Fun trivia . . .

Which blonde, pushing 40, imao t-shirt babe puked in a shopping bag in my minivan today, and then hung it out the window til she got to a trash can to through it away!?

10 Words or Less

As commenter Percepied pointed out, the Washington post is selling $10 classified ads for readers to post an inaugural message for Obama.

The catch being that “All ads must be congratulatory in nature.”

I like the idea, but I don’t like that they reserve the right to reject my ad if it’s deemed insufficiently obsequious.

My local paper, on the other hand, charges 10 cents a word, and I can say whatever I want. However, I can’t decide whether to spend a dollar, a dime, or something in between. Kinda depends on what I find in the sofa cushions.

As you can see, though, I’m ready for anything:

* Big list of promises now meets reality’s cold brass knuckles.

* First black president? Well, at least you’re half historic.

* Exclusively wind and solar? Worked great for Icarus.

* Hope, change, economic ruin – Obama hat trick!

* Car Czar? No. Liberty Czar? Please.

* You won. Now respect flag.

* Coming soon: Palin 2012.

* Congratulations, President Bailout.

* Iran’s laughing.

* Barackalypse!

Your turn. 10 words or less. “Congratulate” Obama.