
So what’s up with Blagojevich’s hair? How does someone get hair like that? Shouldn’t there be safeguards against such a thing? If Obama really did meet with Blago, shouldn’t there be some accountability on Obama’s part for not telling Blago how ridiculous he looks?

Power of Two

I’m not much for tech blogging, but I ran into just a really odd error the other day trying to install SQL Server 2005. For the program to finish installation, it has to run at least once, but it always errored on starting. Hearing hooves and thinking horses, I assumed it was a Vista incompatibility. I later tried again on the same computer with XP on it, and it still didn’t start. With enough Googling, I finally found the problem: My computer has three processors and SQL Server 2005 won’t work on a computer when the number of processors isn’t a power of two.

What the hell? How do you even ship software with a bug like that? Did they assume no one would make a computer with three processors or did they not know of the error because they tested on a computer with one processor and then on a computer with two processors and said, “Well, it must work for all processors! Ship it!” This is why the economy is failing; it’s loss of productivity on crap like that. I wasted a lot of time trying to install that program as it’s a pretty hard error to figure out because it’s not like when a program doesn’t run your first thought is, “Hmm, my computer has a number of processors that isn’t a power of two. I wonder if that could be a problem?”

Anyway, the workaround on the support page didn’t help. Service Pack 2 fixes the problem, but you have to install SQL Server 2005 before you can add SP2, but the program has to run once to install, and it won’t run on a computer with three processors without SP2. Fun times.

As long as we rely on Microsoft software, we’re going to be stuck in the dark ages. It insures that any advancements we make will be offset by having to handle even more bugs in the software. A thousand years from now, we won’t be anywhere further technologically thanks to the few hundred more editions of Windows that will have been forced upon on us to shackle us. And there’s nothing we can do about it.

Well, we could switch to another operating system, but Macs are for homosexuals and Linux is for communists, so scratch that.

No Screwing with My Stuff Without Representation

All this bailout crap has got me thinking: We need some way to vote out Representatives from other districts.

We have people with absolutely no qualifications whatsoever screwing with American businesses and there is no way to stop them because they live in districts where everyone is retarded like San Francisco or areas of Massachusetts. In a just, capitalistic world, Barney Frank would be living on the streets covered in his own excrement, but instead he gets to screw up business after business with no accountability because apparently he lives in a district where the citizens are constantly being outsmarted by squirrels. Then there’s the senile old curmudgeon Murtha who can call is own people stupid racists and they still vote for him because they’re brain dead (and probably stupid racists).

The original idea was that districts could elect whatever idiots they wanted and it would have a small effect on anyone else because of the limitation of the powers of the federal government. Those days are long gone. And if people like Barney Frank can screw things up that can affect me, then I should have some say about it.

Now, maybe it would be wrong to vote out of office the Representative of another district, but can’t we all vote to strip of them of any power they have? We remove these people from their committees and send them to a separate room in the Capitol where they have to sit quietly and can’t do anything other than vote on bills. It will be like the special ed class of the House. Their idiot districts can keep electing these people, but none of us should have to deal with them.

Now, everyone will probably get partisan about this and try to strip all the Representatives on either side of all their powers, but if that happens, is that really a bad thing?