to Cheney. “You have to be careful; gays have been really violent lately.”

Juan Hernandez came into the room. “We have a problem we need to talk about, Mr. President.”

“Wow, you have a smile that makes me not want to trust anything you say,” Bush remarked.

“Yes, I am often told this. Anyway, these illegal aliens from space are unacceptable! They are taking jobs from hard working earthling illegal aliens!”

“You know, technically no one is supposed to be crossing our border to do work.”

“Don’t speak to me of such nonsense!” Juan said. “You need to do something about the illegal space aliens!”

“Well, it’s not like I can deport them. They live in space, so that would cost like billion and billions and billions of dollars… if I knew where their home planet was. Plus, if I tell them to leave they could get angry, and they might have death rays and stuff.”

“Would you rather have space aliens shooting death rays at you or make the Mexicans angry?” Juan asked.

“I don’t want the Mexicans angry at me,” Bush said. “I guess I’ll talk to them.”

* * * *

Bush headed over to the space aliens who were hanging out in front of the Home Depot. “We need to talk.”

“Work has been good. People are turned off by our odd appearance, but they like how we speak English. Do you have work for me? I am particularly good at lawn care,” one of the aliens said. “Space travel is expensive; it has left us with no money so we need need the work. By the way, that is a very important hat you’re wearing.”

“Thanks.” Bush fiddled idly with the feather. “Anyway, the thing is…” Another spacecraft landed in the Home Depot parking lot. Out of it came some more gray aliens and also some Middle Eastern men. “Um… are those Arabs?”

“We had to make a stop in the Middle East and some people there wanted a ride into your country. I thought you wouldn’t mind.”

“See, I kinda mind. Do you have borders on your home planet?”

“Yes, we do.”

“And how would you feel if people ignored them?” Bush asked.

“That would be a grave insult. We would disintegrate the interlopers.”

“Okay… well, then maybe you see how you coming here to do work might be a problem.”

“We thought you didn’t mind,” the alien said. “We are only doing the work others won’t since we’re already doing it for cheaper.”

“Yeah, well, I’m going to have to ask you to stop.”

“This angers us. You implicitly invited us with your lax immigration enforcement and then tell us to leave? For this, we may come back and conquer your planet and enslave your people.”

“Okay, just don’t do it until after January 20th so I don’t get blamed.”

The aliens got into their spaceships and flew away. Bush took out his cellphone and called Cheney. “So, how did it go?” Cheney asked.

“They were pretty reasonable. I got them to leave, but they may come back and conquer Earth.”

Cheney was silent for a moment. “Did you tell them about Halliburton in case they needed military contracts.”

Bush sighed. “No, Dick. No I didn’t.”

Minnesota Recount

So when is Al Franken officially a loser?

I guess the answer would be “Years ago.”

It’s nice to know that even in a year where basically a donkey wearing a jaunty hat could win an election if he ran as a Democrat, there still are limits.

Needed for a Merry Christmas

If you want to get the IMAO Christmas ornament but don’t want to go through eBay, you can contact the seller directly at Also, I forgot to mention that I stole the snowman design from spacemonkey and Cadet Happy who came up with it originally.

Remember, an IMAO ornament on a tree ensures that all the presents under it will be awesome. It also works as a magic ward to protect you in case Santa has a psychotic break while visiting your house and decides to murder you while you sleep. That happens more often than you think.