No Screwing with My Stuff Without Representation

All this bailout crap has got me thinking: We need some way to vote out Representatives from other districts.

We have people with absolutely no qualifications whatsoever screwing with American businesses and there is no way to stop them because they live in districts where everyone is retarded like San Francisco or areas of Massachusetts. In a just, capitalistic world, Barney Frank would be living on the streets covered in his own excrement, but instead he gets to screw up business after business with no accountability because apparently he lives in a district where the citizens are constantly being outsmarted by squirrels. Then there’s the senile old curmudgeon Murtha who can call is own people stupid racists and they still vote for him because they’re brain dead (and probably stupid racists).

The original idea was that districts could elect whatever idiots they wanted and it would have a small effect on anyone else because of the limitation of the powers of the federal government. Those days are long gone. And if people like Barney Frank can screw things up that can affect me, then I should have some say about it.

Now, maybe it would be wrong to vote out of office the Representative of another district, but can’t we all vote to strip of them of any power they have? We remove these people from their committees and send them to a separate room in the Capitol where they have to sit quietly and can’t do anything other than vote on bills. It will be like the special ed class of the House. Their idiot districts can keep electing these people, but none of us should have to deal with them.

Now, everyone will probably get partisan about this and try to strip all the Representatives on either side of all their powers, but if that happens, is that really a bad thing?


  1. You don’t like to give the government power over the folks, do you Frank?

    The left has tried to re-categorize the political spectrum as far left=Socialism and far right=Fascism. However we know better. Far left=Socialism/Fascism indeed, but Far right=Anarchy. So, while I’m no proponent of anarchy, here’s an open question for you and all thinkers:

    If you are the one with the guns, is Anarchy really worse than submitting to the power of a corrupt state?

  2. I love it! I would suggest that the bill be called the OmnibusNoRetardsForCongress2009 Bill! Here’s the dilemma, however! Everyone in Congress is a retard! You have to be a retard to run for congress! If you weren’t a retard before you got to Congress, surely sitting and listening to people like Barney (Hide the Baloney Pony) Frank and Nancy Pelosi prattle on day after day after day after day after day would cause such sever brain trauma that one would very quickly become a retard…therefore all congress people are retards!

  3. Actually, we already have an out clause, built into the Declaration:

    “…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,…”

    The problem is US, who keeps electing the same retards over and over. Which I guess that and then b*tching about them for years later is easier than taking up arms and taking to the streets for another Revolutionary War…or even a “new” Republican Party.

    Oh that’s right: we conservatives don’t protest. Then we get what we get.

  4. All current government offices must be vacated. All current Senators, reps, etc. are literally fired. New candidates will be recruited from the people of their respective districts. They must be real people who have had a real life on their own and job outside of government or education for at least two years (i.e. no career professors or politicians). Military service would be the only exception. New elections would be conducted for the entire government. Term limits would be enforced in all branches of the government.

    That will be a good start.

  5. I like your idea Spyndrilleum, except that lawyers should not be allowed to hold office either. Nothing personal against lawyers, except for the magnitude of slime that they get all over everything, like laws and processes. Maybe we should institute a national recall system that allows us unfortunate “smelly” tourists to recall idiots like Reid, frank and pelosi (and waxman and dodd and murtha and boxer etc….)

  6. How’s that democracy thing workin’ out for ya?

    Congress likes to think they’re better than us. We like to think we’re smart enough to elect them. The joke, it would seem, is on everyone.

    By 2010, we’ll do it all over again: a new House of Representatives and 1/3 of the Senate. I predict we’re smarter than ever – and they’re better than ever. And they’ll have a great time governing a third-world country.

  7. Being from Massachusetts, I have watched in horror for year after year as my fellow citizens elect a truly amazing squad of idiots. Many of these citizens are highly educated, but still vote against their own interest. Example: a guy I used to work with — college grad, MBA, successful businessman. He would constantly complain to me about how ridiculous taxes were. Yet he always voted for the Dems.

    Why? I think it has to do with hippie brainwashing during his formative years. He was a by-product of the hippie era — still reads Mother Jones for God’s sake. Thinks Rolling Stone is full of good writing and smart people. So he’s smart but stupid at the same time.

    So what to do? Punch a hippie! It just might prevent future infection of our next generation. Besides, even if it doesn’t, you’ll feel better.

  8. I propose we make FrankJ our benevolent dictator, as that is the only system that really works well. Either that, or the idea of 1 representative per 30,000 people, and a senate seats sold appointed by the govenor of the state they represent. In that system, we would have 10,000 representatives. The likelyhood of them getting anything done would be nil, and we could live in peace.

  9. How about making them pass a full blown “top secret” clearence investigation (to include “lifestyle” polygraph) with the results made public before taking any oath? Use the standards already in place… no clearence… NO OFFICE. A healthy civics / history test based upon based upon the establishment of our nation and its individuals with a minimum score of 95? And layer all that with absolute TERM LIMITS.. No immediate family member may serve after another for two full generations. ….. Yeah…. I do dream big…… OR WE COULD JUST KILL THEM ALL…

  10. Pingback: The Cement Lagoon » Blog Archive » Other people’s Representatives….

  11. I think the premise should be as follows:

    Anyone who decides to actually run for Congress, is immediately disqualified. “You want the job? Then you’re obviously a moron, a thief, and a corrupt blaggard, and are clearly not qualified. Beat It!”

    I like the New Hampshire model. They meet for about 3 weeks, get paid about $2500 a year, and hold their noses and pass all the budget legislation for the entire year. Then they go back to their real jobs and do something useful.

  12. Pingback: Steynian 296 « Free Canuckistan!

  13. I agree with creating 10,000 reps, then we could say they all have to telecommute (heaven knows they never go in to the office now). Then, we could have an attendance chart so we KNOW when they’re actually in the office. And their phones could switch to reception any time they aren’t actually in session. Let those bozos answer their own freaking phones for a change. We could get rid of the clerical corps, errr…aides…they could actually be among the new reps. Then we sell that enormous white masoleum they meet in to start throwing money at the deficit. That would move all the jobs that center around DC, lobbyists, etc…, to your neighborhood. Local journalists are better than the DC corps, anyway! Ooh, and we eradicate the DC journalist corps. No more Helen!! You know Joey, you are one serious genius.

  14. Other than wanting Spyndrilleum to marry me so we can have BRILLIANT children, I think we should only let them work for 3 hours a week ( b/c you know 2 1/2 hours of that will be Pelosi looking for C-SPAN camera angles that make her look alive) and pay tham less than minimum wage and with no health coverage.

  15. This might be the single-most brilliant idea I have yet heard to reform politics in our modern-era. I’m not even half-joking, more like eighth-joking. The only snag is having a special-ed room would probably require a separate $600 million visitors area that referenced Zoroastrianism.

  16. >Now, everyone will probably get partisan about this and try to strip all the Representatives on either side of all their powers, but if that happens, is that really a bad thing? Frank J

    How do you take power from the powerless? I’ve heard of imaginary numbers in math but my brain refuses to accept such an outlandish concept (one of the main reasons I’m a history major, obviously).

    There’s a story about “Talents” that’s quite popular with those of a religious bent. The up shot is that the Lord in the story gave everyone talents (type of money) one man increased his by a good bit (conservative), one by a small bit (independent) and one hid his in the ground (liberal). Guess who’s talent was taken away in the end?

    Of course today the one who hid his talent would be the hero of our story. Selfish, shameless, avarice, greed would be the names heaped upon those who dare make something out of that which they were given. Laziness, stupidity and victimization are todays watch word.

    And to answer the unspoken question, yes, I can almost always find a scriptural adaptation to most subjects.

  17. Pingback: Steynian 296

  18. you have a dream… :}
    also a lack of intelligence in this country, is the enforced use of politically correct terms. one cant express a -nonoffensive- idea w/o the fear of being sued by some minority that hir didnt know about… :}:}:}

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