10 Words or Less

As commenter Percepied pointed out, the Washington post is selling $10 classified ads for readers to post an inaugural message for Obama.

The catch being that “All ads must be congratulatory in nature.”

I like the idea, but I don’t like that they reserve the right to reject my ad if it’s deemed insufficiently obsequious.

My local paper, on the other hand, charges 10 cents a word, and I can say whatever I want. However, I can’t decide whether to spend a dollar, a dime, or something in between. Kinda depends on what I find in the sofa cushions.

As you can see, though, I’m ready for anything:

* Big list of promises now meets reality’s cold brass knuckles.

* First black president? Well, at least you’re half historic.

* Exclusively wind and solar? Worked great for Icarus.

* Hope, change, economic ruin – Obama hat trick!

* Car Czar? No. Liberty Czar? Please.

* You won. Now respect flag.

* Coming soon: Palin 2012.

* Congratulations, President Bailout.

* Iran’s laughing.

* Barackalypse!

Your turn. 10 words or less. “Congratulate” Obama.


  1. * Bail, people, BAIL.

    * Bringing back White house butt kits for The One.

    * “Hyperinflation” coming to a theater town near you.

    * Buddy, can you spare a dime quarter dollar C-note $1K $10K $10E7 for a forty-niner?

  2. Guns…what guns? Oh…that’s my next door neighbor you need to talk to!

    I hope I will have some change left when you are done!

    How many in line before the Secretary of State? That’s not too many!

  3. You’re welcome…enjoy the party! Armageddon begins in January. -Satan

    Congratulations! Now I won’t look so incompetent! -Jimmy Carter

    Party at my place…look for burning cross…bring family! -Robert Byrd

    Where can I find that waskewy wabbit?!?! -Barney Frank

    Congratulations to the 2nd black president. -Bill Clinton

    I’ll get you…you and your little dog! Eeehheehheehheehhee! -Hillary Clinton

  4. “You will be surrounded by white interns!”


    “Numbers of dead solders will be less… than number of aborted babies”
    (12 words, but I needed to get that point across)


    “I HOPE I will have CHANGE (left in my pockets)”


    “Please tell me what he plans to change us TO?”
    (I think we know, he just won’t SAY it.)


    “All Hail King Hussein the Second”


    “Obama, your name will NOT be ‘Added to dictionary’ ”


    “You wouldn’t have beat Condi”


    “You made it just in time to take full credit for the good half of the cycle of natural economic self correction that happens every 50 or so years regardless of who is president!”
    (too many words again?)

  5. “I need furniture- where can I buy a comfy chair?”


    “Don’t get cocky, you won because of race. A Simpson/Vic ticket would have won.”

    I’m not even counting words any more- do I still get to play?

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